International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 4 Issue 2, Ver. 2
S.No. | Research Topic | Paper ID | |
30 | Diversity Reception to Mitigate Multipath Effects in Indoor Channel for Acquisition of GPS Based Pseudolite Signal
P.Veeranath, Dr. D.N. Rao, Dr. S.Vathsal, P.Masthanaiah Abstract The GPS is best technique in the navigation and positioning field. The main limitation of the GPS use indoors are the low signal power and the presence of multi-paths and Near and Far Problems which may affect significantly the signal acquisition and tracking accuracy[1]. The performance of GPS needs to be improved with the help of GPS-like ground transmitter, the Pseudolite provides a new research direction to achieve high positioning accuracy and reliability. Pseudolites are local transmitters on Earth that transmits GPS like ranging signals in order for augment the GPS system for use in locations where satellite signals may be obstructed [1]. In this paper, we have focused on the coarse acquisition (C/A) codes, GPS based pseudolite signal PRN 36 is Generated by using ICD-GPS-200C Date sheet, modulated with the help of BPSK modulator and Considered Multipath Effects (White Gaussian Noise and Rayleigh Noise) on the generated C/A code, removed with the help of EGC and MRC Algorithm and calculated BER to show results. Finally Desired GPS based pseudolite signal was acquired |
IJECT/42/2/B-698 | |
31 | A Microstrip Antenna for DVB-H and Bluetooth Operation Using Defected Ground Structure
A. K. Arya Abstract This paper presents the design of a dual band antenna with the dumbbell shaped defected ground structure (DGS) for L-Band DBVH (1452-1492 MHz) and Bluetooth (2.4 GHz) applications. Using the DGS in a back to back combined single fed proximity coupled antenna, dual band operation is achieved with an overall size reduction of ≈ 40%. The simulation study has been carried out using CST Microwave Studio. The simulated results along with the parametric study are graphically appreciated. |
IJECT/42/2/B-699 | |
32 | E-Waste Management: An Approach Towards Environmental Sustainability Amandeep Singh, Tanvir Singh, Amit Kumar |
IJECT/42/2/B-700 | |
33 | Multiband Fractal Patch Antenna Loaded with Metamaterials Unit Cell
Jagatjit Singh, Danvir Mandal Abstract In this paper a multiband fractal antenna with metamaterial is purposed. First Sierpinski’s carpet is applied to a patch antenna to make its operation multiband and then this antenna is loaded with Split Ring Resonators (SRRs) unit cell at loading distance of 0.5mm. MNG(mu negative) material loading improves antenna performance in terms of bandwidth. SRRs unit cell is separately tested for its μ negative behaviour. MATLAB software programme is used to extract effective parameters of SRRs. Antenna simulation is done in High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software program. Purposed antenna covers 5 GHz band for Wi-Fi communication and a part of X band and Ku band for satellite communication. |
IJECT/42/2/B-701 | |
34 | Algorithm for Image Scale-Up using Sparse Signal Processing
D. Florence Monica, N. Venkateswaran Abstract In this paper, we present a new procedure to perform image scale-up from a single low resolution noisy blurred image using sparse representation. The framework includes testing phase and training phase. High and low resolution dictionaries are trained using K-SVD method in the training phase. In testing phase, the trained high resolution dictionary is updated using the noisy LR input image. Instead of obtaining the sparse representation of noisy low resolution image from the low resolution dictionary, the proposed framework obtains the sparse representation of the input image from the updated high resolution dictionary. The scale up image is generated by multiplying the obtained sparse representation and the updated high resolution dictionary. This method is found to be effective and outperforms the existing single image scale up methods for noisy images. |
IJECT/42/2/B-702 | |
35 | Designing and Evaluation of Performance of MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication System Using STBC Encoding
