VOL 5.4-2 Oct-Dec 2014



International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol 5.4 ver-2
S.No. Research Topic Paper ID
26 Carbon Nanotube Based 3-D Interconnects
Y. Amar Babu, G.M.V. Prasad

A 3D IC can be considered as a chip having multiple tiers of stacked 2D ICs. The vertically stacked ICs are electrically connected through 3D/vertical interconnects or popularly known as throughsilicon- vias (TSVs). Development of a reliable 3D integrated system is largely dependent on the choice of filler material used in the TSV. Although, several researchers and fabrication houses have demonstrated the usage of copper as filler material, but, over the time it would suffer due to the rapid increase in resistivity under the combined effects of enhanced grain boundary scattering, surface scattering and the presence of a highly diffusive barrier layer.
However, these limitations can be overcome by CNTs that exhibit higher mechanical and thermal stability, higher conductivity and larger current carrying capability. Moreover, a bundle of CNT conducts current parallely that drastically reduces the resistive parasitic and thereby propagation delay. Thus, bundled CNTs can be predicted as one of the potential candidates for future high-speed TSVs. However, the CNT growth temperature is greater than 600°C that is unfortunately incompatible with CMOS devices and many other temperature-sensitive materials, therefore, the manufacturing of CNTs largely depends on the success of fabrication houses.
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27 2100MHz Antenna Receiver for Distributed Antenna System
Cheche Bhushan Sudhakar, Jitendra Kumar Singh

A lot of schemes are proposed to exploit the transmit diversity. Distributed antenna systems (DAS) constitute one of the most attractive schemes to efficiently achieve the stringent quality of service demands of next generation wireless networks. In this project, it is investigated MISO assisted different transmission techniques used in DAS and the performance of downlink multicell DAS in terms of capacity improvement using SINR for different transmission scheme. A system level simulation tool is used to analyze the performance.
The aim of this paper is to assess the applicability of a Repeater connected to a Distributed Antenna System (DAS) for improving indoor capacity in UMTS radio network (2100 MHz). A guarantee of sufficient coverage and capacity for In-building areas constitutes a considerable issue in topology planning, because in both links, indoor users produce high interference to the outdoor network due to significant indoor propagation losses. Presented configuration effectively exploits effectively a Repeater system that amplifies the signal from the outdoor network and delivers it for indoor locations through distributed antenna system. Implementation of the analyzed Repeater system is straightforward as it does not require usage of separate carrier. Conducted measurement campaigns reveal improvement of radio conditions due to Repeater implementation that results in 35% gain of downlink capacity for indoor locations.
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28 Fusion of Palm Print Recognition with Fingerprint Scanning for Improvement in Authentication
Pulkit Gupta, Salman Ahmad, Tanisha Singhal, Virendra Singh Rajpurohit, Ravina Lalwani

Biometric identification, also known as biometric authentication is used in computer science as a form of identification and access control. Biometric Authentication systems make use of different image processing techniques to operate the biometric images. This authentication concerns with verifying a person using their biometric characteristics which comprises of their behavioral traits like typing rhythm, gait and voice ; physiological traits like face recognition, DNA, palm print, hand geometry, iris recognition, retina recognition ,odor/scent etc. The main characteristic about a biometric is that it is unique, universal, permanent and acceptable i.e. no two persons in this universe can have same biometrics. Even a minute difference in texture of a biometric image of any person, makes that person some another person. In the following work, we will be using Gabor filter to extract the framework of palm print and finger print and fusion of the above two would be done by concatenation. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is used for simplifying the procedure, by reducing the high dimensionality of fused features. And then finally user verification/authentication is done (whether user is genuine or con) by taking the most significant features of the user.
Classification is done by using any two-class classifiers. Classification is done using three classifiers namely a SVM (Support Vector Machine) classifier with Linear and RBF (Radial Functional Basis) kernels and NC (Normalized Correlation) and the results were compared. Accuracy for classification of 97.9% is examined in literature for high resolution scanner images. The minimum total error ever reported in literature is 7.99%. The main objective of this piece of work is at bettering the veracity of the authentication systems with noisy samples, while reducing the False Acceptance Rate (FAR), Equal Error Rate (EER), Total Error (TE), and False Rejection Rate (FRR). A real time database was designed with a finger and palm print scanner which was then used for evaluation of the whole system. There are four samples each for a particular user in the database.
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29 Treatment of ASV used by King Kobra Bite
Karimella Vikram, K Venkatesh Reddy, Dr. A. Goverdhan, Dr. Niraj Upadyaya

