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International Journal on Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 3 Issue 2, Ver. 1
S.No. | Research Topic | Paper ID | |
1 | Comparing Selected Mapping, Partial Transmit Sequence, and Clipping and Filtering in OFDM Based Wireless Systems for PAPR Reduction Md Abdus Samad, Nur Sakibul Huda Abstract Higher data rates are now demanded from wireless communication systems larger than ever. But for higher data rate transmission bandwidth requirement is a major factor, whereas the spectrum is gradually becoming limited. For this, The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) scheme along with Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology can be a useful alternative. OFDM is a multicarrier modulation scheme where a number of closely spaced subcarriers, which are orthogonal to each other, is used to carry the data stream. MIMO-OFDM technology is one of the most attractive candidates for next generation wireless communication systems and the mixture of them can successfully contest against multipath fading and can improve bandwidth efficiency. Despite of all the advantages, the main drawback of this type of system is high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) for large number of sub-carriers, which imposes many restrictions for practical applications. In literature, many PAPR reduction schemes have been proposed to overcome this problem and in this paper, we will mainly evaluate the PAPR reduction performance of three different PAPR reduction techniques: Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) and Selected Mapping (SLM) and Clipping & Filtering (C&F). |
IJECT/32/1/ A-344 |
2 | Current-Mode Single-Input Multi-Outputs Universal Filter Employing CDTAs Anisur Rehman Nasir, Dr. S.N. Ahmad Abstract In this paper, a new current- mode universal filter based on Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier (CDTA) is given. The proposed circuit uses two CDTA, two grounded capacitors and two grounded resistors and one virtually grounded resistor. The filter has single input and three outputs which perform lowpass, two bandpass and one highpass filter responses from the same circuit configuration. The grounded capacitors makes the circuit suitable for integrated circuit implementation.The PSPICE simulation results are included. The simulated results agree with theoretical analysis. The active and passive sensitivities are quite low. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-345 |
3 | Robust Video Watermarking & Random Shuffling of Data using Discrete Wavelet Transform S.Nafees Ahmed, B.Sridhar Abstract Here, we propose data hiding and extraction procedure for high resolution AVI (Audio Video Interleave) videos. Although AVI videos are large in size but it can be transmitted from source to target over network after processing the source video by using these Data Hiding and Extraction procedure securely. There are two different procedures, which are used here at the sender’s end and receiver’s end respectively. The procedures are used here as the key of Data Hiding and Extraction Nowadays, a chief problem encountered by content providers & owners is the protection of their material. They are apprehensive about copyright protection and further forms of exploitation of their digital content. The ease by which digital information can be duplicated and distributed has led to the need for effective copyright protection tools. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-346 |
4 | A New Approach to Improve the Modulation Index of Hybrid Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with 7-Level Fundamental Frequency Switching Scheme M.S.Saravanan, M.Hemalatha Abstract This paper presents a cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter that can be implemented using only a single dc power source and capacitors. Standard cascaded multilevel inverter requires n dc sources for 2n+1 level. Without requiring transformers, the scheme proposed here allows the use of a single dc power source with the remaining n-1 dc sources being capacitors, which is referred to as hybrid cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter (HCMLI) in this paper. It is shown that the inverter can simultaneously maintain the dc voltage level of the capacitors and choose a fundamental frequency switching pattern to produce a nearly sinusoidal output. A triplen harmonic is injected into the multilevel converters accompanied with the fundamental frequency control signals to reduce the required level number of the DC voltages without changing the fundamental component of the phase voltage. This paper mainly discusses control of seven levels HCMLI with fundamental frequency switching control and how its modulation index range can be extended using triplen harmonic compensation. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-347 |
5 | A Novel Technique of Security Enhancement for MIMO Codebook and Diversity Multiplexing R.Raicheal, C.Arunachalaperumal Abstract In this paper, we study about the secure communication among wireless shared medium using secrecy performance of a codebook based transmission beamforming with limited feedback and avoid attacker from stealing the confidential data. In the feedback method transmitter is using a predefined codebook known to transmitter and receiver knows it after producing index value as feedback during beamforming. The secrecy outage probability is analyzed to find whether it is stealed. The bound values are provided on the secrecy outage probability. The fading in multiple antenna (MIMO) wire-tap channel is investigated under short term power constraints. The secret Diversity Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT) is found for no transmitter side channel state information (CSI) and for full CSI. When there is no CSI at the transmitter, while using Gaussian codebooks, it seems that both transmitter and receiver antennas are stealed, and the secret DMT depends on the other degrees of freedom. When CSI is available at the transmitter (CSIT), then transmitter antenna is only stealed. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-348 |