Rajiv Kamboj, Supriya Verma, Vijay Sharma, Sukhvinder Malik Abstract This paper provides a brief introduction of MIMO-OFDM wireless communication system. Here performance evaluation of the MIMO-OFDM system using STBC is given. Wireless designers constantly seek to improve the spectrum efficiency/ capacity, coverage of wireless networks, and link reliability. So theperformances of the wireless communication systems can be enhanced by using multiple transmit and receive antennas, which is generally referred to as the MIMO technique. Space time block codes (STBC) have a most attractive feature of the linear decoding/ detection algorithms and thus become the most popular among MIMO-OFDM communication system.Analysis will be carried out for an OFDM wireless communication system using space time block code (STBC) at the transmitter and considering the effect and the wireless channel like AWGN, fading. Also a comparison will be made for the above mentioned technique by using different modulation method i.e. BPSK and QAM. Performance results will be evaluated numerically and graphically using the plots of BER versus SNR and Constellation diagram. |
IJECT/42/2/B-703 | |
36 | Designing and Comparative Analysis of Selection, EGC and MRC Diversity Techniques for OFDM System
Nidhi Kaushik, Nidhi Mittal Abstract This paper provides a brief introduction to the various types of Diversity systems in wireless systems. Stepping into the new generation of mobile communication it is of concern to increase the performance of the mobile terminals and their antennas to be able to answer to the demand of faster and more various communicational services. Still, the issue of signal fading in a multi-path environment stands as an obstacle today. The purpose of this work is to introduce diversity techniques as a promising way of improving the performance at the mobile terminals. The goal is more profound, dealing with analysis of the correlation between received signals and the propagation environments that diversity improvement depends on, and putting together a repeatable method for measuring the improvement. The work resulted in simulated and measured diversity performance for three different, antenna diversity concepts created for the purpose of this work. The results confirmed by using Rayleigh fading in AWGN noisy channel and with the BPSK modulation, presented the best diversity technique out of three and also provide a comparison between all. An analytical expression for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and bit-error-rate (BER) at the output of a three-diversity technique maximal ratio combining, equal gain combining and selection diversity system is given. The three branches are assumed to be Rayleigh fading, correlated with the BPSK modulation.Measurements of the signal-to-noise ratio with the multiple numbers of receivers and bit-error-rate with the Eb/N0 after selection, equal gain combining and maximal ratio combining were made in Rayleigh fading channels and compared with the analytical results. |
IJECT/42/2/B-704 | |
37 | Performance Evaluation & Comparative Analysis of MMSE Technique for Designing of a MIMO-OFDM System
Parul Wadhwa, Gaurav Gupta Abstract MIMO Systems use multiple inputs and multiple outputs from a single channel. They are defined by Spatial Diversity and Spatial Multiplexing. The effect of fading and interference effects can be minimized with equalizer. The performance of MMSE equalizer based receiver for MIMO wireless channel is analyzed. The BER characteristics for varying number of transmitting and receiving antenna is simulated in mat lab tool box and many advantages and disadvantages of the system are described. The simulation carries out & shows that the MMSE equalizer based receiver is a good choice for removing some ISI and minimizes the total noise power. The results show that the BER decreases as the m x n antenna configuration increases. |
IJECT/42/2/B-705 | |
38 | Simulative Comparison of Pre-, Post- and Symmetrical Dispersion Compensation on 40 Gbps OTDM System
Jyotsana, Ramandeep Kaur, Rajandeep Singh Abstract Optical Time Division Multiplexing (OTDM) is a technique that transmits very high bit rate at a single carrier wavelength over optical fiber. In this work, the results of three dispersion compensation techniques: pre-, post- and symmetrical have been compared for different fiber standards – Alcatel, ITU 652a, ITU 653, ITU 654, ITU 655 on 40Gbps OTDM system. It has been found that maximum transmission length upto 3200km with Q value of 6.08 can be achieved using Alcatel fiber (D=8ps/nm/km) with post-compensation. |
IJECT/42/2/B-706 | |
39 | Anonymous Publication of Data Using Privacy Preserving Techniques
