Vol 3 Issue 4-3



International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 3 Issue 4, Ver. 3
S.No. Research Topic Paper ID
   70 Enhancing Capacity of Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Network

M. Nasim Faruque, Dr. S. N. Ahmad


Wireless networks with multi-channel multi-radio availability are attracting more and more attention from the research community because of its performance improvement, relatively lower cost and lesser complexity. Most works in the literature consider the performance of multi-channel multi-access wireless networks with predefined numbers of channels and radios and develop algorithms for channel allocation and transmission scheduling. The capacity limit on multi channel multi-radio wireless networks was seldom addressed before. In this work, we study two problems: in a specific topology what is the maximum capacity we can get when the number of channels and radios are given and what is the impact of the number of radios on the system performance. To answer these questions, we propose a general model to find the maximum capacity given a multi-channel multi-radio wireless network. We then use the model to study the impact of radio constraints.
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   71 Categorizing Circuit and Architectural Innovations for Improved the Energy and Delay of Digital Systems and Various Levels of Parallelism for Reducing the Energy Waste in Processors of Deepsub Micron Technology

P Muni Guravaiah, Dr. E Naga Bushnam, Dr. K Chenna Keshavareddy


Categorizations of circuit- and architectural-level innovations from the perspective of energy waste reduction and energy-delay tradeoff. Find that the circuit innovations either tune Transistors’ dimensions, structures, or voltage levels and the architectural innovations are based on three critical techniques exploiting parallelism, utilizing predictability, and reducing energy waste and categorize the architectural innovations according to the techniques while analyzing their impacts on energy and delay.
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   72 PWM Based Speed Control of DC Geared Motor Using 802.15.4 LAN Standard Protocol

Jeetender Singh Chauhan, Dr. Rajesh Singh, Sunil Semwal, Shashank Mishra


The D.C Motor is widely used in industrial applications in various configurations i.e. D.C Shunt Motor, D.C Compound Motor, D.C Series Motor. This paper gives a brief insight about wireless speed Control of a D.C Motor so that it can be used more efficiently in industrial applications. The setup consists of a transmitter which generates control signals which are wirelessly transmitted to the receiver. The receiver according to the control signals controls the speed of the D.C motor provided by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).The control signals are transmitted using RF wireless module Zigbee. Hence forth the speed of the D.C Motor can be controlled wirelessly through a control room which makes the system sustainable.
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   73 Design of Double C Slot Microstrip Patch Antennas with Defected Ground Structure for Wi-Max

N. R. Ingale, S. B. Deosarkar, V. U. Deshmukh


In this paper a C slot, double C-slot microstrip antenna and double C slot with defected ground structure are designed and simulated for the WiMax frequency range of 2.5-2.69 GHz. WiMax theoretically can have coverage of up to 50 km radius. WiMax has three allocated frequency bands. The low band (2. 5-2.69 GHz), the middle band (3.2-3.8 GHz) and the upper band (5.2- 5.8 GHz).And comparative analysis of both antennas. Due to development of communication engineering with integration technology demand size reduction of low frequency antennas as an important design perspective and bandwidth enhancement. Presents a size reduction of 37% when compared to a conventional square microstrip patch antenna. And bandwidth enhancement using defected ground structure. The antenna is fed by Inset feeding technique. The antenna is designed using FR4 as dielectric substrate. The characterization result of return loss, VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio), radiation pattern, and gain are presented consecutively. From the result, it shows that the proposed antenna has the return loss of 17.69dB that corresponds to VSWR of 1.289 at center frequency of 2.66 GHz. Measurement results are in good agreement with theoretical results. And Extensive simulated on HFSS simulation software.
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   74 A Realization Methodology of Emerging Various Types of Power Gated Circuits