6 | Analysis of Patient Health Monitoring System using Wireless Sensor Networks K Rajesh, N. Shanmugapriya, C. Nambu Shanmugapriya, P. Roy Sudha Reetha Abstract Remote health monitoring is a new technology in Medical field. The aim of the project is propose a in-home Health Monitoring sensor network and monitoring platform that is for e-Health Application. This system can be used in order to avoid the fatigue of patients. It will be used for the patients who were under gone the major operation. The system needs set of sensor for monitoring the activities of the patients. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-349 |
7 | Analysis of High Data Rate Modulation Technique for Wireless Networks Ritu Khullar, Sippy Kapoor, Naval Dhawan Abstract With the fast development of modern communication techniques, the demand for reliable high data rate transmission is increased significantly, which stimulate much interest in modulation techniques. Advances in wireless technology have sparked a plethora of mobile communication standards over the last decade to support numerous applications.QAM is one of modulation techniques providing good efficiency in power and bandwidth. In addition convolution encoding along with Viterbi decoding is also implemented to aid in error correction capability of digital transmission systems. In this paper QAM Modulation technique is designed for wireless networks in LabVIEW whose performance is then analyzed in terms of Bit Error Rate and SNR. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-350 |
8 | Optic Disc Extraction using Segmentation Technique C.Samuel, S.Antelin Vijila Abstract This paper reports on the design and test of an image processing algorithm for the segmentation of the Optic Disk (OD) in fundus images. This work describes the methods to detect main features of fundus images such as optic disk and optic cup.In a retinal image, Optic Disk (OD) appears as a roughly round region which is brighter than its surrounding. The location of any abnormality in a retinal image relative to OD is useful for later analysis and classification of pathologies. Optic cup is found using their high grey level variation and their contours are determined by means of morphological techniques. The blood vessels are highlighted using bottom hat transform and morphological dilation after edge detection. All the enhanced features are then combined in the fundus image for the detection of abnormalities in the eye. In this project, we do Segmentation into a piecewise constant structure which requires one more step using Optic Disc Extraction algorithm (ODE). Since convergence is guaranteed, the technique does not require the intervention of the user to stop the filtering at the desired image quality. This scheme has been tested on a number of retinal images in which the optical disc has been successfully segmented. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-351 |
9 | Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller Tuning of Armature Controlled DC Motor using Genetic Algorithm Satish Kumar, Aziz Ahmad, OM Kumar Abstract During the last years, the use of intelligent strategies for tuning of controller has been growing. The evolutionary strategies have won an important place thanks to their flexibility. PID tuning plays an important role in operations or tuning in the complex process such as the temperature of an oven used in many industrial applications. This paper describes the MATLAB/Simulink realization of the DC motor speed control methods armature voltage and armature resistance control methods, and feedback control system for DC motor drives. This paper addresses comparison of tuning methods of the PID Controller using various tuning techniques and genetic algorithm based tuning technique on speed control of dc motor by armature resistance control method. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-352 |
10 | Double Stub CPW-Fed UWB Antenna with a Notched Band Characteristic B.T.P.Madhav, K.Praveen Kumar, Rakesh Narsingu, G. Phanindra Kumar, G. Raja, B. Manasa Abstract In this article, a CPW-fed ultra-wideband antenna with a tunable band-notch and good characteristics is proposed and investigated in detail. The antenna consists of a CPW ground with a wide slot, a fork-like radiation patch, a double stub and the 50 Ω CPW-fed structure. By inserting double stub between the two branches of the fork-like radiation patch, a notched band, which is variable with frequency, is achieved. The proposed antenna has an impedance bandwidth of 77 percent range from 3.6 to 10.5 GHz with good impedance matching and an approximately constant gain is achieved. It also has a notch band frequency of 5 to 6 GHz for WLAN applications. Simulated results for the frequency characteristics, current distributions, radiation patterns and gain of the proposed UWB antenna are also presented and discussed. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-353 |