B. Chellaprabha, Jithin T. P Abstract There are many privacy preserving techniques has been designed for publishing the micro data. In this paper we describe various privacy preserving techniques and how they are performed. They mainly rely on generalization, suppression and bucketization, which does not handle the re-identification of data and also it lacks in high dimensional data. To overcome the problems of the privacy preserving technique, we introduce a new method called slicing with nearest-neighbour search algorithm, which partitions the data both horizontally and vertically. Here we show that slicing preserves better data utility than generalization and can be used for protection of membership disclosure. Another advantage of slicing is that it can handle high-dimensional data. This study analyses various problems in publishing of micro data and how they are protected using this techniques. In slicing random grouping of data are used. It is very complex to search the correlated attributes and duplication may be possible in buckets. So slicing is modified with nearest-neighbour search algorithm. In the proposed method an encryption algorithm is used for encrypt the sensitive data. |
IJECT/42/2/B-707 | |
40 | Comparison of Watermarking Techniques
Prabhjot Kaur, Reena, Pardeep Kajal Abstract Due to improvement in imaging technology and the ease with which digital content can be reproduced and manipulated there is a strong need for a digital copyright mechanism to be put in place. Digital Watermarking is being seen as a potential solution to this problem Digital watermarking is a technology which embeds a watermark signal into the host image to authenticate it. It deals with hiding secret bits of information with a digital content as a cover. This is very useful for many applications like copyright control, ownership identification, authenticity of documents, captioning, broadcast monitoring, Transaction tracking etc. Various techniques for watermarking have been proposed in the recent past. The discussion of some techniques and their results are presented in this paper which forms the basis of comparison between these techniques. |
IJECT/42/2/B-708 | |
41 | Comparative Analysis of 3G and 4G Mobile Communication System
Sanjay Arya, Sanjay Chouhan Abstract Nowadays the use of 3G mobile communication systems seem to be the standard, while 4G stands for the next generation of wireless and mobile communications. Now a days mobile broadband is becoming a reality, as the Internet generation grows accustomed to having broadband access wherever they go, and not just at home or in the office. In this research paper, we present the detail comparison of the third and fourth generations of the mobile communication technologies to have a better knowledge and understanding in the advancement of mobile communication systems of the three targets (Terminals, Network and Applications). This research work can guide researchers who desire to have a foundation for further research and study in the field of mobile communication system. |
IJECT/42/2/B-709 | |
42 | Automatic Detection of Macular Edema from Fundus Images
Nivetha.B, Sathiya Sivam.B Abstract Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) is a defect of DR causing vision loss and blindness in human retina. DME is the swelling of the retina in diabetic patients leading to leakage of fluid within the central macula from hard exudates which is severe due to elevated blood sugar levels. This paper describes a method to the rapid detection and extraction of features like optic disc and macula from the images of human retina with exudates presence. Automated detection of retinal lesions can reduce the workload of doctors such that more no. of patients can be examined. A normal retina was differentiated from the diseased retina affected by DR by classified DR as normal moderate and severe states by extracting features using Region of Interest (ROI).These features were fed to Gaussian and PCA DD classifiers with severity accuracy of 83% for moderate cases and 100% for severe cases. Our work is extended with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) using Back propagation Algorithm for increasing accurate classification of normal and abnormal images. |
IJECT/42/2/B-710 | |
43 | Configuring an Optical Character Recognition System Using Labview
Dilpreet Kaur Dhillon, Preeti Bansal Abstract Optical Character Recognition is a field of research in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and computer-vision that ultimately aims to compete with the human ability to read written/ printed text regarding both the speed and accuracy by associating character codes to digitally acquired images of characters. This paper presents identification of alphanumeric text and different fonts. The system based on the National Instruments LabVIEW environment. This system will be highly useful to those who face many problems in daily life such as illiterate, deafened and vocally handicapped people. This paper starts with an Introduction to some concepts on Optical Character Recognition, which will very useful for the readers which are interested in this area of research. |