R. Priyakanth, A. Radha


High leakage current in deep-sub micrometer designs have become a significant contributor to total power dissipation of CMOS circuits, as short-channel transistors require lower power supply levels to reduce power consumption. This forces a reduction in the threshold voltage that causes a substantial increase of weak inversion current. As low power circuits are most popular now a days as the scaling increase the leakage powers in the circuit also increases rapidly so for removing these kind of leakages and to provide a better power efficiency we are using many types of power gating techniques. In this paper we are going to analyze the different types of flip-flops using different types of power gated circuits using low power VLSI design techniques and we are going to display the comparison results between different nanometre technologies. The simulations were done using Micro wind Layout Editor & DSCH software and the results were given below.
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   75 A Review on Zero Crossing Detector

Ankita Gupta, Rajeev Thakur, Sachin Murarka


Zero crossing detection is the most common method for measuring the frequency or the period of a periodic signal. This paper presents a comparative study of various zero crossing detector techniques. The accuracy of measuring zero crossing for synchronizing power system control and instrumentation requires a diverse approach to minimize phase detection errors from signals corrupted with noise and extraneous signals
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   76 Modified scheme for Lossy Compression and Iterative Reconstruction for Encrypted Image

Asha P. Ghodake, Sujata Mendgudle


This paper presents advanced scheme for lossy compression of an encrypted image with flexible compression ratio. Encryption of original image is obtained by using pseudorandom permutation. Then encrypted image is compressed by using orthogonal transform and then the excessively rough and fine information in the coefficients is removed, leading to a reduced data amount. After receiving the compressed image, receiver can reconstruct the principle contents of original image by iteratively updating the values of coefficients. For this process flexible compression ratio is used. The compression ratio and the qualities of the reconstructed image are dependent on the values of compression parameters. Higher the compression ratio and the smoother the original image, the better the quality of the reconstructed image. The proposed scheme significantly improves the compression efficiency.
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   77 Performance Efficient FPGA Implementation of 2D Image Filtering using Xilinx System Generator (XSG)

A. Radha, R. Priyakanth


This application note provides a Xilinx FPGA solution to twodimensional filtering with a parameterized VHDL reference design. Two-dimensional linear filtering (2D FIR) has many applications in imaging and video processing. The range of applications vary from very precise medical imaging systems to low precision industrial imaging and consumer video applications This paper presents an architecture for filters pixel by pixel and regions filters for image processing using Xilinx System Generator (XSG). This architecture offer an alternative through a graphical user interface that combines MATLAB, Simulink and XSG and explore important aspects concerned to hardware implementation.
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   78 Face Recognition by using Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Network

Jyoti Rajharia, P.C. Gupta


Face recognition technology has seen dramatic improvements in performance over the past decade, and such systems are now widely used for security and commercial applications. In this paper an improved approach has been used in which feed forward back propagation neural network is implemented through matlab. The results obtained shows that the proposed approach somewhat improves the performance compared to the previous approaches.
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   79 A Review of Different Architectures of Operational Transconductance Amplifier

Sanjeev Sharma, Pawandeep Kaur, Tapsi Singh, Mukesh Kumar


The outside world is of analog nature and to interact with computerized devices, we need analog and mixed signals along with Analog to Digital (A/D) circuits. Among various analog circuits, Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) plays a very dominant role. OTA is an amplifier whose differential input voltage produces an output current. Its main characteristics are Gain, Unity Gain Bandwidth, Phase margin, Output swing, Slew rate, CMRR, PSRR and Offset etc. It is widely used in Voltage Controlled Amplifiers, A/D converters and filter applications. In this paper we discussed different architectures of the OTA and the Trade-offs among its characteristics made evident. Designing a high gain, high speed and low power consuming OTA is real challenge for the analog designers. As increasing or decreasing in one parameter will result in variations in other parameters. This paper identifies the different issues related to OTA and solution to overcome different Trade-offs.
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   80 A Novel Method for Speech Enhancement by Using Improved Kalman Filtering Algorithm in Speech Signal

