International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 4 Issue 4, Ver. 1
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A Novel Blind Adaptive LMS Estimation for Channel Variant Communication
K Prabhakara Rao, Dr. P.V.Sridevi
This paper presents the novel blind adaptive method to estimate the impulse response of a Real time wireless communications channel. The channel is assumed to have varying environmental conditions. The system proposed use knowledge of receiver decision quality to evaluate the LMS estimators to increase their robustness to hard decision errors and channel noise. A soft decision algorithm was proposed for the channel estimation, where the algorithm uses decision factor as a function of receiver soft decisions, and a function of decision error knowledge. The performance of the proposed blind adaptive algorithm is evaluated to their non-blind counterparts through simulations over free-space propagation.
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IJECT/44/1/D-817 |
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Survey of Low Power Testing Using Compression Techniques
C.Kalamani, Dr. K.Paramasivam
Power consumption of very large scale circuits may increase significantly during testing. This extra power consumption may give rise to several problems. It may be responsible for cost, performance verification, technology related problems and can reduce the battery life when on-line testing is considered. Because of increased design complexity and advanced fabrication technologies, the number of tests and corresponding data volume increases rapidly. As the large size of test data volume is becoming one of the major problems in testing System-on-a-Chip (SoC), several compression coding schemes have been proposed in the literatures. Test data compression is an effective methodology for reducing test data volume and testing time. The survey of the low power testing using compression techniques that can be used to test VLSI circuits by combining better performance of these methods.
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IJECT/44/1/D-818 |
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Propagation Attenuation Due to Foliage at 35 GHz
D.R.Godara, Dr. J.S.Purohit, Sandeep Rankawat, S.K.Modi
The high Potential of millimeter wave communication system has generated the need to carry out many studies in view of vegetation and foliage in different climate effects on radio propagation at these frequencies. The communications in the millimeter wave regime through a dust laden communications path can be assured with adequate link design, but communications through any length of foliage should be discouraged, even the efforts are made to quantify the signal attenuation so the communication with any degree of confidence can be assured in a foliage environment. In this paper an attempt has been made to compute propagation attenuation of microwave signal at 35 GHz due to foliage in dry and wet conditions.
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IJECT/44/1/D-819 |
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Analysis of Cubic Chirp Algorithms for Better Imaging of Target With Complex Motions and Comparison
of Different ISAR Imaging Techniques
G.Anitha, N.S.Chitra, Dr. K.S.Ranga Rao
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) offers the capability to perform long range surveillance with high quality imagery for target identification. High range and cross range spatial resolution are achieved by transmitting wide band pulses and by coherently integrating the echoes backscattered from different aspect angles respectively. The range-Doppler imaging algorithm is a basic imaging method for the ISAR, in which, a target with uniform rotation is in a fixed plane is considered. But for a manoeuvring target, the rotational velocity and the axis of target often vary with time. The raw radar data show that the Doppler variations of scatterers are sometimes complicated for manoeuvring targets. In this paper, the imaging model of a target with high complex motions like, roll, pitch and yaw, is proposed and return signal is estimated as cubic chirp signal [10]. Also, the comparison between different inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging algorithms like Range-Instantaneous Doppler (RID) and Range-Instantaneous Chirp (RIC) for cubic chirps are discussed. Finally, as target with high angular motions is considered and signal is estimated as cubic chirp, a new algorithm Modified Discrete chirp Fourier transform (MDCFT)[1] has been discussed. Also the simulated outputs of MDCFT are shown.
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IJECT/44/1/D-820 |
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Automatic Image Enhancement Based on Modified Multi Scale Retinex
Suresh. N, P.Venkata Pathi
The paper presents an automatic image enhancement based on modified Multi Scale Retinex (MSR) with color restoration. There are two novelties in our algorithm. Firstly, Multi Scale Retinex with Color Restoration (MSRCR) algorithm enhances images taken under a wide range of nonlinear illumination conditions to the level that a user would have perceived it in real time. Secondly, apply the upper and lower clipping points using variance of the histogram and frequency of occurrence of pixels to get thegood color rendition. The experimental results show the good enhancement and color rendition using MSR.
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IJECT/44/1/D-821 |
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Image Resolution Enhancement Using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet Decomposition
V. Swarnalatha, A.K. Deepika
In this project, an image resolution enhancement technique is proposed based on interpolation of the high frequency sub band images obtained by Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and the input image. The edges are enhanced by introducing an intermediate stage by using Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT). DWT is applied in order to decompose an input image into different sub bands. Then the high frequency sub bands as well as the input image are interpolated. The estimated high frequency sub bands are being modified by using high frequency sub-band obtained through SWT. Then all these sub bands are combined to generate a new high resolution image by using inverse DWT (IDWT). The quantitative and visual results are showing the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional image resolution enhancement techniques.