IJECT/42/2/B-711 | |
44 | Application of Smart Antenna for Mobile Communication
Shweta Bhawsar, Sanjeev Jain Abstract The adoption of smart / adaptive antenna techniques in future cellular mobile systems is expected to have a significant impact on the efficient use of the spectrum, the minimization of the cost of establishing new cellular networks, the optimization of service quality and realization of transparent operation across multi technology cellular networks [1]. This paper presents brief account on Smart Antenna (SA) system. Smart antenna can place nulls in the direction of interferers via adaptive updating of weights linked to each antenna element. Smart antenna thus cancels out most of the co-channel interference resulting in better quality of reception and lower dropped calls. Smart antenna can also track the user within a cell via direction of arrival algorithms [2]. This paper explains the architecture, evolution and how the smart / adaptive antenna differs from the basic format of antenna. The paper further explains about the radiation pattern of the antenna and why it is highly preferred in its relative field. The capabilities of smart /adaptive antenna are easily employable to Cognitive Radio and OFDMA (orthogonal frequency division multiple access) system. |
IJECT/42/2/B-712 | |
45 | High-Speed 64-Bit Binary Comparator Using Three Stages with Three Different Logic Styles
Anjuli, Satyajit Anand Abstract High-speed 64-bit binary comparator using three stages with three different logic styles is proposed in this brief. Comparison is most basic arithmetic operation that determines if one number is greater than, equal to, or less than the other number. Comparator is most fundamental component that performs comparison operation. This brief presents comparison of modified and existing 64-bit binary comparator designs concentrating on delay. Means some modifications have been done in existing 64-bit binary comparator design to improve the speed of the circuit. Comparison between modified and existing 64-bit binary comparator designs is calculated by simulation that is performed at 90nm technology in Tanner EDA Tool. |
IJECT/42/2/B-713 | |
46 | Image Security Through a Combination of Digital Watermarking, Visual Cryptography & LSB Steganography
Rashmi A. Wakode, Manik D. Ingole, Madhavi S. Joshi Abstract The protection of intellectual property rights became recently a pressing need especially with the rapid growth of transmission techniques. In this paper, we present a copyright protection method, a non-blind watermarking technique based on the image content, visual cryptography & Steganography for better content protection. Our approach uses the steerable pyramid decomposition: the image is decomposed into a set of sub bands and each one is individually marked. Many experiences performed with real images shows the good performance of the proposed method which is resistant to JPEG compression, additive noise and median filtering. |
IJECT/42/2/B-714 | |
47 | Potentiometer Based Digital Weighing Machine
J.S. Bhatia, Tejinder Singh Abstract Potentiometer has been evolved into a reliable form of displacement Potentiometer has been evolved into a reliable form of displacement measuring transducer. Its applications are mainly found in industry for the measurement of displacement, force, pressure etc. This paper discusses the design considerations of a potentiometer based digital weighing machine capable of weighing up to 80 kgs. of weight. PIC microcontroller is used to acquire , process and display the weight onto the 16*2 LCD. The system has been designed and calibrated using the standard weights and is found to be simple and of low cost. |
IJECT/42/2/B-715 | |
48 | A Novel Multimodal Medical Image Fusion for Cancer Applications
P.S. Gomathi, K. Poornapadmashree Abstract Image fusion is essentially required for the diagnosis of various disease and disorders such as cancer. A CT image has anatomical detail with low spatial resolution, where as PET image has molecular metabolic detail with high spectral resolution. For processing and analyzing, medical image processing require both low spatial and high spectral information in a single image to be more informative, which can be achieved by Pet-CT fusion allowing physician to locate and identify potential malignancies. A novel algorithm is developed by fusing with CT image which histogram matched with PET image and CT where the resultant image is decomposed using DWT followed by some fusion rules and perform IDWT, finally fused image is obtained which will be more informative for the physician to locate and stage the cancer, other disease and disorders. |
IJECT/42/2/B-716 | |