G. Rajavali, G. Ramesh Babu, K. W. Rajesh Kumar


In this paper, we propose an speech enhancement technique based on improved kalman filtering algorithm. Most of the speech signals are affected in the presence of noise content. In this paper we solve this problem by using effective method for improved version of Kalman filter. Generally, the parameters of auto regressive models are important to calculate and a lot of matrix operations in conventional kalman filtering algorithm. The proposed technique eliminates matrix operations and reduces the processing time by updating state vector. We design a coefficient factor for improved filtering, to automatically amend the estimation of environmental noise by the observation data. In the proposed technique, the simulation results shows high efficiency and effective enhancement to be done compared to the conventional kalman filtering algorithm.
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   81 Calibration of Mismatches in Two Channel Time Interleaved ADC Using LMS and FXLMS Algorithm

Monika Agrawal, Rajesh Nema


A time-interleaved A–D converter (ADC) system is an effective way to implement a high-sampling-rate ADC with relatively slow circuits. In the system, several channel ADCs operate at interleaved sampling times as if they were effectively a single ADC operating at a much higher sampling rate. However, mismatches such as offset, gain, timing, frequency among channel ADCs degrade S/N of the ADC system as a whole. This paper analyzes the channel mismatch effects in the two channel time-interleaved ADC system. Previous analysis showed the effect for each mismatch individually, however in this paper we are calibrating frequency mismatches including gain , offset and timing mismatches with the help of LMS and FXLMS algorithm in existing two-channel TI-ADC model. The main fundamental approach of this paper is to remove spurious (noise generated due to mismatches) signals at maximum and hence improve the signal to noise ratio of overall signal after calibration.
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   82 Microstrip Filter Optimization using Neural Genetic Synthesis

Manidipa Nath


Compact, integrated, and low-cost filter design for optimal electrical performance remains a challenge for microwave designers. Filter design involves several trade-offs between various design parameters. There are always two or more performanceparameters for which improvement in one leads to deterioration of the other parameters. Such as narrow bandwidth leads to greater pass band insertion loss and vice-versa. There is a significant need to determine a precise set of layout parameters that meets desired electrical specifications (such as operating frequency,bandwidth, insertion loss, etc.) This paper presents Neural network and genetic algorithm based modeling and design of microwave filter. The neuro-genetic design methodology is composed of two steps. Step one consists of the development of an accurate neural network model for the microwave filters from the measured data and next step is to use the model to interactively synthesize devices with desired electrical characteristics. Several previous attempts have been made to model and synthesize microwave filters using various CAD methods [1-2]. Neural network based design and genetic algorithm based algorithms can be efficiently used for modeling & optimization of microwave passive circuits. This method has been used to synthesize microstrip band pass filter. The electrical response obtained from the layout parameters predicted by the method matches the desired electrical characteristics within 5%.
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   83 A Extensive Active Noise Cancellation from Cardiac Signals using a Constrained Stability Least Mean Square Algorithm

N. M. Sai Krishna, P. Suresh Kumar, G. Varalakshmi


Real world signals are usually contains departures from the ideal signal that would be produced by the model of the signal production process. Such departures are referred to as noise. Noise arises as a result of un-modeled processing going on in the production and capture of the real signal. It is not part of the ideal signal and may be caused by a wide range of sources. Some of the examples are variations in the detector sensitivity, environmental variations, the discrete nature of radiation, transmission or quantization error etc. Adaptive filter is a primary method to filter ECG signal, because it does not need the signal statistical characteristics. In this paper we present a novel adaptive filter for removing the artifacts from ECG signals based on Constrained Stability Least Mean Square (CSLMS) algorithm. This algorithm is derived based on the minimization of the squared Euclidean norm of the difference weight vector under a stability constraint defined over the posteriori estimation error. The adaptive filter essentially minimizes the mean-squared error between a primary input, which is the noisy ECG, and a reference input, which is either noise that is correlated in some way with the noise in the primary input or a signal that is correlated only with ECG in the primary input.
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   84 Contrivance and Progression of an Inexpensive Embedded System for Micro Stepper Motor