11 | Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11b at 11 Mbps Minal S. Hardas, Amutha Jeya Kumar Abstract Wireless Local Area Networks, WLANs based on the IEEE 802.11 standards have been successfully deployed in a variety of home, offices and corporate environments and available in various standards like 802.11 a/b/g. In this paper an analysis of the Quality of Service, QoS, parameters like throughput performance, average end to end delay and jitter for 802.11b standard has been investigated using CARC, Call admission and Rate Control algorithm, at channel data rate of 11 Mbps respectively. In CARC, the admission control algorithm is used to regulate the admission of real-time or voice traffic and the rate control algorithm to utilize all the residual channel capacity left by the real-time traffic. Results obtained using Network Simulator-2 shows a superior throughput performance at 11 Mbps for 802.11b standard using CARC mechanism. Also, the end to end delay and jitter for real time and non real time traffics using CARC policy, reduces fairly to an appreciable value as expected. Thus, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed schemes can well support statistical, QoS guarantees for voice traffic and maintain stable high throughput for the best effort traffic at the same time. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-354 |
12 | Sram Arrays with Read Stability Designed for Low Power Applications R.Bharathy Abstract Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is a type of RAM used in various electronic applications that we use in our day to day life which includes toys, automobiles, digital devices and computers etc. Apart from its various usages in the household equipments, it is widely used in controller & processor memories. SRAM holds its data without external refresh, for as long as power is supplied to the circuit and it supports high speed implementation in comparison to DRAM. The SRAM exhibit a major problem called negative bias temperature instability while storing the data ‘0’ so large amount of energy is wasted. Hence in this paper, an attempt to minimize the negative bias temperature instability and to modify the SRAM circuit using Recovery Boosting that provides significant improvement in the static noise margins of the register file and issue queue followed by removing the leakage current in the read circuitry by the use of read error control circuit. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-355 |
13 | Evaluation of Modified Flood Fill Algorithm for Shortest Path Navigation in Robotics Anjali G. Chauhan, Haresh A. Suthar Abstract This paper is to solve the problem of maze by using modified flood fill algorithm. It is need to be designed negotiate a path to the center of a maze in the optimal amount of time. It requires to a complete analysis and proper planning to be solved. This paper gradually improves the algorithm to accurately solve the maze in shortest time with some more intelligence. This modified flood fill Algorithm is reduce the complexity of understanding the algorithm and can reduce the memory usage and time taken for processing at each step. This algorithm is just straight forward and a robot programmer can easily implement on any maze solving robot. Purpose of this paper is to investigate the Modified Flood Fill algorithm, and evaluate the system using Modified Flood Fill algorithm. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-356 |
14 | Bandwidth Enhancement for Microstrip Patch Antenna using Symmetric Inverted U Slot Kaushik Mandal, Anand Kumar Shaw, Mrinmoy Kumar Das, Dr. Partha Pratim Sarkar Abstract In this paper, a small size wideband single-layer single-patch microstrip antenna is presented. By placing a symmetric inverted U-slot on the rectangular patch and using coaxial probe-fed the impedance bandwidth is improved to 33.31%. One of the main characteristic of this antenna is that it has been achieved 33.31% bandwidth without using thick foam or air substrate. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-357 |
15 | Numerical Computation of Transmittance Profile of 1D GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Photonic Crystal Structure in Different Optical Spectra by Transfer Matrix Technique Arka Karmakar, Arpan Deyasi Abstract Transmittance property of 1D photonic crystal structure is studied by varying dimensional configuration as well as by varying material composition at different wavelength ranges suitable for optical communication. Transfer matrix technique is considered for simulation purpose and AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs material is chosen as unit block of the periodic organization. AlxGa1-xAs layer is considered as the outermost of the structure, and its refractive index is considered as a function of material constitution. Material having lower refractive index possesses greater width in lateral dimension compared to that of the material having higher refractive index. Variation of ratio of thicknesses of the structure or suitable choice of material composition shifts the operating wavelength towards the desired value, thus making it useful for optical communication as bandpass filter. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-358 |
16 | Speech Recognition with Neural Networks, Type-2 Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms GC Lall, Kuldeep Singh Abstract We describe in this paper the use of neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm for speech recognition. Speaker recognition by analysing the sound signals with the help of intelligent techniques, such as the neural networks and fuzzy systems. We use the neural networks for analysing the sound signal of an unknown speaker in this paper speech signal conveys information about the identity of the speaker. The area of speaker identification is concerned with extracting the identity of the person speaking the utterance. As speech interaction with computers becomes more Pervasive in activities such as the telephone, financial transactionsand information retrieval from speech databases, the utility of automatically identifying a speaker is based solely on vocal characteristic. This paper emphasizes on text dependent speaker identification, which deals with detecting a particular speaker from a known population.We need to use fuzzy logic due to the uncertainty of the decision process. We also use genetic algorithms to optimize the architecture of the neural networks. We illustrate our approach with a sample of sound signals from real speakers in our institution. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-359 |