49 | An Energy Efficient Technique to Maximize Lifetime of Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network
S.Jegadeesan, M.Sabish, T.Suba Ananthan, K.Sudhakar, D.Syed Ismail Abstract In WSN large number of nodes is deployed randomly in a field to some specific task. The main constrain in WSN is power. In order to increase the lifetime of the nodes, we have to reduce the power consumption. Maximizing the lifetime of the nodes by reducing power consumption can be done by many ways. Our approach is a combination of four methods 1. Clustering technology 2.sink trial protocol 3.dual sink 4.CRT mechanism by which we can reduce the power consumption In this paper we present an energy efficient technique to increase lifetime of sensor nodes in WSN by combining the above four techniques. The main objective of this technique is to reduce the transmitting distance of nodes and to conserve the energy of nodes using all possible ways. |
IJECT/42/2/B-717 | |
50 | Novel Design of Broadband Printed Dipole Antennas Loaded With Slots on Arms
R. P. Ghosh, K. Patra, B.Gupta, S.K.Chowdhury Abstract Two arms of Printed Dipole Antenna (PDA) are printed on two sides of a substrate.PDA are used widely because it presents large Return Loss (RL)/impedance bandwidth and low cross polar radiation. It is also featured by its small size and linear polarization. But maximum RL bandwidth reported so far is not sufficient for many present day data applications like streaming video, real time navigation, medical imaging etc. To increase the RL bandwidth of PDA several designs has been proposed along with complicated feed structures. Some reported antenna design techniques to increase RL bandwidth are flaring of arms, use of parasitic elements or use in array environment. But flaring of arms increases cross polar component and use of parasitic element increase the size of the antenna as well. Additional balun network is also used in feed structure to increase RL bandwidth, making its design and fabrication more complicated. Simple designs of PDAs loaded with slots on arms along with simple feed structure are presented here. A shaped ground plane is used which acts as an integrated blun. Two types of slots, circular and rectangular are studied. Optimized design of slots along with total number of slots, acts to increase RL bandwidth considerably. In antenna-1 rectangular slots slanted by an angle 150 produces 10dB RL bandwidth of 64% in the S band. In antenna -2, slots are circular and it also produces 10dB RL bandwidth of 65% in S band. The design and optimsation of the antennas has been carried out through extensive computer simulation using Method of Moment (MOM) based commercial software IE3D.Antenna -1 and Antenna -2 has been fabricated as they have the best return loss bandwidth. Measured results are in good agreement with simulated results. |
IJECT/42/2/B-718 | |
51 | Online Automation of Industrial Parameter Using Embedded Server and TCP/IP
Rajnikant C. Aghara, Dhaval S. Pipalia Abstract Industrial automation is immerging and challenging field in this century. Now a day there are various technology and fields are available for industrial automation. This one is a novel approach to reach market or user requirement. Online automation means observe all the different sensed data on web browser. The data which shows browser is stored or analyze by Embedded Web Server (EWS). Here there is no limitation on number of sensor or no of parameter. |
IJECT/42/2/B-719 | |
52 | Meteorological Data Acquisition System Based on ARM and CAN Bus
Md. Asim Iqbal Abstract Aimed at the current situation that the domestic automatic meteorological data acquisition system is almost based the use of foreign products, a design method of multi-channel. meteorological data acquisition system was given which based on ARM and CAN Bus. In the design, it fulfills the acquisition requirements of the analog signals, digital signals and intelligent sensor data through a combination of hardware and software technologies. In order to improve system’s real-time answering capability and multi-task processing capability, it is used “main collector + external bus + sub-collector + sensors + peripheral equipment” in structure design of hardware. At the same time, it is transplanted Linux operating system to improve the reliability and scalability of system. It is translated Linux operating system to embedded processor, and making use of Internet to send meteorological data in Linux operating system. Then the complicated cabling project could be omitted, the data were sent without PC, and in favor of constituting Large-scale meteorological monitoring network. |
IJECT/42/2/B-720 |