G. K. Sivasankarayadava, P. Thimmaiahb


The explosive growth of the computer industry in recent years, enhanced the need and growth for stepper motors. They offer good dynamic performance while eliminating the need for a heavy maintenance and used for precise control. Stepper motor acts as a digital actuator whose input is in the form of programmed energization of stator windings and whose output is in the form of discrete angular rotation. It thereby provides a natural interface with the digital computer. These are used for commercial, military, medical applications, machine tools, robotics, textile industry, and integrated circuit fabrication. So for controlling the stepper motor inaccurate is necessary for these applications. Stepper motor mathematical modeling and its open loop response in full stepping, half stepping and micro stepping methods. In general, stepper motors are driven at full-, half- and micro-step modes. To operate the micro step we used A3977 Driver. Stepper motor is used in various applications like Performance Enhancement of a 720-step Stepper Motor for Solar Array Drive of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites to Achieve Low Power Microstepping, Rapidly Prototyped 2-Axis Positioning Stage for Micro assembly Using Large Displacement Compliant Mechanisms, Low-Cost Micromachining Development and Application for Engineering and Technology Education, Micro stepper motors are also used in Travelling Micro Scopes.
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   85 Neural Networks and Their Applications

Simranjeet Kaur, Baljeet Kaur


Neural networks are a new method of programming computers. They are exceptionally good at performing pattern recognition and other tasks that are very difficult to program using conventional techniques. Programs that employ neural nets are also capable of learning on their own and adapting to changing conditions. Neural nets may be the future of computing .A good way to understand them is with a puzzle that neural nets can be used to solve. Suppose that you are given 500 characters of code that you know to be C, C++, Java, or Python. Now, construct a program that identifies the code’s language. One solution is to construct a neural net that learns to identify these languages. According to a simplified account, the human brain consists of about ten billion neurons — and a neuron is, on average, connected to several thousand other neurons. By way of these connections, neurons both send and receive varying quantities of energy. One very important feature of neurons is that they don’t react immediately to the reception of energy. Instead, they sum their received energies, and they send their own quantities of energy to other neurons only when this sum has reached a certain critical threshold. The brain learns by adjusting the number and strength of these connections. The brain’s network of neurons forms a massively parallel information processing system. This contrasts with conventional computers, in which a single processor executes a single series of instructions.
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   86 Suspended Microstrip Patch Antenna for L & S Band Applications

P. A. Ambresh, P. M. Hadalgi, P. V. Hunagund


A compact design technique of microstrip patch antenna is presented. By using the techniques such as slotted conducting patch element with air filled dielectric medium, probe fed patch are the design constraints. The proposed design has obtained compactness of 57.5% with high gain and low VSWR. Several key parameters are discussed and the antenna was fabricated and its performance is also studied. The antenna is well matched at resonant frequencies. Meanwhile, it exhibits excellent radiation patterns with very low cross-polarization levels. The proposed antenna is suitable for various modern wireless communication system applications in L and S band frequency range where antenna with low profile, small size, light weight and broad pattern is essential requirement.
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   87 High Speed VLSI Architecture for a Reversible Bidirectional Barrel Shifter

Sravanthi Mavudi, A. Uday Kumar


Reversible logic has wide variety of applications in the field of quantum computing, optical computing, low power computing, and other emerging computing technologies. A barrel shifter that can shift and rotate multiple bits in a single cycle is an important component of many computing units. This paper presents the reversible design of bidirectional arithmetic and logical barrel shifter. The proposed design consists of the reversible Fredkin and Feynman gates. The design is verified in terms of number of garbage outputs, quantum cost and number of ancilla bits. Further, the design is implemented on Xilinx Spartan-III FPGA and by using VHDL functional verification has been performed.
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   88 Design and Implementation of Circularly Polarized Equilateral Triangle Microstrip Antenna with Improved Bandwidth for Wireless Applications

Abdul Rahman. C, Mohammed Aarif K.O


The triangular geometry of the microstrip triangular patch antenna one of the most common shape finds its application in wide frequency range from lumped circuit elements to recent trend wireless antennas. In this paper a novel design, implementation and testing of dual feed triangular microstrip patch antennas with tip truncation and triangular slot is proposed to achieve circular polarization, to increase the axial ratio bandwidth. The proposed antenna structure uses Tip-truncating to improve bandwidth [2] and by cutting a small equilateral triangular slot near the vertex of radiating patch antenna to provide both LHCP and RHCP to double the impedance and bandwidth with improved gain at frequency 1.3 GHz.
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   89 Biometrics as an Entity Identifier to Secure Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks

