Vol 4 Issue 2-3



International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 4 Issue 2, Ver. 3
S.No. Research Topic Paper ID
   53 SIMO-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Network

Md. Tahidul Islam, Md. SiponMiah, Jia Uddin


Cooperative spectrum sensing has a great impact to increase the performance for detecting the Primary User (PU) signal over single node sensing. Recent developments in multiple antenna techniques adjoin a new dimension in spectrum sensing. In this paper, we have proposed multi antenna based signal detection considering cooperative approach to minimize sensing and reporting time. The simulation is accomplished in Rayleigh fading channel with different combining methods to obtain local decision where every cognitive radio user contains multiple antennas. In addition, decision fusion of cognitive radio users is considered in the simulation, where fusion is done with general fusion rule for showing global probability of detection. The significance and efficiency of the proposed method is justified through analysis and simulation for both local as well as global sensing in term of probability of detection or miss detection, false alarm, sensing time and reporting time. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method improves the performance maintaining quality of service as compared with the conventional system.
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   54 The Design of a Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna with DGS for HiperLAN/1 Applications

Dr. M Ravinandan, Anoop C N, Sadhana H N, Yashaswini K, Divyashree D S


In this paper, we propose a design of Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna (CMPA) with DGS. The defected ground structure concept is used to improve the bandwidth, impedance matching and the relocation of resonant frequency to make the compact CMPA. The size reduction is about 12% compared to the actual area required to resonate at 5.2GHz is achieved. The bandwidth is 260MHz with respect to center frequency 5.23GHz which covers wireless band (HiperLAN/1). The percentage bandwidth is enhanced to 4.97% from 1.4% with DGS.
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   55 Realization of Power Quality Improvement Features at Distribution Side Interfacing to Renewable Energy Sources Using IRP Theory

Y. Anusha, T. Kosaleswara Reddy


Power quality phenomena include all possible situations in which the waveform of the supply voltage (voltage quality) or load current (current quality) deviate from the sinusoidal waveform at rated frequency with amplitude corresponding to the rated rms value for all three phases of a three-phase system. The wide range of power quality disturbances covers sudden, short duration deviations, e.g. impulsive and oscillatory transients, voltage dips (or sags), short interruptions, as well as steady-state deviations, such as harmonics and flicker, etc. Renewable energy resources (RES) are being increasingly connected in distribution systems utilizing power electronic converters. This paper presents a novel control strategy for achieving maximum benefits from these gridinterfacing inverters using the closed loop controller, the generation of references currents from Instantaneous real- reactive power theory, when installed in 3-phase 4-wire distribution systems. The inverter is controlled to perform as a multi-function device by incorporating active power filter functionality. The inverter can thus be utilized as: 1) power converter to inject power generated from RES to the grid, and 2) shunt APF to compensate current unbalance, load current harmonics, load reactive power demand and load neutral current. All of these functions may be accomplished either individually or simultaneously. This new control concept is demonstrated with extensive MATLAB/Simulink.
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   56 Performance Evaluation of Image Fusion Based on Discrete Cosine Transform

Ramkrishna P. Patil, Anukul Shukla, Manish Saxena


Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is used for fusion of two different images and for image compression. Two multi focus images are used for image fusion. Different fusion algorithms are used and their performance is evaluated. Fusion performance is not good while using the algorithms with block size less than 64×64 and also the block size of 512×512. Contrast, amplitude and energy based image fusion algorithms performed well. The fused images are comparable with the reference image. Only the image size is considered but blurring percentage is not considered.
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   57 IGBT Based Design Analysis and Simulation of SEPIC Converter

Pankaj Kumar Ray, Ramjee Prasad Gupta


The simulation and analysis of SEPIC (Single-ended Primary Inductance Converter) has been done for low power application. With the help of SEPIC converter with wide variation of ac input voltage and wide variation of output voltage is possible. In the present paper a SEPIC converter has been designed for input voltage range of 40-500V and output voltage has been obtained as 12 V.The simulation results of SEPIC converter are obtained with PI controller for controlled output voltage. This converter can be suitable for low power application which need a sophisticated power supply.Stability Analysis of the system has been done and Gain margin has been obtained as 42.6 db.
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   58 Design of Enhanced Bandwidth Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Using DGS technique for HiperLAN/2

Dr. M Ravinandan, Harshitha K, Indira M, Chandan R, Naveen Kumar D C


In this paper, we propose a design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna (RMPA) with slot etched on ground plane as DGS. The Defected Ground Structure concept is used to improve the bandwidth, impedance matching and the relocation of resonant frequency. The size reduction is about 28.38% compared to the actual area required to resonate at 5.6GHz is achieved. The bandwidth is 410MHz with respect to center frequency 5.535GHz which covers wireless band such as HiperLAN/2. The enhanced percentage bandwidth is about 7.32% by DGS.
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   59 Efficient FFT/IFFT Implementation Technique for OFDM on FPGA