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IJECT/44/1/D-822 |
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A New Multispectral Images Color Segmentation Algorithm Based on Rough-Set Approach
and Region Merging
P. Anil Kumar, K. Deepak Babu, Rajesh Durgam
The paper presents the color image segmentation based on roughset approach has been proposed. The color image segmentation is one of the most challenging tasks particularly in the area of image analysis, computer vision, and pattern recognition. In this paper, the proposed algorithm based on roughness index to calculate the peaks and valleys values. Based on peak and valley values to achieve better segmentation, Experimental results shows the roughness index theory to achieve better color image segmentation results and shows the graphs of roughness measurement versus intensities and compare to histogram and histon techniques.
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IJECT/44/1/D-823 |
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Design of Second Order Digital Integrator Using Richardson Extrapolation and Fractional Delay
Subaha Tyagi, Amit Bohra
In this paper, the design of second order digital integrator is investigated. First, the trapezoidal integration rule and differential equation are applied to derive the transfer function of the digital integrator. Then the Richardson extrapolation is used to generate high-accuracy results while using low-order formulas.
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IJECT/44/1/D-824 |
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Smart Car Security System Using Face Detection System and GPS Module
Mahadevuni Sridhar, Dr.C.Venkata Narasimhulu
In this proposed car security system, Face Detection System (FDS) is used to detect the face of the driver and compare it with the predefined face. If someone theft the vehicle in the night when the owner is sleeping and then FDS obtains images by tiny web camera which can be easily hidden in the car.FDS compares the obtained image with the predefined images if the image doesn’t match, then the information is sent to the owner through MMS. Now owner can obtain the image of the thief in his mobile as well as he can trace the location through GPS.The location of the car as well as its speed can be displayed to the owner through SMS. By using this inexpensive security system, owner can identify the thief image as well as he can locate the Vehicle.
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IJECT/44/1/D-825 |
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Frequency Syntheizer Design Based on 2/3 Prescaler & PS Counter For High Spped Applications
Golla Jyothsna Hasmani, N.Mohan Raju
A lower-power single-phase clock multiband flexible divider with integrated P&S counter is presented. Frequency synthesizers is proposed based on wideband 2/3 prescaler is based on integrated ps counter and is implemented using with CMOS technology. In order to enhance the working frequency of the counter, a modified form of wideband prescaler based divide-by-2/3 counter. Here the gate count is reduced to a lower level by replacing the separate P –counter and S –counter used in the previous method by a single programmable integrated PS counter. This produces a multiband flexible divider with a lower power of about 11mW and a reduced gate count of about 225 and operates in 2.4 to 5 GHz and is applicable for Zigbee/IEEE 802.15.4.
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IJECT/44/1/D-826 |
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Design of Point-in-Triangulation Localization Algorithm Based on Matrix and Estimation Approach
Gaurav Malik, Kanika Sharma
The paper proposed a new methodology and technique to reduce the error rate and to improve the localization coverage in a wireless sensor network of specific area and specific node environment. The paper is based on the approach of matrix and estimation in which the initial estimation of the location coordinate of the unknown node has been calculated and matrix approach has been than implemented in order to find the exact value of the coordinate of the unknown node. Finally the error rate and localization coverage has been calculated with the help of specific mathematical expressions. The simulation environment used by the author of the paper is Matlab.
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IJECT/44/1/D-827 |
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Low-Cost Low-Power Improved Bypassing-Based Multiplier
Sharvari S. Tantarpale, Swati V. Sakhare
Based on the simplification of the addition operations in a low-power bypassing-based multiplier, a low-cost low-power bypassing-based multiplier with improved design is proposed in every communication based application. The proposed bypass cells constitute the multiplier skip redundant signal transitions when the horizontally partial product or the vertical operand is zero. After Comparing with row-bypassing multiplier, columnbypassing multiplier and 2-dimensional bypassing-based multiplier for different examples, the experimental results will show that our proposed low-cost low power multiplier saves hardware cost and reduces the power dissipation for 4×4 multiplier. If the power consumption is reduced, of the multiplier block, then we can reduce the power consumption of various digital signal processing chips and communication systems. This type of power efficient multiplier can be developed by reducing switching activities through architecture optimization. Reduction of architecture optimization can be done using bypassing techniques (turning of some columns or rows or both in the multiplier array whenever certain multiplier or multiplicand or both bits are zero).
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IJECT/44/1/D-828 |
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A Survey of Localization Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks
Gaurav Malik, Kanika Sharma
The paper proposed a detail survey of the trend followed in designing of localization algorithm in past ten years. The paper reviews all possible categories of range free and range based algorithm as well as compares range free and range based algorithm on the basis of performance, cost constraint as well as on requirements.