Nandini. M. D. S, Karthikamani. R, Gautham. M


As electronic communication became more prevalent, mobile and universal, the threats of data compromises also grown larger. Security is the prime concern in this world.BSN interconnects the sensors placed in the human body. Biosensors are used to collect the biological data from different parts of the body at different times. Security and privacy are the potential problem in BSN. The solution to this problem is using the biometric approach. The conventional biometrics cannot be used in the BSN because it is not having high randomness and it is time invariant. Thus novel biometrics can be used. Human body is inherently having the ability to communicate in a secure manner. Thus the physiological characteristics can be captured by the sensors of BSN to generate the entity identifier. The main goal of this paper is to secure the communication between the nodes of the BSN and to avoid interference. The InterPulsed Interval (IPI) of the ECG signal can be used as a biometric trait to distribute the key in a secure manner. Since the medical information is sent over the network, the security plays a vital role in the BSN.
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   90 BiometricsFrequency Transformation in Bilinear Digital IIR Filter by Using Pascal Matrix

Chandan Sagar Panda, Ch. Rajasekhar Rao, K. Krishnam Raju


The transfer function H(f) can be calculated from the matrix operation of frequency transformation and the “Pascal matrix” transformation. Here the proposed method is a fractional technique which is used to obtain low pass filter and high pass filter transfer function from another function by the above said method, to it fractional z is introduced. The proposed method of transfer function given better results for different fractions of z integer of side lobe attenuation than the existing z transfer function.
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   91 A new Family of Shadow Filters-IIR Filters

B. Harinath, U. Rajya Lakshmi, K. Krishnam Raju


The new concept of shadow filters introduced by Lakys and Fabre .Here we proposed shadow filter concept for the combinations such as low pass in main path and high pass or low pass in feedback path. The second one is High pass filter in main path where as the high pass and low pass in feedback path. The proposed shadow filter responses are analyzed and compared with individual responses of low pass and high pass IIR filters.
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   92 Design of Bow-tie Microstrip Antenna with Fractal Shape for W-Lan Application

A. C. Bhosale, V. U. Deshmukh


In this paper, we presented the design and analysis of Bow-Tie antenna on FR4 substrate, which is suitable for the WLAN- 2.4GHz application. A novel Koch-like fractal curve is proposed to transform Ultra-Wideband (UWB) bow-tie into so called Koch-like sided fractal bow-tie dipole. The fractal bow-tie dipole can operate in multiband with moderate gain (3.5-7dBi) and high efficiency (60%-80%), which is corresponding to certain shape parameters, such as notch ratio a, notch angle f, and base angles ? of the isosceles triangle. Compared with conventional bow-tie dipole and Koch-like fractal with the same size, this fractal-like antenna has almost the same operating properties in low frequency and better radiation pattern in high frequency in multi-band operation, which makes it a better candidate for application of WLAN and other communication systems. It’s well known that bow-tie antenna is a planar form of UWB finite biconical antenna. It is a practical angle-dependent frequency independent antenna. Because of its ultra-broadband, light weight, thin profile configurations, low cost and easiness of fabrication, reliability and conformability, bow-tie antenna has been widely studied and used in engineering applications. Also, the simple geometries make it compatible to be connected to planar feeding system in an integrated architecture. The novel Koch-like sided bow-tie dipole can behave both like multiband and UWB with conspicuous advantages over its conventional counterpart, printed dipole and Sierpinski gasket in dimension, bandwidth, gain and efficiency, which makes it a good choice for applications of UWB, PCS, WLAN, WiFi, WiMAX, and other communication systems. Details of the antenna design and simulated results return loss, Input impedance, Radiation Patterns, E-Field, H-Field and Current Distributions, VSWR are presented and discussed. The proposed antenna is simulated at 2.4 GHz using An soft HFSS-11.
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   93 A Robust System for Unmanned Rotorcraft with Embedded Design