17 | Medical Image Compression Karimella Vikram, Garlapati Narayana, Niraj Upadhayaya Abstract CT scan or MRI reports are medical images which require large storage occupying larger bandwidth for transmission increasing the cost. These special images use different compression techniques or methods such as lossless compression or lossy compression. Medical communities have adopted lossless compression over lossy compression, since lossless compression offers exact recovery of data (image) but yield a low compression ratio where as lossy compression which does not give complete recovery of data but gives a high compression ratio are yet to be accepted. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-360 |
18 | A Novel Penta-Band Frequency Selective Surface P. Samaddar, S. Sarkar, Dr. S. Biswas, Dr. P. P. Sarkar, Dr. D.C. Sarkar Abstract Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) has been designed by combination of two dimensional arrays of square and novel shaped patches. The proposed design has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. This proposed design has been investigated theoretically using ANSOFT® software. The main aim of this design is to make the FSS multiband with good bandwidth and we achieved five bands with percentage bandwidth of (3.95%, 3.85%, 6.4%, 11.94% and 6.05%) and the measured results show good agreement with the simulated ones. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-361 |
19 | Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Localization Techniques:A Review Sunita S.Shinde, Dr. Ravi M. Yadahalli, Arifa. S. Tamboli Abstract Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET): Communication between vehicles. Despite of MANET, in VANET nodes are vehicles. They can move with high speed and generally must communicate quickly and reliably. When an accident occurs in a road or highway, alarm messages must be disseminated, instead of ad-hoc routed, to inform all other vehicles. To position a broken vehicle (or vehicle in danger) and locate the vehicles in its vicinity is very important for the safety of the road users. However, vehicles are not necessary equipped with GPS and even they cannot obtain availability of line of sight access to satellites, particularly when they enter tunnels. In this paper, we going to plan out an integrated system to improve localization accuracy in order to support localization of GPS equipped or GPS unequipped vehicles. So, the number of vehicles discovering their localization will be increased. This prevents pile-up of cars when fogs, accident or any other obstacle and then contributes to the driver safety. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-362 |
20 | Show Through Removal of Document by using ICA N.H . Margam, R.R.Dube Abstract When acquiring an image of a paper document, the image printed on the back page sometimes shows through. The mixture of the front and back-page images thus obtained is markedly nonlinear, and thus constitutes a good real-life test case for nonlinear blind source separation. This paper addresses a difficult version of this problem, corresponding to the use of “onion skin” paper, which results in a relatively strong nonlinearity of the mixture, which becomes close to singular in the lighter regions of the images. The separation is achieved through the MISEP technique, which is an extension of the well known INFOMAX method. The separation results are assessed with objective quality measures. They show an improvement over the results obtained with linear separation, |
IJECT/32/1/ A-363 |
21 | Comparative Study of Multiple Filters to Reduce Blocking Artifact Sargunpal Kaur, Kranthi Kumar Pulluri, Simarpreet Kaur Abstract Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) transforms the image from spatial domain to frequency domain. The major problem related to the DCT techniques is that the decoded images, especially at low bit rates, exhibit visually annoying gray-level discontinuities along the block boundaries, commonly known as blocking artifacts. This research paper presents the comparative study of various filters like spatial filter; Lattice filter and Adaptive filter to reduce the blocking artifact. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-364 |
22 | Simulation for Analyzing the Effect of Different Modulation for OFDM Based System Sumit Sugandhi, Vaibhav Pandey, Savitri Katariya Abstract Modeling and simulation plays vital role during all phases of the design and engineering of communication systems. The AWGN channel acts as a moderator, when different symbol OFDM system is analyzed. OFDM was originally developed from the multicarrier modulation techniques used in high frequency military radio. The paper is about the implementation of a Matlab based simulation system via AWGN to study the performance analysis of Bit Error Rate (BER) Vs Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Noise affects the AWGN channel and therefore its effects have to be observed. It is done by scatter diagrams and finally the results are obtained by comparing the simulated data with BER tool. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-365 |
23 | An Extendable Embedded Survilllance and Control System for Military and Defense Coupe N.Mahadevi, V.S Dhanusha Abstract This system mainly aims at providing security for military and defence vehicles. The main aim of this project is to provide a secure as well as defendable system for military vehicles against the hijacking and misuse of military vehicles as well as weapons. The main technology used in this system is Face Detection System (FDS). FDS compares the obtained image with the predefined images if the image doesn’t match, then the information is sent to the control room through MMS. The control room identifies if the person is unauthorised, they can stop the vehicle by sending SMS and can trace the location of the vehicle through GPS. The location of the vehicle as well as its speed can be displayed to the control room through SMS |