Shripad P. Mohani, Shreyas Deshmukh, Dr. Mukul S. Sutaone


Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a special case of multicarrier transmission, where a single data stream is transmitted over a number of lowerrate subcarriers. With the rapid growth of digital wireless communication in recent years, the need for high-speed mobile data transmission has increased. FPGAs have become key components in the implementation of high performance DSP systems. The objective of this paper is to design and efficiently implement a base band OFDM transmitter and receiver on FPGA hardware. This paper concentrates on developing FFT and IFFT. IFFT/ FFT blocks are complex to implement and main blocks of OFDM system i.e. it consumes more resources. So, a new technique is proposed here in which FFT/IFFT is implemented in such a way that it consumes very less resources. The work also includes design of a mapping module, serial to parallel and parallel to serial converter modules. All modules are designed using VHDL programming language and implemented on Spartan 3e designer kit.
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   60 Automated Video Surveillance System for Human Motion Detection

H. H. Joshi, N. N. Shah, P. D. Raval


Automated video surveillance system is useful in the field of security. Surveillance system’s basic task is to detect and track moving objects. In surveillance system, moving object detection is necessary for object classification, target tracking, activity recognition as well as behaviour understanding. With the use of HDS system, it is possible to detect and separate out human and non-human entity. Various methods are discussed for background subtraction, foreground extraction and human detection.
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   61 Implementation of Portable ECG System Using OMAP 3530 Processor

P M Dudhat, N P Joshi


The objective of this research is to develop a patient monitoring system to allow doctors to monitor their patients remotely and to facilitate patients to get their health checked without going to a hospital. Portable ECG system is used for long term monitoring of patients at the risk of life threatening cardiac arrhythmias. The idea of design work is to develop a algorithm for efficient QRS detection with low power consumption. The design will use OMAP 3530 application based processor and DSP core for ECG signal conditioning. These processors will handle all data collection, data packaging and data transfer operations. After processing data, it will send to the clinical station through internet using Samba server. This will allow the physicians to use regular internet browser to remotely analyze the patient’s ECG. The QRS detection algorithm uses derivative based approach to remove various noises present in ECG data for signal enhancement. This will provide optimized filtering and high SNR. Thus, the proposed system makes the human’s daily life easier and more comfortable. This electronic document justifies the application along with designing scheme.
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   62 Comparative Analysis of Various Techniques for Key Frame Extraction

Prajesh V. Kathiriya, Dhaval S. Pipalia


Now a day, there are different kinds of videos available on internet like sports video, entertainment video, news video etc. Many researchers have done research on the video processing. Video abstraction, content searching, video summarization becomes crucial term for the development of the advanced digital video system. Key frame is the frame which contains the salient feature of the video so it is very useful for the video abstraction, summarization and content searching. In this paper, three techniques are discussed for the detection of shot boundary and key frame extraction for uncompressed video stream briefly and also compare these techniques. The three techniques here discussed are X2 based Histogram Method, Edge Change Ratio and Pixel Based Differences.
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   63 Fractal Antenna for Multiple Applications

Mayur Narang, Vimlesh Singh


This paper presents a new design fractal antenna. This cross dipole fractal antenna has been designed on substrate with dielectric constant 4.4 and substrate thickness 1.6 mm. The antenna has been simulated using IE3D software which works on principle of MOM. The simulated result shows the resonance at 1.21GHz, 1.4GHz, 2.0GHz, 2.33GHz, 2.75GHZ, 2.91GHz, 3.26GHz, 3.74GHz, 3.88GHz, 4.06GHz, 4.09GHz, 4.11GHz, and 4.46GHz for different iteration. The measured pattern of antenna displays good mono-polar mode radiation and the gain is found to be stable in most of the transmission band. This antenna is very suitable for Wideband (WB) application.
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   64 Design of Hexagonal Double Dumbbell Shaped LPF with High Sharpness and Wide Rejection Bandwidth by Using Array of DGS