The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is an elapid found predominantly in forests from India through Southeast Asia. This species is the world’s longest venomous snake, with a length up to 18.5 to 18.8 ft (5.6 to 5.7 m). Despite the word “cobra” in its common name, this snake is not a member of the Naja genus (“true cobras”), which contains most cobra species, but the sole member of its own genus. It preys chiefly on other snakes and occasionally on some other vertebrates, such as lizards and rodents. The king cobra is considered to be a dangerous snake and has a fearsome reputation in its range, although it typically avoids confrontation with humans if possible. It is also considered culturally significant and has many superstitions around it. Many sophisticated design techniques, superior materials, and an exceptional connection system combine to make King Cobra possible. Whether used single ended (RCA plugs) or balanced (XLR plugs), King Cobra’s open and natural sound is obvious.
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30 Comparing Dedicated Local Area Network With Third Generation Network
Pulkit Gupta, Tanisha Singhal, Virendra Singh Rajpurohit, Ravina Lalwani

3G Networks are gaining popularity among users day by day. They are affecting a normal human life to a great extent. But this technology cannot be considered to be perfect as there are some performance issues in this technology. So in this paper we compare the performance of Dedicated Local Area Network with Third Generation (3G) Networks.
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31 Ethical Hacking Techniques Using for Firewall Solutions
Karimella Vikram, K Venkatesh Reddy, Dr. A. Goverdhan, Dr. Niraj Upadyaya

Now a day, there is a great demand of Ethical Hackers and IT Security Experts. Online businesses and companies in IT sector are increasing at a high rate and every one needs an ethical hacker for the security accounts or systems . An ethical hacker is a presentation testing expert who make security for whole organization to prevent from external attcks or data loss. All companies need a certifies hacker and for certification you must have to clear an exam which only can be cleared by undergo training. This paper explores the ethics behind ethical hacking and whether there are problems that lie with this new field of work. Since ethical hacking has been a controversial subject over the past few years, the question remains of the true intentions of ethical hackers. The paper also looks at ways in which future research could be looked into to help keep ethical hacking, ethical.
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32 Fast FIR Algorithm Based Parallel FIR Digital Filter Structures for Symmetric Convolutions
Ms. S. A.Takalkar, Prof. Y. D. Borole

Based on fast finite-impulse response (FIR) algorithms (FFAs), this paper proposes new parallel FIR filter structures, which are beneficial to symmetric coefficients in terms of the hardware cost, when the number of taps is a multiple of 2 or 3. The proposed parallel FIR structures exploit the inherent nature of symmetric coefficients reducing half the number of multipliers in sub filter section at the expense of additional adders in preprocessing and post processing blocks. Exchanging multipliers with adders is advantageous because adders weigh less than multipliers in terms of silicon area; in addition, the overhead from the additional adders in preprocessing and post processing blocks stay fixed and do not increase along with the length of the FIR filter, whereas the number of reduced multipliers increases along with the length of the FIR filter. For example, for a two-parallel 576-tap filter, the proposed structure saves 144 multipliers at the expense of 2 adders still. Overall, the proposed parallel FIR structures can lead to significant hardware savings for symmetric convolutions from the existing FFA parallel FIR filter, especially when the length of the filter is large.
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33 Impact of Security Attacks on Routing Protocols in MANETs
Priyanka Chandragiri, Dr Muzzammil Hussain

Most of the routing protocols, applications and services in mobile ad-hoc networks assume a cooperative and friendly network environment and therefore do not accommodate security. The routing protocols in mobile ad-hoc networks are more vulnerable to these security attacks. Malicious nodes attack by inserting erroneous routing updates, replaying old routing information, changing routing updates, or advertising incorrect routing information due to which the network will not be able to provide service properly. Attacks like reducing the amount of routing information available to other nodes, failing to advertise certain routes or discarding routing packets or parts of routing packets are due to selfish behavior of a node. In this paper we discuss various security attacks like Worm hole, Rushing attack, and Sybil attack on routing protocols in MANETs and also study the impact of those attacks on the performance of the routing protocols.
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34 Analysis and Compensation of Four Wave Mixing Products in Wavelength Division Multiplexing System
Himakshi Sharma, Er. Gian Thakur

In this paper we had investigated the non-linearity i.e. Four Wave Mixing in Wavelength Division Multiplexing system. Also the effect of phase mismatching (dispersion) and Optical signal to noise ratio is analyzed. The effect of channel spacing and increasing number of channels is taken into account. This works aims at finding the new possibilities to mitigate the effect of four wave mixing in Wavelength Division Multiplexing systems. The outputs are analyzed in optical spectrum analyzers.
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35 Comparative Analysis of DWT, SWT, DWT&SWT and DTCWT-Based Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement
P.Bala Srinivas, B.Venkatesh