IJECT/32/1/ A-366 |
24 | Signal Integrity Modeling for Double Data Rate using Chip-Package Board Design Analysis S. Revathi Abstract Signal Integrity (SI) is among the main concerns in the design process of high-speed Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). In a doubledata- rate memory module, a modeling methodology considering all the significant effects from the chip, package, and board levels is developed to identify and investigate the critical nets affecting the signal Integrity (SI). In SI part, accurate modelling strategies for signal channels are verified by experiments on samples of address lines. The analysis indicates that the parasitic effects of the low-cost package structure are the most critical, depicting the importance of improved package design. It propose, investigate the system bottleneck for the current design of a DDR3 memory module, reducing Crosstalk Noise, Reflection Noise, Power/ Ground Noise and electromagnetic interference of SI and board design, layout for sigxplorer. The analysis indicates that the parasitic effects of the low-cost package structure are the most critical, depicting the importance of improved package design in the next-generation DDR. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-367 |
25 | To Analyse the Performance of MIMO-OSTBC System using Different Modulation Schemes Jaspreet Kaur, Manwinder Singh Abstract In this paper, we derive analytical expressions for the bit error rate of space time block codes from complex orthogonal designs with phase shifting keying on Rayleigh fading channels. The approach presented in this paper can be used in the BER analysis of any space time block codes from complex orthogonal design with linear processing for any value of M in M-PSK system. Here, we present the BER analysis and results for modulation techniques 16-PSK, 32-PSK, 64-PSK with i) (2-Tx, 2 Rx) antennas using Alamouti code (rate-1), ii) (4-Tx, N Rx) antenna using (rate-1/2). Then, to analyse the performance, all these modulation techniques are compared for MIMO using Alamouti Orthogonal Space time block codes for (2×2) and (4xN) antenna system respectively. It has been concluded that BER decreases as SNR increases. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-368 |
26 | Static Var Compensator Placement by Genetic Algorithm Guneet Kour, Dr. Gursewak Singh Brar, Dr. Jaswanti Abstract Static Var Compensator (SVC) is a power quality device, which employs power electronics to control the reactive power flow of the system where it is connected. It is one of the shunt connected type of FACTS device which has the ability to provide fast-acting reactive power compensation on electrical systems. With increase in load, any transmission, distribution and generating model suffers from disturbances. These disturbances effect the overall stability of the system. Criterias like voltage profile, power flows, losses tell us about the state of the system under study. Load flow analysis of the system under study is capable of providing the insight of the system. SVC is one of the methods and can be applied to obtain a system with least losses, increased power flow and healthy voltage profile. Number, location and size of SVC are the main concerns and they can be optimized to a great extent by Genetic Algorithm (GA) or any other method. Use of SVC in a system has shown considerable increase in voltage profile and power flows while decrease in losses. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-369 |
27 | Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WiMAX & HiPERLAN Applications Barun Mazumdar, Amit Kumar Abstract A single feed compact rectangular microstrip antenna for dual band application is presented in this paper. Different slits are introduced at the right edge of the patch to reduce the resonant frequency. For the proposed antenna two resonant frequencies are obtained at 3.75 GHz and 5 GHz with bandwidth of 28.74 MHz, return loss –14.35 dB and bandwidth of 113.89 MHz, return loss -39.88 dB respectively. The antenna size has been reduced by 57.14 % when compared to a conventional microstrip patch. The characteristics of the designed structure are investigated by using MoM based electromagnetic solver, IE3D. An extensive analysis of the return loss, radiation pattern, gain and efficiency of the proposed antenna is presented. The simple configuration and low profile nature of the proposed antenna leads to easy fabrication and make it suitable for the applications in Wireless communication system. Mainly it is developed to operate in the WiMAX & HiPERLAN application. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-370 |
28 | Comparison of Linear and Planar Array antennas for Target Detection Improvement Using Hyper Beam Technique I.Sreedevi, S. Sri Jaya Lakshmi, T.V. Rama Krishna, P.Ramakrishna, M.Aditya, N. Ravi Teja, E. Nymisha Reddy Abstract In this paper, we proposed hyper beam technique to reduce the side lobe level and half power beam width, also reduce the grating lobes. The main objective of this paper is to generate the beam pattern for linear and planar arrays with changing the number of elements and exponent value p. Here we compare the beam patterns for linear and planar array for different exponent values and number of elements. The results shows that planar array yields much reduction of side lobe levels, half power beam width and grating lobes compared to linear array. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-371 |