Abhiruchi Nagpal, Abha Agarwal, P.K.Singhal, Pramod Kumar


In this paper a novel compact wideband highrejection low-pass filter is presented. The Low Pass Filter (LPF) consists of two hexagonal dumbbell shaped resonator placed perpendicular to each other and ring shaped DGS in the ground. With such structure Sharpe attenuation is obtained undesired harmonics are effectively suppressed by DGS. The proposed filter also has constant group delay within the rejection band. The new filter has compact configuration even better filter properties than the traditional filter. This design gives insight in designing a low–pass filter with reduced size of an arbitrarily shape. Using electromagnetic simulation software, it is shown that a compact LPF with 4.0568GHz cut-off frequency and band reject of up to 16GHz has been successfully designed and simulated.
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   65 Proximity Coupled Complementary Symmetry E-Slot Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for High Gain and Wideband Operation

Nagraj Kulkarni, S. N. Mulgi


This paper presents the design and development of rectangular microstrip antenna with complementary symmetry E – slot on its radiating patch for high gain and wide band operation. The antenna has a volume of 8 X 5 X 0.16 cm3 and operates between 6.16 to 16 GHz giving an impedance bandwidth of 88.8% with a peak gain of 5.89 dB. The proposed antenna is excited by proximity coupling feed arrangement and fabricated on low cost glass epoxy substrate material. The antenna shows linearly polarized broadside radiation characteristic. The experimental and simulated results are in good agreement with each other. The design concept of the antenna is given and experimental results are presented and discussed. This antenna may find applications for the systems operating at 6 to 16 GHz frequencies.
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   66 Comparative Analysis of Various Methods for Human Emotional State Recognition

Gaurav B. Vasani, Radhika S. Senjaliya


Automatic recognition of people is a challenging problem which has received much attention during recent years due to its many applications in different fields. Human Sate Recognition as a facial expression recognition is one of those challenging problems and up to date, there is no technique that provides a robust solution to all situations. In this paper all five universally recognized basic emotions namely angry, disgust, happy, sad and neutral. In this paper, two methods for human emotional state recognition in facial image sequences are presented. The two methods are PCA and ANN method. In PCA provides accuracy of 92.1% and ANN method provides accuracy of 96%.
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   67 Complementary Symmetry Mirror L-Slot Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for High Gain and Broadband Operation

Nagraj Kulkarni, S. N. Mulgi


This work focuses on the design and development of a complementary symmetry mirror L – slot rectangular microstrip antenna for high gain and broad band operation. The antenna has a structure of 8 X 5 X 0.16 cm3 and operates between 2.7 to 16 GHz giving a maximum impedance bandwidth of 95% with a peak gain of 6.28 dB. The low cost glass epoxy substrate material is used to fabricate the antenna. The proximity coupling feed arrangement is employed to excite the antenna. The antenna shows linearly polarized broadside radiation characteristic. The experimental and simulated results are in agreement with each other. The design detail of the antenna is described. The experimental results are presented and discussed. This antenna may find applications in WLAN, WiMax, 4G mobile communication and systems operating beyond X-band of frequencies.
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   68 Possible Role of Pico Hydro Electricity in Powering BTS Telecommunication

Gurpinder Singh, Prince Verma, Amit Kumar


There is rapid growth in mobile phone telecommunication in last decades. In order to run the base stations, it requires continuous power supply. Using diesel generator is not sustainable, but we can use hydropower systems which incur lower long term costs per kilowatt than diesel, wind or solar generation. So, in this paper, we have discussed about the Pico Hydro System in powering BTS Technology.
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   69 Aperture Coupled Complementary Symmetry T-Slot Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for Triple Band Operation

Nagraj Kulkarni, S. N. Mulgi


In this paper the design and development of a rectangular microstrip antenna with complementary symmetry T – slot on its radiating patch is presented for triple band operation. The antenna is constructed with a volume of 8 X 5 X 0.16 cm3 and operates between 4.43 to 16 GHz of frequencies. The proposed antenna is fabricated on low cost glass epoxy substrate material and uses aperture coupling feed mechanism for the excitation. The antenna shows linearly polarized broadside radiation characteristic in its operating bands and gives peak gain of 4.58 dB. The design details of the antenna is described. The experimental results are presented and discussed. This antenna may find applications in WLAN, HIPERLAN/2 and SAR.
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   70 Detection of Moving Objects in Dynamic Texture Scene Using Kalman Filter

B.Gunavalli, R. Jayalakshmamma


The detection of moving objects is one of the important topics in video surveillance and computer vision systems. In this paper used to detect the moving object and compare to mixture of Gaussian model (MoG) and frame difference. The kalman filter has good performance under dynamic texture scene in real time applications. The experimental results show that the kalman filter is efficient and robust for the dynamic environment with new objects in it.
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   71 A Novel Design and Development of Triple Band Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for WLAN Applications

