International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 4 Issue Spl-4
S.No. |
Research Topic |
Paper ID |
1 |
Analysis of Dual Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Hexagonal Patch Antenna by Tuning the Feed Position
Abhishek Joshi, Sachin Singhal, Rajveer Singh
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0127 |
2 |
A Vector Quantization Approach for Voice Recognition Using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC): A Review
Anjali Jain, O.P. Sharma
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0128 |
3 |
Microwave-Photonic Frequency Multiplication Using Optical Four-Wave Mixing and Fiber Bragg Gratings
Ankur Saharia, Pawan Jangid
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0129 |
4 |
Design and Simulation of Dual Band Monopole Patch Antenna for ISM, Wi-MAX and C-Band Rejection Using HFSS
Ashish Mathur, Deepak Sharma, Geetika Mathur
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0130 |
5 |
AL-FEC Raptor Code Implementation Over 3GPP eMBMS Network
Avani U Pandya, Sameer D Trapasiya, Santhi S Chinnam
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0131 |
6 |
Designing & simulation of symmetric E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna for the Wireless Communication Systems
Bhadrasheela Chauhan, Aanchal Jain, Ajay Yadav
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0132 |
7 |
Analysis of Coded and Uncoded Digital Modulation Techniques
Brijraj Singh, O. P. Sharma
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0133 |
8 |
Flexible Electronics: Revolutionizing the Electronics World
Pratishtha Agnihotri, Monika Jain, Ruchita Bajpai
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0134 |
9 |
Harmonics Analysis of Three Phase Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive in Open Loop Mode
R. A. Gupta, Rajesh Kumar, Virendra Sangtani, Ajay Kr. Bansal
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0135 |
10 |
Leakage Power Estimation & Minimization In a 6T SRAM Cell Using Dual Vth, Dual Tox, & Stacking Techniques
Ritu Jain, Swapnil Jain
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0136 |
11 |
A Design of Triangular Sierpinski Gasket Fractal Antenna
Sachin Chauhan, Jitendra Kr. Deegwal, Rachna Gera
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0137 |
12 |
Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna with T-Shaped Slot
Sanyog Rawat, K K Sharma
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0138 |
13 |
Comparative Analysis of Low Power 8T SRAM
Saurabh Neemgaonkar, Anshul Jain, Vijay Kumar Magraiya
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0139 |
14 |
Architecting of Avionics Full Duplex Ethernet (AFDX) Aerospace Communication Network
Shabaz I Kazi
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0140 |
15 |
Verification & Validation of Reconcile Process Model With New Hybrid Process Based Model
Shashank Sharma, Dr. Sumit Srivastava
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0141 |
16 |
Analysis of MIMO System Through ZF & MMSE Detection Scheme
Swetamadhab Mahanta, Ankit Rajauria
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0142 |
17 |
Designing the Properties of Zero Dispersion Photonic Crystal Fiber With Concentric Missing Ring
Vineet Agrawal, Ravindra Kumar Sharma, Ashish Mittal
IJECT/4/Spl4/C-0143 |