29 | Quantitative Analysis of Different CMOS Delay Elements Ata-E-Rabbi Abstract Signals passing through digital circuitry are often required to reach their destination as quickly as possible. However, in some specific cases the signal must be slowed for various reasons. For instance, a particular signal may need to synchronize with other sections of a chip, requiring the use of a delay element. Several different types of these elements have already been proposed and they each have their strengths and weaknesses. This paper examines delay elements in terms of their relative delay value, signal integrity, power consumption and area. The requirements of these delay elements depend strongly upon their designated application scenario. Designers can use the information in this paper to determine which delay element will best suit their needs. This paper comprehensively reviews ten different delay element architectures for use in CMOS VLSI design. These delay elements have been compared both analytically and using simulations in terms of four important parameters: delay, signal integrity, power consumption, and area and it has been found that they have widely varying characteristics. The results presented in this paper expressed as parameter ranges will enable a designer to select the most appropriate delay element that meets delay, signal integrity, power consumption and area specifications. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-372 |
30 | Survey of Built-in Self Test for Embedded Memories R.Manikandan, Dr. N.Suthanthira Vanitha Abstract This paper describes a case study in the testing of embedded memories. Memories are the most universal component today. Almost all system chips contain some type of embedded memory, such as ROM, SRAM, DRAM, and flash memory. Current area of research for memory testing is Built in Self test. In this paper the test schemes targeting BIST and what are tradeoffs and innovations in BIST scheme are discussed. The information provided by this is beneficial for industry and researchers in their pursuit to improve |
IJECT/32/1/ A-373 |
31 | Multiple Slave-Single Master Communication Over Amba-AHB Bus using VHDL M.Naresh, P. Ravi Kumar Reddy, D. Sri Harsha, K.H.Murali Abstract AMBA-AHB is a bus control protocol for communication amongst memory mapped or direct addressing devices. AMBA is a popular choice for bus interfaces especially for the memory devices. It provides a complete protocol abstract for interdevice communication in half duplex mode which also supports hybrid devices. The protocol is mainly used for a single masterslave communication. In this work we have proposed a unique protocol extension for multiple slave-single master bidirectional communication using AMBA AHB specification. The main communication interface is divided into two parts: an arbitrator that is responsible for multiplexing the address and header data and a decoder which performs the reverse operation. The communication stream is divided into two parts: Header and data. Header includes address, control bits and data includes the communication data. The protocol is designed to help all the slaves read the same data buffer at the same time with same clock to eliminate the single clock reading delay. For a slave to master communication, slaves can send data to master one at a time by first acquiring a token which is a line that is enabled when master is ready to read. Any slave that acquires the token can write to master’s buffer. In order to ensure fairness, a back off timer is used. Each slave gets equal opportunity to send data to master. Once a slave acquires a token and uses it for data transfer, the slave is prohibited from acquiring the token again before the other salves have monitored the line. This round robin allocation of the line helps high throughput communication as the chances of loss is least. The proposed work is tested against Standard AHB protocol without token management and is proved to be better in terms of both delay and data throughput. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-374 |
32 | Beamforming using FIR Eigenfilter Approach in Cognitive Radio Network Khyati Vachhani Abstract Beamforming technique allows the cognitive users to opportunistically access the licensed spectrum without interfering the licensed users by exploiting the spatial domain in the radio transmission for cognitive radio network. In this paper, the eigenfilter approach to solve general least-squares approximation problems is extended. Such extension unifies previous work in eigenfilters and many other filter design problems, including spectral/spatial filtering, one-dimensional or multidimensional filters etc. With this approach, various filter design problems are transformed into problems of finding an eigenvector of a positive definite matrix that is determined by filter design specifications. A number of design examples are presented to show the usefulness and flexibility of the proposed approach. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-375 |
33 | A Unique Huffman Coding Based Multipath Data Security Standard using Data Compression Technique for Multi hop Network G.V.Pradeep Kumar Abstract Various Public Key cryptography based techniques are being in use and are standardized for data security over VPN, LAN and IP networks. Bandwidth is an extremely important issue in such a network and is dealt with by using various load balancing techniques and compression techniques. In this work, a unique data security standard with the help of data compression using entropy coding with Huffman coding is proposed. A source obtains multiple paths to the destination by using multipath routing. Once multiple paths are incurred, source uses two primary node disjoint paths. Data packets in the queue are divided into packet burst and each burst traffic is compressed with Huffman coding. Once a burst is compressed, the data is divided into chunks and the compression header and the data are transferred separately through two isolated paths. Results show that the information guessing probability of the proposed technique is equally strong in comparison to public key cryptography and that it is bandwidth efficient. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-376 |