Nagraj Kulkarni, S. N. Mulgi


In this paper the design and development of a novel E and C slot loaded rectangular microstrip antenna is presented for triple band operation. The antenna has a volume of 8 X 5 X 0.16 cm3 and operates between 4.47 to 8.29 GHz at three independent frequency bands. The proposed antenna is excited by microstripline feed arrangement and fabricated on low cost glass epoxy substrate material. The antenna gives a peak gain of 5.87 dB with broadside radiation characteristic. The experimental and simulated results are in good agreement with each other. The design details of the antenna is described and experimental results are presented and discussed. This antenna may find applications in WLAN.
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   72 Simulation and Analysis of a Y-Slot Coupled Microstrip Patch Antenna With CPW-Fed

Reena Rani


In this paper we simulate Y- slot coupled microstrip patch antenna with Circular Polarized Wave (CPW) using IE3D software & analyzed in detail. We will investigate that by using a Y shaped slot of unequal slot length for coupling the electromagnetic energy from the microstrip feed line to the radiating patch a circularly polarized radiation can be easily obtained, In this case antenna configuration change is in the slot configuration in the ground plane. The method of moment using IE3D software (electromagnetic simulating software developed by Zeeland Software Inc.) is used to investigate the characteristics of a Y-slot coupled circular patch microstrip antenna. IE3D software is used to investigate the characteristics of Y-slot coupled microstrip antennas. For Y-slot coupled circular patch microstrip antenna axial ratio 1.06 dB at frequency 1.575 GHz is obtained.
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   73 Proximity Coupled Complementary Symmetry C-Slot Rectangular Microstrip Antenna for Triple Band Operation

Nagraj Kulkarni, S. N. Mulgi


This paper presents the design and development of complementary symmetry C – slot rectangular ring surrounded rectangular microstrip antenna for high gain and triple band operation. The antenna has a constructional volume of 8 X 5 X 0.16 cm3 and operates between 4.28 to 16 GHz giving a maximum impedance bandwidth of 67.11 % with a peak gain of 7.21 dB. The proposed antenna is excited by proximity coupled feed arrangement and fabricated on low cost glass epoxy substrate material. The antenna shows linearly polarized broadside radiation characteristic in its operating bands. The design details of the antenna is described. Experimental results are presented and discussed. This antenna may find applications in WLAN, WiMax and the systems operating from X- band of frequencies.
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   74 A Neoteric Approach for Differential Lapse Technique

Rajesh H. Bhuva, Dhaval S. Pipalia


In todays fastly growing technological world communication is required to as fastest as possible. Communication seems to be the most researched area in todays world. With the applications like facebook, twitter and whatsup people are sharing almost everything including images, text and videos. Any communication appraoch uses either images or technique for gaining understanding about the subject under study.With the understanding gained from the time lapse technique, the proposed work describes a real time application of the differential time lapse technique which has been experimented on two real time applications and the results obtained are analyzed and justified with the theoretical value. Time Lapse technique capturing approach is an efficient mechanism to record the events that are processing / developing / moving very slowly. In this approach, a series of snaps of a subject under study are taken at a regular interval of time. and finally selected frames are arranged in a sequence to form a small technique file. Differential time lapse technique is the technique which allows removing the irrelavalent details from the technique file. This reduces the time required visualize the whole technique as well as it reduces the storage requirements of the particular technique file. One of the most vital applications of the differential time lapse technique can be in the sorting of the goods by comparing the reference image of the standard frame with the other goods which needs to be sorted out some predefined fashion. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in MATLAB and the results as tested for certain case study has been discussed to prove the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach.
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   75 Design, Development and Evaluation of Aperture Coupled S-Slot Dual Ground Back Fed Rectangular Microstrip Antenna

Nagraj Kulkarni, S. N. Mulgi


In this communication a novel design of rectangular microstrip antenna with S shaped slot on its radiating patch and dual ground technique is carried out for dual band operation. The antenna operates between 4.3 to 12.48 GHz giving a maximum impedance bandwidth of 60.4% with a peak gain of 4.21 dB. The proposed antenna is excited by aperture coupling feed arrangement and fabricated on low cost glass epoxy substrate material. The antenna shows broadside radiation characteristic. The experimental and simulated results are in good agreement with each other. The design concept of the antenna is given and experimental results are presented and discussed. This antenna may find applications in WiMax of IEEE802.16d, HIPERLAN/2,
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   76 Performance analysis of Gated D Flip Flop & D Flip Flop Using MTCMOS Technique