Satellite images are used in many applications such as geosciences studies, astronomy, and geographical information systems. One of the most important quality factors in images comes from its resolution. Image resolution enhancement is one of the first steps in image processing. Image resolution enhancement is the process of manipulating an image so that resultant image is more suitable than the original one for specific application. Image enhancement can be done in various domains. For image resolution enhancement there are many methods, out of which image interpolation scheme is one of the most effective method. However, resolution is vital aspect of any image. Good quality image i.e. high-resolution image produces better result in image processing application In this paper we are studying two wavelet and interpolation based image resolution enhancement techniques. These techniques are basically based on the discrete wavelet transform and stationary wavelet transform. The comparison of these two image resolution enhancement techniques is shown by using different satellite benchmark images and also quantitative results showing the superiority between these two image resolution enhancement techniques.
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36 A Survey on De-Speckling of SAR Images
Y. Murali Mohan Babu, M.V. Subramanyam, M.N. Giri Prasad

The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery has become very important and popular in earth observation systems due its ability to operate at any weather conditions, its penetration capability through the clouds and soil. Due to these reasons it plays major role in remote sensing over regular optical satellite imagery systems.
The SAR imagery systems depend upon coherence properties of the scattered signals, they are highly susceptible to interference effects. Because of the coherent nature of RADAR waves and the subsequent coherent processing, SAR images are corrupted by a strong specific noise, called “speckle”. Thus, it has become crucial to remove the speckle noise using suitable techniques. The goal of despeckling is to remove noise and to preserve all textural features in the SAR images. In this paper we will concentrate on some major areas of de-speckling methods.
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37 Hand Gesture Recognition And Voice Conversion System Using Sign Language Transcription System
Vajjarapu Lavanya, Akulapravin, M.S., Madhan Mohan

Generally dumb people use sign language for communication but they find difficulty in communicating with others who don’t understand sign language. This project aims to lower this barrier in communication. It is based on the need of developing an electronic device that can translate sign language into speech in order to make the communication take place between the mute communities with the general public possible. A Wireless data gloves is used which is normal cloth driving gloves fitted with flex sensors along the length of each finger and the thumb. Mute people can use the gloves to perform hand gesture and it will be converted into speech so that normal people can understand their expression. Sign language is the language used by mute people and it is a communication skill that uses gestures instead of sound to convey meaning simultaneously combining hand shapes, orientations and movement of the hands, arms or body and facial expressions to express fluidly a speaker’s thoughts. Signs are used to communicate words and sentences to audience. A gesture in a sign language is a particular movement of the hands with a specific shape made out of them. A sign language usually provides sign for whole words. It can also provide sign for letters to perform words that don’t have corresponding sign in that sign language. In this project Flex Sensor plays the major role, Flex sensors are sensors that change in resistance depending on the amount of bend on the sensor. The final implemented design is using cupper plate based glove. This glove can be made using small metal strips that are fixed on the five fingers of the glove. It is better to use a ground plate instead of individual metal strips is because the contact area for ground will be more facilitating easy identification of finger position. We are in process of developing a prototype using this process to reduce the communication gap between differentially able and normal people.
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38 Comparative Study of Different Coding Standards used in H.263 and H.264 Video Codec
Anurag Pandey, Sudha Pandey, Shirish Tripathi

This paper represents the Algorithm for various Coding standards such as Syntax based arithmetic coding and Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding used in MPEG, H.263 and H.264 respectively and their analysis. we discuss Block diagrams of CABAC codec of H.264/AVC and Modified parallel algorithm for CABAC. Experiments demonstrate that this SBAC provides the improvement of up to 1dB over conventional H.263. For a set of test sequences representing typical material used in broadcast applications and for a range of acceptable video quality of about 30 to 38 dB, average bit-rate savings of 9%-14% are achieved. For different bit rate PSNR is calculated with and without SBAC.
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39 A Review on Normalization of Illumination in Remote Sensing Images
Swapnil Dhanraj Ambade, Geetanjali Paliwal

The MTF describes how the sensor optics and electronics modulate the original signal (image). X. Y. Li et.al used a two-image comparison approach to determine the MTF, with three pairs of images acquired on different dates. The method needs all images at same illumination conditions. Thus, it was necessary to do illumination normalization. It introduced a method which was combination of gradient domain method and improved singular value equalization; it achieved a good result of illumination normalization. In this method the illumination consistency was assessed by a parameter named p(rho). First, contrast was modified through gradient domain method then the mean of each image was adjusted to the mean of all images using improved SVE. It was showed experimentally by comparing the histograms and p values, it was found that the bigger p was, the more consistent the images were and the method can normalize illumination of any amount of images.
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