C. Amala, Mohiddin. Shaik


In this paper, we resent the systematic design and implementation of quick prototype design and hardware-in-the-loop real-time test of the embedded control system of Unmanned Rotorcraft. The control law is of backstepping type, the sensory system consists of a marker-based vision system outside the helicopter in radio connection with the embedded controller and a 3D Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) on the helicopter. Extended Kalman filters solve the state estimation problem. Brushless DC motors serve as actuators. For quick prototype design of the embedded controller MATLAB, Simulink, Real-Time Workshop and the MPC555 Target Compiler were used. More specifically, the onboard hardware system is designed to fulfill the image processing requirements by using the commercial off-the-shelf products. Real-time vision software is developed, which is running on the real-time operating system QNX.
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   94 Study of Phase Synchronization in Multimodal Cardiovascular Signals using Recurrence Plots

Rangaprakash. D, T. Srinivas


Many biological systems are inherently nonlinear and in this paper, we propose a novel application of a nonlinear measure based on recurrences to study synchronization in cardiovascular system using multimodal signals. Phase synchronization between two signals has been characterized by using a nonlinear measure, Correlation between Probabilities of Recurrence (CPR), and in this work, its utility in studying synchronization in cardiovascular system has been studied. Synchronization using CPR of multimodal signals, viz. electrocardiogram and arterial blood pressure signals, showed clear differences in results obtained for normal and abnormal cases. The concept of running CPR has been introduced and its utility in detecting life threatening condition in a cardiac care unit is demonstrated. While most of the previous studies have either employed linear models or nonlinear parametric models, this paper uses a nonparametric nonlinear model and shows its utility in studying synchronization in the cardiovascular system using electrocardiogram and arterial blood pressure signals.
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   95 Analysis of ECG with the Help of Mobile Device

Dhananjay Kumar, Nadipi Reddy Prabhav


On one hand, the rate of incidence of heart diseases and mortality rate due to these cardio vascular diseases is increased and on the other hand technology is growing very vastly and taking new shape as all the information that is needed and that is useful is packed into a hand instrument popularly known as Mobile. The fact that mobile phones are used even by the people in remote areas was exploited to ensure good health facilities and this resulted in the advent of mHealth. Studies revealed that mortality rate is quite high in remote areas as they stay far away from good and adequate medical units. Many people die due to cardio vascular diseases as they were not diagnosed properly at proper time. Mhealth bridge this gap between patients and physicians by recording ECG (parameter which gives information about the condition of heart) with the aid of mobiles and delivering it to the physicians far away from the patient. Algorithms are designed and installed in mobiles in such a way that they can record good quality ECG and with minimum noise and errors. In this review we present a brief review on importance of ECG, mhealth, algorithms and improved versions and future scopes.
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   96 Radix-8 Booth Encoded Modulo Multiplier

Anuradha. K, Rupesh Kumar Penugonda, Thammishety Narasimharao


To design an efficient integrated circuit in terms of area, power and speed, has become a challenging task in modern VLSI design field. The encryption and decryption of PKC algorithms are performed by repeated modulo multiplications these multiplications differ from those encountered in signal processing and general computing applications. The Residue Number System (RNS) has emerged as a promising alternative number representation for the design of faster and low power multipliers owing to its merit to distribute a long integer multiplication into several shorter and independent modulo multiplications. The multipliers are the essential elements of the digital signal processing such as filtering, convolution, transformations and Inner products. RNS has also been successfully employed to design fault tolerant digital circuits. The modulo multiplier is usually the noncritical data path among all modulo multipliers in such high-DR RNS multiplier. This timing slack can be exploited to reduce the system area and power consumption without compromising the system performance. With this precept, a family of radix-8 Booth encoded modulo multipliers, with delay adaptable to the RNS multiplier delay, is proposed. In this paper, the radix-8 Booth encoded modulo multipliers whose delay can be tuned to match the RNS delay. In the proposed multiplier, the hard multiple is implemented using small word-length ripple carry adders (RCAs) operating in parallel. The carry-out bits from the adders are not propagated but treated as partial product bits to be accumulated in the CSA tree. The delay of the modulo multiplier can be directly controlled by the word-length of the RCAs to equal the delay of the critical modulo multiplier of the RNS. By combining radix-8 Booth encoded modulo multiplier, CSA and prefix architecture of multiplier, for high speed and low-power is achieved.
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   97 High Speed and Low Power Design of Parallel Prefix Adder