Ruchika Mittal, Neha


In electronics, a flip-flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store state information. The circuit can be made to change state by signals applied to one or more control inputs and will have one or two outputs. It is the basic storage element in sequential logic. Flip-flops and latches are a fundamental building block of digital electronics systems used in computers, communications, and many other types of systems. The basic building blocks of sequential logic circuits are flip flops. Flip flops are devices that uses a clock. Each flip flop can store one bit. Basically, a flip flop has two inputs. One input is a control input. In VLSI systems, the clock system consumes anywhere between 20-50% of the total chip power with approximately 90% of the clocking power used to drive storage elements such as flip-flops. The significant power consumption of the clock system is mainly due to the 100% transition probability of the clock signal. The main objective of this paper is to compared Conventional D flip flop and D flip flop using MTCMOS technique on the basis of power dissipation at different values of temperature and supply voltage.
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   77 Design and Implementation of Radix-4 Configurable Booth Multiplier High Speed System

Rajendra Prasad.Shanku, S. Murali Mohan


The rapid market growth of portable electronic devices with limited power and area has opened a vast array of low-power and compact circuit design opportunities and challenges in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) . The pipelining is the most widely used technique to improve the performance of digital circuits. We proposed the high-speed modified Booth multipliers with very deep pipelines. The proposed multipliers consist of three modules: 1) the modified Booth encoder and decoder module to generate N/2 partial products; 2) the Wallace tree module to add the partial products in parallel; 3) the carry look-ahead adder module for the final addition. Various experiments have been conducted to find the optimum number of pipeline stages and the positions of pipeline registers for the 8-bit and 16-bit modified Booth multipliers. Using 0.13um standard cell library, we obtainedthe 8-bit and 16-bit multipliers with the operating frequencies of 2.95GHz and 2.63GHz. Since the speed improvement ratio is much greater than the area increase ratio, they can be used in the application systems requiring very high performance while the area penalty is tolerable.
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   78 Face Recognition For Intelligent Security Using Eigenface Approach

Jyoti Prabha, Anil Kumar, Arvind Kumar Jaiswal, Mukesh Kumar, Swati Verma


The main objective of this paper is to study the face recognition using images, as an individual’s identity can be used for many security related applications. It can also be used to maintain medical, criminal or any other type of records so that we can quickly access the information we need. The approach that has been used here to recognize the face is eigenface approach. Results show that this approach is effective, and the scope of the work can be extended from images to videos.
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   79 Review of Association Rule Mining Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm

Shruti Aggarwal, Babita Rani


Association rule mining represents a promising technique to find hidden patterns in large data bases. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic approach for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems. ACO is inspired by shortest path searching behavior of various ant species. This paper presents the optimization efficiencies of the ant colony algorithms used for data mining according to requirement of the application.
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   80 Design and Characterization of IEEE 1588 Time Stamping IP Core

Muhammed Thaha, Nandakumar.R, Jayaraj U Kidav


In today’s modern network, time is becoming more and more critical than before, time synchronization is significant in many different technologies and applications like test and measurement, factory automation, power plants, robotic control, telecommunication and financial applications. Most of the communication networks are running over IP network, which is sensitive to issues in timing and synchronization. IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a key standard for providing synchronization to networks, at high precision and provides both frequency and time synchronization, through an exchange of packets over network. Stamping PTP messages accurately in physical layer taking advantage of hardware is one of the key technologies, to achieve the objective of high precision time synchronization. This work forward, design and characterization of re-configurable and re-useable hardware time stamping unit along with a parser having L2, L4 PTP messages, compatible with PTP version1 and 2. It works independently or along with a protocol stack to achieve fractional micro second level precision. The hardware unit is synthesized with Xilinx ISE® tool implemented in virtex 6® and analyzed using Chip Scope Pro® integrated logic analyzer. It is aimed to use with high end SOC architecture as a reconfigurable and re usable IP core.
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   81 Analysis and Simulated Design of Object Detection in Real World

Malveen Kaur, Hempriya


Recently, demand for object recognition is increasing with increase of digital images. There are many techniques and methods which are used to recognition of different class of objects. In this paper, we compare some techniques and their results. However, many images of the datasets contain wide background areas other than the object area which is focused in the recognition. Unnecessary areas should be ignored to increase the efficiency and accuracy of object detection. In this paper, we also discuses some applications of object detection in real time world.
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   82 Dynamic Modeling and Control Design of DSTATCOM for Distribution System

Tejwansh Kaur, Amarjeet Kaur


In recent years, power quality engineers are becoming increasingly concerned over the quality of electrical power. In modern industries, load equipment uses electronic controller, which are sensitive to poor voltage quality and will shut down if supply voltage is depressed and may mal-operate in other ways, if harmonic distortion of the supply voltage is excessive. Much of these modern load equipments themselves use electronic switching devices which then can contribute to poor network voltage quality. Custom power devices are introduced to electrical system to improve the power quality of the electrical power. DVR, DSTATCOM, UPQC etc are some of the devices used to improve the power quality of the voltage and current. In this paper work among the different custom power devices, the role of DSTATCOM has been investigated to improve the quality of power under different conditions.
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   83 Design and Characterization of Two-way Set Associative Cache Controller IP core

Deepa C., Nandakumar R.


