International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 5 Issue Spl-II
S.No. |
Research Topic |
Paper ID |
1 |
Networking Approach in CSIR: A Case Study of CSIR-CEERI in Development of Microwave Tubes
SN Joshi |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1101 |
2 |
Advancement of Electrical Standards: A Quantum Jump
P.Banerjee |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1102 |
3 |
Advancement in Nano MOSFET Design
Dr. Chandan K Sarkar |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1103 |
4 |
Wisdom of a Planetary Exploration Mission: Is it a Really Esoteric Science Over Basic Needs?
A. B. Bhattacharya |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1104 |
5 |
High Power THz Vacuum Electronic Sources: Challenges and Scope
A.Bera, A.R. Choudhury, R.K. Sharma, S.K. Ghosh, V. Srivastava |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1105 |
6 |
Dispenser Cathodes for Terahertz Vacuum Devices Application
R. K. Barik, S. K. Shukla, M. S. Bisht, A. K. Singh, R. S. Raju |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1106 |
7 |
Antennas for Circular Polarization
Sudhabindu Ray |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1107 |
8 |
Hollow Cathode Discharge Based Devices and Applications
H. Rahaman, R. P. Lamba, V. Barot, B. L. Meena, N. Kumar, U. N. Pal, Ram Prakash |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1108 |
9 |
Resonators: A Key Ingredient in Microwave Circuits(Planar Circuit Design Perspectives)
Rowdra Ghatak, Manimala Pal |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1109 |
10 |
Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz IMPATTs Based on Group III-V Compound Semiconductors
Aritra Acharyya, Aliva Mallik, Debapriya Banerjee, Suman Gaguli, Arindam Das, Sudeepta Das Gupta, J. P. Banerjee |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1110 |
11 |
Design and Development of a Hardware Set-up of Smart Energy Meter for Energy Consumption Monitoring from Remote through Point to Point Free Space Optical Communication Link
Bratati Maity, Subhashri Chatterjee, Aritra Acharyya, T. K. Sengupta |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1111 |
12 |
Behavioural Changes of Geomagnetic Indices During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycles 24 in Comparison to Three Preceding Cycles
A.B. Bhattacharya, D. Halder |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1112 |
13 |
Photometric Follow-up of Sun Grazing “Dream Comet” ISON and Its Impact on Earth and Jovian Magnetosphere
A. B. Bhattacharya, B. Raha |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1113 |
14 |
Seasonal Variation of Spread-F Occurrence Probability at Low Latitude and its Relation with Sunspot Number
A. B. Bhattacharya, J. Pandit |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1114 |
15 |
Sunspot Activity Over the Indian Rainfall Pattern
D. K. Tripathi, A. B. Bhattacharya |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1115 |
16 |
A New Digital Phase Lock Loop Using Fuzzy Controlled Discrete Energy Separation Algorithm
Surjadeep Sarkar, Ujjwal Maulik, Baidyanath Biswas |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1116 |
17 |
On the Design of Dual Band Notch UWB Antenna and Fractal Slots on the Ground Plane for Bandwidth Enhancement
Shabana Huda, Anirban Karmakar, Rowdra Ghatak, D R Poddar |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1117 |
18 |
Automatic Identification of Optic Disc in Retinal Fundus Images
Shuvayu Goswami, Rupayan Bhattacharya, Niladri Halder |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1118 |
19 |
Characteristics of Tropical Cyclonic Storm Phailin as Derived From Satellite and Atmospherics Observations
R. Bhattacharya, R. Guha, J. Pandit, A. B. Bhattacharya |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1119 |
20 |
Importance of Structural Property and Wavelet Analysis for Detecting Radio Solar Bursts
S. Mondal, A. B. Bhattacharya |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1120 |
21 |
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence Through Radio Signals and Messages
A. B. Bhattacharya, A. Sarkar |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1121 |
22 |
An All-Optical Scheme for Developing a Synaptic Neuron by EDFA
Baishali Sarkar, Sourangshu Mukhopadhyay |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1122 |
23 |
Antenna Miniaturization Using Giuseppe Peano Fractal Structure
Tanmoy Sarkara, Joydeep Chakravortya, Rowdra Ghatakb |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1123 |
24 |
Link between Cosmic Ray Intensity and Solar Activity During Different Phases of Solar Cycles
R. Bhattacharya, M. Roy |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1124 |
25 |
A Possible Mechanism for Solar Wind Forcing of Tropospheric-Ionospheric Coupling Driven by Global Thunderstorm Activity
A. B. Bhattacharya, T. Das, B. Raha |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1125 |
26 |
Degree of Discomfort Over Assam Using Meteorological Data
R. Bhattacharya, G. Biswas, A. Bhattacharya |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1126 |
27 |
Compact Multi Frequency Patch Antenna With Spur-Lines for WLAN/WIMAX Applications
Avisankar Roy, Saurabh Anand, Praveen Kumar Choudhury, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Sunandan Bhunia |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1127 |
28 |
Design and Development of Android Guided Rover for Earth’s Surface
Dibyendu Chowdhury, SoumalyaSaha, SuvaBiswas, AbhishekMondal, SudipKr. Sit, Sunandan Bhunia |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1128 |
29 |
An Theoretical and Experimental Investigation for Developing an Optical Smart Light Source with a LED and LDR Based Feed-Back System
Somnath Sen, Sourangshu Mukhopadhyay |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1129 |
30 |
Modified Different Approaches to Generate Ultra Wideband Pulse
Surajit Kundu, Sujay Dhar, Chandan Kumar Yadav, Piyas Das |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1130 |
31 |
Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Interaction Cavity for 170 GHz, 1 MW Gyrotron
Naveen K Sahu, NishaSihag, HasinaKhatun, Mukesh K Alaria, AK Sinha |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1131 |
32 |
Locking Phenomenon in a Single Loop OEO
K Bishayee, S Mandal, A Mukherjee, S. Pal, B N Biswas |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1132 |
33 |
Study of Spectral Music Direction of Arrival Estimation Algorithm of Smart Antenna Usinghalf-Wavelength Dipole Uniform Linear Array
Dhusar Kumar Mondal |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1133 |
34 |
Multimode Beam-Wave Interaction for 24GHz/200kW Gyrotron
Dipankar Chatterjee, Om Ranjan, HasinaKhatun, AK Sinha |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1134 |
35 |
Effect of Some Global and Terrestrial Parameters on All-India Teperature: A Logistic Approach
Chandramadhab Pal |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1135 |
36 |
FPGA Implementation of Digital Modulation Schemes: BPSK and QPSK Using VHDL
Rajib Das |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1136 |
37 |
Colpitt’s Oscillator: A Tutorial
Rajib Das |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1137 |
38 |
Phase Lock Reception of Intensity Modulated Subcarrier Signals
A Mukherjee, B N Biswas |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1138 |
39 |
Dual Optoelectronic Oscillator: A Necessary Revisit
D Ghosh, A Mukherjee, S Ray, B N Biswas |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1139 |
40 |
Design and Development of Sigma-Delta Modulator
Lalita Yadav, Vedanta Kuri, Abir Chattopadhyay |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1140 |
41 |
Effect of Dielectric Permittivity and Height on a Microstrip-Fed Rectangular Patch Antenna
Suvadeep Choudhury |
IJECT/5/Spl2/EC-1141 |