34 | Theoretical and Experimental Investigation on a Polarization Independent Compact Multiband Frequency Selective Surface Ayan Chatterjee, Dr. Debasree (Chanda) Sarkar, Dr. Partha Pratim Sarkar Abstract The effects of slots cut on the patches of a two dimensional array comprising of two types of FSS (Frequency Selective Surface) structures have been investigated in this paper in the aspect of polarization independency and multiple bands with reduced resonant frequency used for different purposes. In the first case, patches of the FSS are designed with 00 rotations to one another while in the second case; adjacent patches are at 900 rotations to one another which due to its symmetrical nature becomes totally polarization independent for 900 rotations about any vertical axis, perpendicular to the FSS plane and passing through its centre and the design also reveals reduced patch size of the FSS with multiband characteristics. The proposed designs have been investigated both theoretically and practically. In comparison to the conventional square patch FSS without slot, this slotted square patch FSS with second design can provide reduction in resonant frequency resulting in size reduction up to 94%. The second structure acts like a band reject filter with three bands having theoretical resonant frequencies of 5.93 GHz, 9.25 GHz and 13.8 GHz which are very close to its practical results. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-377 |
35 | Design of Slotted Circular Printed Antenna for WLAN, RFID and C Band Applications Sudipta Das, K.Chakraborty Abstract Microstrip patch antennas have found extensive application in wireless communication system owing to their advantages such as low-profile, conformability, low-cost fabrication and ease of integration with feed-networks. In this paper we present the design of a single feed, single layer, single and dual frequency slotted Circular microstrip patch antenna for wireless local area networks, RFID and Microwave C Band applications. For the design and simulation we have used method of moment based EM Simulation software I3ED. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-378 |
36 | Analysis of Turbo Coded OFDM System Employing Different Parameter of Rician Fading Channel Avijit Patel, B. S. Rai, Priyank, B.S.Rai Abstract Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is one of the multi carrier modulation technique. When a channel code is used with OFDM then this form is called coded OFDM. In this paper we have used turbo code as a channel code. Our aim to analyze and compare the performance of turbo coded systems over Rician fading channel using different channel parameter such as maximum Doppler shift, Rician k factor, sample time of input signal. We have used Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) modulation for symbol mapping. Graph is plotted between Eb/ No and Bit Error Rate (BER). |
IJECT/32/1/ A-379 |
37 | Linear Polarized Slot Loaded Triple Band MSA with Defected Ground Structures for Wi-MAX and WLAN Silky Khurana, Amandeep Singh, Kuldeep Sharma Abstract The design of an antenna is the crucial study for today’s wireless Communication system to achieve higher gain, highly directional beam and minimum return loss at sufficient number of resonant frequencies. This paper presents a slot loaded compact multiband microstrip patch antenna. Initially rectangular patch antenna with inset feed design is examined which results in return loss of s11 19dB at resonant frequency. Designs are further amended to achieve the tripleband approach. Then simultaneous slotting is applied in both radiating patch and ground plane to achieve the reasonable return loss at three resonant frequencies. The proposed antenna exhibits excellent performance of multiband characteristics at frequency of 2.6 GHz, 3.4 GHz and 4.4 GHz with return loss s11 ranging between 50 dB to 17 dB and voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) below 1.2. The antenna is designed and simulated in Ansoft HFSS Designer. Simulated results of proposed antenna designs are discussed in this paper. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-380 |
38 | Smart Antenna Implementation using Music and Esprit Algorthims Suraya Mubeen, Dr.A.M.Prasad, Dr.A.Jhansi Rani Abstract Smart Antenna system is the One of the most rapidly developing areas of communications is a multi-element antenna where the signals received at each antenna element are intelligently combined to improve the performance of the wireless system. Smart antennas system becomes capable to locate and track signals by the both: users and interferers and dynamically adapts the antenna pattern to enhance the reception in Signal-Of-Interest direction and minimizing interference in Signal-Of-Not-Interest direction. Hence, Space Division Multiple Access system, which uses smart antennas, is being used more often in wireless communications, because it shows improvement in channel capacity and cochannel interference. However, performance of smart antenna system greatly depends on efficiency of digital signal processing algorithms. The algorithm uses the Direction of Arrival (DOA) algorithms to estimate the number of incidents plane waves on the antenna array and their angle of incidence. MUSIC, ESPRIT and ROOT MUSIC on the uniform linear array in the presence of white noise. The simulation results show that MUSIC algorithm is the best. Thus, DOA estimations can be done. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-381 |