Cache memory is a small but fast memory used to store small amounts of data that have been accessed recently and possibly be accessed in the immediate future. Cache controller ascertains whether the last read or write operation is a hit or miss A cardinal architecture design of Cache Controller core for twoway set associative cache with write-through policy is described in this paper.
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   84 Implementation of Signal Subspace Method for Speech Enhancement

Nandini Garg, Jyoti Gupta


In speech communication, quality and intelligibility of speech is of utmost importance for ease and accuracy of information exchange. The speech processing systems used to communicate or store speech are usually designed for a noise free environment but in a real-world environment, the presence of background interference in the form of additive background and channel noise drastically degrades the performance of these systems, causing inaccurate information exchange and listener fatigue. Speech enhancement algorithms attempt to improve the performance of communication systems when their input or output signals are corrupted by noise. Signal subspace method is used that allows better and more suppression of the noise. The aim of this method is to improve the quality, while minimizing any loss in intelligibility. The approach involves the use of a signal dependent transform to decompose a noisy signal into two separate subspaces, the signal plus noise subspace, and the noise-only subspace. The transform employed to perform this operation is the Karhuenen-Loeve Transform (KLT).
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   85 Analysis and Simulated Design for Blood Vessel Extraction for Human Retinal Images

Archna Sharma, Hempriya


Blood vessel segmentation algorithms are critical components of circulatory blood vessel analysis systems. In this paper, few methods for the extraction of blood vessels are discussed and by using these methods other anatomical features in the retinal image can be extracted. Retinal analysis is a key field for the diagnosis of several diseases. Automated Retinal Image analysis system provides ophthalmologists with framework where retinal images can be managed, analyzed and stored to assess the condition of the patients. For the diagnosis, ophthalmologists use color retinal images of the patient acquired from digital camera. The present study is aimed at developing an automatic system for the extraction of normal and abnormal features in color retinal images.
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   86 Architecture Design of DDR SDRAM Controller IP Core

Suvarna P., Nandakumar R.


The performance demands of PC technologies are increasing day by day; as a result the development and improvisation of memories are increasing at a rapid rate. There are several solutions for fast and efficient memory modules suitable for PC’s and DDR SDRAM is one of the best among them. Just using DDR SDRAM, we can’t meet the demands. It should also be supplemented by a well implemented controller in order to establish an interface between other hardware’s and itself. If this compatible controller can be included in the computer architecture, the system will be more flexible and transplantable. This paper deals with designing and implementing a controller to appropriately control a DDR SDRAM. It also proposes to address detailed investigations about the different DDR SDRAM’s, understanding its principles of operation and deriving suitable behavioral model for custom controller, for targeting a popular DDR SDRAM memory, Micron® MT46V4M16. The design is modeled using Verilog HDL (IEEE 1364-2005), followed by characterization of the IP core.
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   87 Investigation of On-Demand Routing Protocols in MANET Under Varying No. of Mobile Nodes and Buffer Size

Puneet Bindra, Jaswinder Kaur, Gurjeevan Singh


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking Technology (MANET), also known as Mobile Packet Radio operates in heterogeneous environments with varying bandwidth-delay characteristics. An adhoc network is a temporarily infrastructure less network and is a self configuring network of mobile routers connected by wireless links. They are characterized by the use of wireless links, dynamically changing topology, multi-hop connectivity and decentralized routing mechanisms and decision making. The nodes are free to move about and organize themselves into a network. They can be studied formally as graphs in which the set of edges varies in time. This paper investigates three MANET protocols i.e. Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) and examines their performance in terms of throughput, delay, number of hops per route and route discovery time by varying number of mobile nodes and buffer size. Simulation is done using OPNET 14.5 modules to investigate various simulation constraints.
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   88 Three notch Multilayer Yagi-Uda Antenna for C-Band Wireless Communication Using Slot Via and
One Shorting Pin