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IJECT/44/1/D-829 |
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Video Surveillance Robot Controlling Through Web
B.Prasanna Kumar, M.Pavani
Today’s Internet technology provides a convenient way for us to develop an integrated network environment for the diversified applications of different robotic systems. This paper puts a forward design of embedded video surveillance robot system based on wireless internet mobile communications. The robot control system has high performance in data processing by taking ARM11 has the coprocessor and embedded Linux has the operating system. The processor has interface with the Camera and Wi-Fi module. The control system has been divided into two sub systems: Robot control system and the web interface for the robot monitoring. The video was obtained by the Camera. And then, the video data was compressed according to the H.264 recommendation and transmitted by Wi-Fi module. In the user side Web page created by using HTML. Whenever user enters IP address of robot, the user gets the access of robot. Wireless Internet is used to provide a communication path between user and robot, to send control signal to the robot and to request the real time visual data from the robot. The robot can receive the movement instructions from user and pull the real-time multimedia data stream to a remoteuser via Wi-Fi mobile or system.
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IJECT/44/1/D-830 |
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The Design of Low Power and Low Voltage Operational Amplifier Using CMOS Technology
K.Aruna, B.Kedharnath
Now days use of most of the electric components have been increased due to that power dissipation and the use of the power given to the electric & electronic circuits are not fully utilized. So to avoid this problem the concept of Low Power system arises. As part of the construction of microelectronics, it has been proposed to make the choice a little circuit with attraction with the use of MOS cells. Since we often use operational amplifiers (OA) in our specialty, we chose to recreate an AO from templates provided in the book Basics of CMOS Cell Design. Now day’s differential amplifiers are widely employed in many circuits. If we minimized the power consumption of the differential amplifier the power consumption of the whole circuit will be considerably minimized. So in this paper we designed a new differential amplifier circuit using CMOS technology with lesser power consumption & high Gain.
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IJECT/44/1/D-831 |
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Development of RF Based Mobile Jammer
A.Pravalika, B.Kedharnath
A mobile jammeris a device which is used to jam signals of cell phone from receiving signals from base stations. Mobile jammer is used majorly where the disturbances that are occurred with the cell phones. So, in this paper we are designing a new Mobile Jammer unit which is capable of blocking the cell phone working not the signal receiving from Base Station, which make effective use of the situation where jammers actually used. This was implemented using FPGA by interfacing Mobile Device, RF Transmitter and RF Receiver and LCD Unit.
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IJECT/44/1/D-832 |
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Rectangular Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna with Simple Modified Ground Plane
K. Mondal, Priti Rai, Deblina Banerjee, Sudipta Paul, Dr. D.Chanda, Dr. Partha Pratim Sarkar
In this paper a multiband microstrip patch antenna is designed with slot loaded rectangular ground plane. The proposed antenna is designed by using PTFE substrates with dielectric constant 2.4. The simulated results like return loss, swept gain and radiation pattern of the proposed antenna have been obtained using Ansoft designer software. The results show a large bandwidth, high gain and minimum return loss. The simulated results are verified with experimental data. The proposed antenna may be used for wireless communication systems.
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IJECT/44/1/D-833 |
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A Multi Services Smart Card Provided With a Three Level Authentication
P. Sai Gayathri, B.Kedharnath
A three-factor authentication scheme combines biometrics with passwords and smart cards to provide high-security. A well designed three-factor authentication protocol can greatly improve the information assurance in distributed systems. In this paper we are proposing a new three level security which was implemented using FPGA Device. Now a days data security is the major issue for the many applications in the World. So, In this Paper we are providing three level security through 1st level was provided by using RF Modules, then a Bio-metric Authentication by using Face recognition using PCA algorithm implemented using Mat lab Processing and Login Password based authentication.
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IJECT/44/1/D-834 |
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An FPGA Integrated Ship Monitor System Using Zigbee Technology
M.Swaminath, SK.Saidulu
The development various .modern integrated monitoring systems of ships plays an crucial role in the ship safety, reliability. In this paper a scheme of constructing shipping monitoring and control system has been provided consists of monitor and a navy section, data communication using wireless transfer and ship alerting and user terminals. Hardware structure was developed by using FPGA by interfacing the modules.
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IJECT/44/1/D-835 |
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Improved Performance Analysis of DSDV, AODV, ZRP Under Black Hole Attack in MANETs
S Muzamil Basha, SR Raj Kumar, G N. Vivekananda, Raghu Veer Matam
MANET consists of mobile hosts equipped with wireless communication devices operating without a central coordinator, self-motivated, rapidly -deployable, self-configuring wireless network. Routing in MANETs has immense challenges due to mobility, limited bandwidth, and battery constraints. Due to this the ad-hoc networks are vulnerable to different attacks one of them is Black Hole attack which occurs in network layer. In this paper We analyze the performance of DSDV (Proactive), AODV (Reactive) and ZRP (Hybrid) both under Black hole attack and without Black hole attack by varying number of nodes. Average End-to-END delay, Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Packet Drop Rate (PDRR) and Throughput are measured as performance parameter for estimating the performance of DSDV, AODV and ZRP protocol with and without Black Hole in the Ad-hoc network using NS2 simulator.
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IJECT/44/1/D-836 |