39 | Performance Analysis of the Free Space Optics Communication Manjot Singh, Kawal Preet Singh, Chakshu Goel Abstract FSO enables us to provide last mile transmission reach with the above advantages without laying any fiber or cable. Inherent security and no electrical hazards are its inherent advantages. In this paper we have analyzed the performance of free space optics communication system. We have analyzed three transmitters (NRZ system, duobinary system and CSRZ system) with different attenuations values (varies with different weather conditions). We have also studied the effect of beam divergence and transmitter losses. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-382 |
40 | A Survey on the Comparison of Various Images De-Noising Filters Sonia Sharma, Gianetan Singh Sekhon Abstract Noise present in the image hides necessary details. It compromises with the level of quality of image. It is necessary to remove the noise from the image. Noise removal is one of the preprocessing tasks in several images processing technique. Many different type of filter used to remove different type of noise from image. Different noise models are used like additive and multiplicative. They include Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, speckle noise and Brownian noise. Selection of the denoising algorithm is application dependent. Hence, it is necessary to have knowledge about the noise present in the image so as to select the appropriate denoising algorithm. In this paper I make a survey on the comparison of various image denoising filter and conclude which is better. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-383 |
41 | Implementation of Low Power TDES using SOC Encounter G. Prathap Reddy, M.Chithra, M.Gangadhar Reddy, E.Mamatha Abstract Power and delay are two main constraints in ASCI design. Trying to optimize the design with respect to power might result in an increase in the delay. This trade-off between power and delay are analyzed in this paper. In this design both mixed Vt and clock gating techniques (mixed design) are used to reduce power. The TDES block is Place and Routed using Soc Encounter by using the above mentioned mixed design methodology. Therefore by analyzing the power delay tradeoff we suggest the best technique for TRIDES MAC block is the mixed design method.Among various design implementations schemes, standard cell ASIC offer best power efficiency. Power dissipation in ASIC results from high speed and complexity. Delay in ASIC design results from gate delay, wire delay, transition. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-384 |
42 | Physical Designing of Peripheral Component Interconnect E.Mamatha, Dr.G.Surya Narayana Reddy, M.Gangadhar Reddy, G. Prathap Reddy Abstract In this paper initially the steps involved in Physical Designing of Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) is clearly explained and then the effects of choosing a Utilization Factor on total wire length, top metal layer length, congestion and DRC violations have been explained. In addition, how the number of metals used to route between the standard cells will affect total wire length, number of vias, congestion and number of DRC (Design Rule Constraints) violations has been studied. It’s observed that a Utilization Factor of 0.5 to 0.6 is good when PG (Power and Ground) planning is done on lower metal layers and a Utilization factor of 0.6 to 0.7 is good when PG planning is done on higher metal layers. Also a minimum of 3 metal layers must be used to make the design routable. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-385 |
43 | Sub band Adaptive scrambling in JPEG XR – Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems C. Raju, G.V.R. Sagar Abstract Video surveillance is a critical tool for a variety of tasks such as law enforcement, personal safety, traffic control, resource planning, and security of assets. Present-day video surveillance systems are often required not to intrude upon the privacy of the general public. The challenge of introducing privacy and security in such a practical surveillance system has been stifled by the enormous computational and communication overheads. This paper proposes a privacy-protected video surveillance system that makes use of JPEG extended range (JPEG XR). The main technical benefit of using JPEG XR as an intra video codec can be found in its low computational complexity, while offering image quality and scalability provisions. Image scrambling is to transform a meaningful image into a meaningless or disordered image in order to enhance the power to resist invalid attack and in turn enhance the security. Face regions are detected and scrambled in the transform domain, taking into account the quality and spatial scalability features of JPEG XR. The analysis demonstrates that subband-adaptive scrambling is able to conceal privacy-sensitive face regions with a feasible level of protection. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-386 |
44 | A Survey on Asynchronous and Synchronous Network on Chip C. Chitra, S. Prabakaran, R. Prabakaran Abstract As the complex VLSI designs is increasing in recent years its design effort, communication becomes a major issue. Network on Chip (NoC), which is efficient on-chip communication architecture for SoC is reusable, scalable and has high performance to solve these problems. NoC based systems can accommodate multiple asynchronous clocking as many of the today’s complex SoC designs use. In this survey the synchronous and asynchronous network on chips are presumed from many research papers. GALS architecture combines the benefits of both synchronous and asynchronous designs and its applications mainly target the area of NoCs, multiprocessor systems and integration of highly complex SoCs. First the basics of topologies, routing techniques and QoS for NoCs are explained. The different synchronous and asynchronous NoC designs are reviewed and concluded with the GALS architecture. |
IJECT/32/1/ A-387 |