Kanika Upadhyay, Namrata Sahayam


In this paper, a Multilayer Yagi-Uda antenna based on couplar line approach, slot, two via and one shorting pin is presented which is very useful for C-Band microwave wireless applications. This proposed antenna is designed for C band and S-Band. This antenna has been used for 10% impedance bandwidth between 3.7Ghz to 4.1GHz, 15.9% impedance bandwidth between 5.2GHz to 6.1GHz and 10% impedance bandwidth between 7.4GHz to 8.2GHz, achieved three notches’ first at 3.9GHz, second at 5.6GHz and third at 7.7 GHz, This antenna has been developed at supporting dielectric constant of 4.3 and 2.2, and air gap, The proposed antenna is completely compatible with microwave circuitry and wireless communication system. This antenna is simulated by using IE3D simulation software.
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   89 A Review: Face Recognition Techniques

Shalu Yadav, Vimlesh Singh, Romisha


In recent years face recognition has received significant attention from both research communities and society of network multimedia information access. Major progress and immense range of biometric applications in banking, national identity, law enforcement, immigration, and logical access control have projected face recognition technology into the spotlight. Though earlier, simple geometric models were used for face recognition but now the recognition process has graduated into a science of much more sharp and mature mathematical representations and matching processes. This paper reviews the existing approaches of face recognition techniques and offers s ome insights into the studies of machine recognition of faces. A number of typical appearance and feature based approaches are discussed. Furthermore, some efforts have been put to outline the motive for using face recognition, applications and some of the difficulties disturbing current systems with regard to this task.
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   90 Design and Characterization of NAND Flash Controller IP Core

Madhavisathya Ajayakumar E., Nandakumar R.


In recent years face recognition has received significant attention from both research communities and society of network multimedia information access. Major progress and immense range of biometric applications in banking, national identity, law enforcement, immigration, and logical access control have projected face recognition technology into the spotlight. Though earlier, simple geometric models were used for face recognition but now the recognition process has graduated into a science of much more sharp and mature mathematical representations and matching processes. This paper reviews the existing approaches of face recognition techniques and offers s ome insights into the studies of machine recognition of faces. A number of typical appearance and feature based approaches are discussed. Furthermore, some efforts have been put to outline the motive for using face recognition, applications and some of the difficulties disturbing current systems with regard to this task.
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   91 Analysis of Routing Protocols for MANET Using Genetic Algorithm

Arun Biradar, Dr. Ravindra C. Thool


Ad hoc network is a network where there is no existence of wireless infrastructure for networking, Instead each node communicates with each other using their sole transmitter-receiver only. In this kind of network each and every node does participate voluntarily in transit packet that flow to and from different nodes. Each node do follow same routing algorithm to route different packets. In this paper an attempt has been made to compare the performance ofthree prominent routing protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Network’s (MANET), Ad hoc on demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing (DSDV) using genetic algorithm. The performance differentials are analyzed using varying simulation time. These simulations are carried out using ns2 network simulator. The result presented in this paper illustrates the importance in carefully evaluating and implementing routing protocols in an ad hoc environment.
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   92 A Compact Planar Inverted-F Antenna With Slotted Ground Plane

Naveen Kumar, Garima Saini


The ground plane of an antenna in a mobile phone has significant role in improving the performance of the entire antenna structure. In this paper, a slotted ground plane configuration to design a very small and thin Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) is proposed. By using the ground plane as a radiator along with PIFA’s main patch situated above the ground plane, the height of PIFA can be reduced to a great extent, thus resulting in reduction of overall mobile phone thickness. In this paper proposed antenna has volume as 25 x 15 x 3.8 mm3 and it is simulated & analyzed using HFSS software. It is designed to cover UMTS, Bluetooth, 4G LTE, m-WiMAX, 5 GHz WLAN bands. The simulated results show that the performance parameters of the antenna are satisfying the requirements of advanced wireless communication devices.
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   93 Power Optimization of Linear Feedback Shift Register Using Clock Gating

Seema Sharma


A modified Linear Feedback Shift Register is designed in which power consumption reduction by deactivating the clock signal to Flip Flop when the output signal is same as input signal. The power consumption of the new LFSR is reduced due to the reduced switching of Flip Flop To verify, the maximum, minimum and average power of the two LFSRs are the compared.
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   94 An Integrated Mobile Phone Payment System Based on 3G Network

Jitendra Pratap Singh


Along with globally approaching of the era, the progress of mobile communication technology and the development of mobile terminal devices will rapidly promote the mobilization development of traditional Ecommerce. In order to ensure it to achieve further development, secure, flexible and reliable mobile payment system is becoming more and more important. Compared with the payment pattern of ordinary commerce, there will be profound changes in the mobile payment, such as special payment channel, payment carrier and etc. After deep studying about previous payment methods and future 3G communication technology, this paper introduces a new mobile payment model by combining with IC chip, mobile phone and mobile internet, and then gives some improvement measures for current settlement mechanisms in the network transaction, which is entirely around payment channel, payment carrier, security authentication and other key issues in 3G environment. The real time processing of information flow, capital flow and logistics in mobile environment can be easily achieved, forming a complete and reliable business operation for mobile users, which can bring some great conveniences and profound influences for mobile payment industry.
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   95 Edge Detection Using Biogeography Based Optimization