B. Krishna, P. Siva Durga Rao, N. V. G. Prasad


Parallel-prefix adders (also known as carry-tree adders) are known to have the best performance in VLSI designs compared to that of conventional Ripple Carry Adder (RCA). However, each type of parallel prefix adder has its own pros and cons and are chosen according to the design requirement of the application. This paper investigates mainly two types of carry-tree adders, the brent kungg adder and the Kogge-Stone adder and compares them. These designs were implemented on a Xilinx Virtex 5 FPGA and found that brent kungg adder occupies less area compared to that of the koggestone adder because of its minimal number of usage of nodes and lesser wiring interconnects. And 128 and 144 bit widths of the Koggestone adder were also designed and compared to the corresponding bitwidths of the ripplecarry adder and found ripple carry performs faster up to 128 bit and as bitwidths increase beyond 128 bits parallel pefix adders performs faster.
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   98 Efficiently Detecting Earthquakes and Tsunami Through GSM Network

P. Sireesh Babu, P. Manoj Kumar


Humanity is always under the threat of earthquakes. Anatolian peninsula is one of the well-known area which amongst the areas endangered by earthquakes. During the history many dramatic examples have been occurred. In these earthquakes many people either died or have been injured. In addition, lots of damage in this area has been occurred. More west, in the Sea of Marmara, these earthquakes have also initiated Tsunamis which hit the coastline and caused secondary damages. In this paper GSM-based seismicalert system that could warn before an earthquake strikes.Earthquakes strike without warning. The resulting damagecan be minimized and lives can be saved if people living inthe earthquake-prone area are already prepared to survivethe strike. This requires a warning before strong groundmotion from the earthquake arrival. Such a warning systemis possible because of energy wave released at the epicenterof the earth quake travels slower than light. The warningsignal from the earthquake epicenter can be transmitted todifferent places using satellite communication network,fiberoptics network, pager service, Cell phone services ora combination of these. The satellite-based network is idealwhen an alert system has to cover a large country likeIndia. For earthquake-prone states like Gujarat, a seismicalert system using the global system for mobilecommunication network spread throughout the state isproposed here. This system does not try to find theepicenter or fault line caused by the earthquake. It simplymonitors the earth vibrations and generates alert signalwhen the level of earth vibrations crosses a threshold.
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   99 Image Compression using Absolute Moment Block Truncation Code

SK. Khasim, Dr. P. V. Subbaiah, L. Hari Prasad


In this paper, we propose the Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding (AMBTC) is one of the lossy image compression algorithms. It preserves the higher mean and lower mean of the blocks. However the bit rate achieved is 2 bpp which is same as in the original BTC. In order to reduce the bit rate several techniques have been used to code the statistical moments and the bit plane of BTC. AMBTC has several advantages over BTC one advantage is in the case that the quantizer is used to transmit an image from transmitter to a receiver, it is necessary to compute at the transmitter the two quantities, the sample mean and the sample standard deviation for BTC and sample first absolute central moment for AMBTC. When we compare the necessary computation for deviation information, we will see that in case of standard BTC it is necessary to compute a sum of m values and each of them will be squared while in case of AMBTC it is only necessary to compute the sum of these m values. Since the multiplication time is several times greater than the addition time in most digital processors, thus using AMBTC the total calculation time at the transmitter is significantly reduced.
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   100 Design and Analysis of 2D Image Filtering Using Xilinx System Generator

G. Tirupathi Raidu, P. R. Mahidhar, N. V. G. Prasad


This paper presents an architecture for filters pixel by pixel and regions filters for image processing using Xilinx System Generator (XSG). This architecture offer an alternative through a graphical user interface that conbines MATLAB, Simulink and XSG and explore important aspects concerned to hardware implementation.
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