Rajeshwar Dass, Indiwar, Mukesh Kumar


Biogeography Based Optimization (BBO) is an evolutionary optimization algorithm inspired by the principles of biological evolution. The natural phenomena of biogeography, migration and mutation are the fundamental concepts of BBO. The mathematical approach of BBO can be applied in solving complex problems with optimum results. In this paper, BBO implemented for image edge detection. The performance is evaluated on the basis of statistical and visual parameters. The results of the proposed approach are compared to ACO based edge detection and BFO based edge detection techniques. Mathematical parameters: mean, standard deviation and entropy are calculated regarding edge detection. An attempt regarding edge detection of medical images using the proposed approach is also presented. Experimental results prove the superior performance of the proposed approach.
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   96 Expansion of Transmission Line in DPS Using G.A

Jitendra Kumar Garg, Satyender


The main objective of planning in regulated power systems is to meet the demand of loads, while maintaining power system reliability. Before the planning power system uncertainties and vagueness must be identified and classified clearly. In this paper evolutionary programming is used for the transmission network in deregulated environment. For this methods six bus bar networks has been used. In transmission network planning using evolutionary programming 10 different types of transmission cables are used that’s are lxZebra, 2xZebra, lxGoat, Lynx, Bear, 350 Oil Filled, 500 Oil Filled,300 XLPE, 500 XLPE, 800 XLPE. For the load flow calculations Newton raphson method has been used. Main aim of performing the load flow calculation is to find the MVA flow in lines. The proposed methods have achieved solutions with good accuracy, stable convergence characteristics, simple implementation and satisfactory computation time. The analyses have been performed in programming environment of MATLAB for transmission expansion planning using evolutionary programming.
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   97 Implementation of LPC Analysis for Speech Enhancement

Rajdeep Kaur, Jyoti Gupta


Main objective of speech enhancement is to improve the perceptual aspects of speech such as overall quality, intelligibility and degree of listener fatigue. Among the all available methods the spectral subtraction algorithm is the historically one of the first algorithm, proposed for background noise reduction. The greatest asset of Spectral Subtraction Algorithm lies in its simplicity. This paper present the review of basic spectral subtraction Algorithm, a short coming of basic spectral subtraction Algorithm, different modified approaches of Spectral Subtraction Algorithms such as Power Spectral Subtraction, Multiband Spectral Subtraction, Inverse Spectral Subtraction methods. Due to some drawbacks of these Spectral Subtraction method, Linear Predictive analysis method is used to enhance the Speech.
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   98 Quantum Breathers in Metamaterials in Term of Klein-Gordon Lattice

Subhra Jyoti Mandal, Arindam Biswas, A. K. Bandyopadhyay, A .K.Bhattacharjee, D. Mandal


The presence of classical breathers and then a Two-Phonon Bound State (TPBS) or quantum breather state through detailed quantum calculations have already been shown in important nonlinear photonic materials, such as ferroelectrics. The latter was done in a periodic boundary condition with Bloch function in terms of important variations of TPBS parameters against nonlinearity. Metamaterials are also important nonlinear optical materials for applications in Split-Ring-Resonator (SRR) in the antenna arrays. By using a Klein-Gordon approach, a periodic boundary condition, quantum breathers are also shown in terms of TPBS parameters against coupling in the SRR system. An important variation of the TPBS parameters with couplings is observed.
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   100 SVPWM Technique for Three Phases VSI and Simulation Model in Matlab/Simulink

Yasmeena, Dr.G.Tulasi Ram Das


Multilevel inverters offer several advantages compared to the conventional 3-phase bridge inverter in terms of lower dv/dt stresses, lower electromagnetic compatibility, smaller rating and better output features. The most widely used PWM schemes for three-phase Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) are carrier-based sinusoidal PWM and space vector PWM(SVPWM). The basic principle of SVPWM is presented. This paper focuses on step by step development of MATLAB/SIMULINK model of SVPWM. Firstly model of a three-phase VSI is discussed based on space vector representation. Next simulation model of SVPWM is obtained using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Comparison of Three SVPWM Strategies 7-segment Space Vector Modulation (SVM), 5-segment SVM and 3-segment SVM are studied in this paper. Simulation results are presented for three phase voltage source inverters.
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