International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol 7.3 Ver 1 (July-Sept 2016)
S.No. | Research Topic | Paper ID | |
01 | Design of a Combined Crown and Sierpinski Fractal Antenna Mehak, Shashi B. Rana, Yogesh Bhomia Abstract
A new design of a combined crown and sierpinski fractal antenna has been presented in this paper as an alternative solution to improve the bandwidth of the conventional microstrip antenna. The space filling and self-similarity property of fractal geometries are used to design above said antenna. The proposed fractal antenna is designed on RT-DUROID substrate of thickness 1.6mm and relative permittivity of 2.2 and mounted above the ground plane at a height of 6mm. The proposed antenna design helps in reducing the metal usage, save cost and provide good reflection coefficient. Performance of proposed antenna has been analyzed in terms of return loss, VSWR, input impedance, gain, and bandwidth in the 1 GHz to 5 GHz frequency range. The proposed antenna provides an impedance bandwidth of 61% around the resonant frequency of 0.55 GHz. This antenna can be used for Ground Penetration Radar (GPR), which is found to be suitable for land mine detection. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-421 | |
02 | A Novel Adaptive Resolution Enhancement Algorithm using ETF and DTCWT C.Geetha, Dr. K.Manjunathachari, Dr. M.N.Giri Prasad Abstract
Diverse applications of current area frequently demands a loss less transmission of bulk sensitive data across bandwidth limited channels. All ongoing applications have a need of strong transforms with shrinking bandwidth prerequisites. Image processing algorithms exploit quantization to give generous lossy compression proportions to the expense of resolution. Late research shows that genetic algorithms advance filters beating standard discrete wavelet changes in conditions subject to high quantization mistake. While developed filters enhance general image quality, wavelet filters normally give an unrivaled high recurrence reaction, showing enhanced remaking close to the edges of items inside of an image. In this paper, we propose a calculation to produce Edge Targeted Filters (ETF) with an Adaptive Resolution Enhancement Algorithm (AREA) using a near shift-invariant, directionally selective,quadrature distinct dyadic decomposition tree based Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT).The ETF focuses on advanced edge remaking and enhances object edge determination remarkably up to 17%. Accepting the ETF output as input AREA will comes into action and calculates the complex wavelet spectrum with an aid of DTCWT. Sub band spectral coefficients are cautiously examined to detect flaw areas; accordingly a high degree coefficient interpolation is carried out to obtain the required quality enhancement. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-422 | |
03 | Automated System for Air Pollution Detection and Control Viky V. Bagde, Dr. Suresh D. Shirbahadurkar Abstract
Air pollution is one of the environmental issues that have been often discussed. The fast-growing population and urbanization that result in the population concentrated in certain areas. Heavy transportation may lead to poor air quality and also it should inhaling pollutants for a long time also causes damages in human health. A traditional air quality monitoring is the method to build air quality monitoring stations, but this method is expensive and provides low resolution sensing data. As Pollution monitoring and traffic surveillance technologies continue to grow worldwide, suggesting the most suitable path to the user according to customized needs is becoming increasing important. This paper proposes a real-time system in which we detect Pollution and imbalanced traffic Loads at traffic lights and propose a path which is suitable to the user using Android APP and also propose Real-Time Directed Diffusion (RTDD),a real-time communication protocol for directed diffusion. RTDD significantly enhances the directed diffusion protocol, allowing time-critical flows to delivery more packets on time. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-423 | |
04 | Solar Energy Interfacing to Grid by Using Five-Level Inverter M Bhanu Pratap, Dr. G Chandra Sekhar Abstract
Reorganizations in power sector alongside different renewable vitality advancement arrangements have expanded the significance of small grid connected photovoltaic (PV) systems using singlestage inverters. To enhance the execution Five Level inverter are favored more than two levels. This paper proposes a solitary stage Five-Level inverter for grid connected (PV) system. The yield current of the inverter can be balanced by voltage of the photovoltaic (PV) exhibit. This control plan depends on SPWM topology. Plans in view of SPWM which don’t require the administration of a stage bolted circle for interfacing the inverter to the grid are progressively being utilized for such applications. Execution assessment of the five-level inverter is done on MATLAB stage. The feasibility of the proposed plan is affirmed by performing reenactment and results acceptance. In this paper, a solitary stage Five-Level inverter which is reasonable for interfacing a photovoltaic system to the grid is introduced. The Five-Level inverter utilizes a Pulse Width Modulation plan utilizing two reference signals for Five-Level inverter. The reference signs are indistinguishable to each other with a counterbalance comparable to the amplitude of the carrier signal. A PI controller is utilized to keep the current infused into the grid sinusoidal furthermore to keep the DC join voltage consistent under shifting barometrical conditions. This is checked through reproduction utilizing MATLAB/SIMULINK. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-424 | |
05 | A Review on Performance of 6 Transistors and Schmitt Trigger based 10 Transistors Static Random Access Memory Cell Nidhi Abstract
In this paper, the read and write operation of 6 transistors based SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) cell and Schmitt trigger based 10 transistors SRAM cell topologies for low voltage and low area applications are studied and simulated. The robust Schmitt trigger based 10 transistors memory cell exhibits built-in process variation tolerance that gives better immunity to noise and other performance parameters. The tool used for simulation purpose is IC station by Mentor Graphics using TSMC 180nm CMOS technology. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-425 | |
06 | Design and Analysis of LTE Wireless System using Various Advanced Techniques Parul Chopra, Dr. Deepak Kedia Abstract
The LTE infrastructure is currently under development. In this paper Long Term Evolution (LTE) system is implemented by using advanced techniques like MIMO, scheduling algorithms etc. on both uplink and downlink to achieve high peak data rates and higher system throughput. This paper evaluates the LTE key performance indicators like throughput, end to end delay and jitter after employing advanced techniques. The LTE simulation has been carried out using the licensed network simulator QUALNET Developer 6.1. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-426 | |
07 | Design and Analysis of Piezoelectric Based a Novel Bottleneck Shape Micro Gripper Ritu Verma, Ritu Boora Abstract
A Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) based piezoelectric actuator is a micromechanical device that produces parallel movement of gripping arms by piezoelectric material. Piezoelectric actuated microgripper used to grip and handle the miniature parts where study of displacement with voltage are important.In this paper two typical design of microgripper w.r.t. different actuator heights and widths are presented and analyzed. After analyzing, the previous two designs (which gives less jaw movement and higher voltage) we present a novel microgripper mechanism based on specific design requirements for micromanipulation. This microgripper is designed in COMSOL designing tool for the piezoelectric materials such as lead zicronate titanate (PZT), have been designed to achieve displacement at low voltage. The performance of the microgripper and the results show that the microgripper can grasp micro objects with the maximum jaw motion of 1.3008μm corresponding to the 2400-V applied voltage. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-427 | |
08 | A Robust Technique for Remote Sensing Image Enhancement based on Gaussian and Laplacian Pyramid Fusion with DWT Zia Ali, Dr. Vineeta Saxena Nigam Abstract
Remote sensing image enhancement techniques have been widely used in many applications of image processing where the subjective quality of images is important for human interpretation. Contrast is an important factor in any subjective evaluation of image quality. Contrast is the difference in luminance that makes an object (or its representation in an image or display) distinguishable. Many algorithms for accomplishing contrast enhancement have been developed and applied to problems in image processing. This project presents a contrast enhancement approach based on enhancing the Gaussian and Laplace pyramidal with DWT based LL sub-band of an image on the input image. This LL sub band then undergoes further decomposition and enhancement using various techniques. The decomposed image is reconstructed and fused together. The HH, HL, LH sub band will also be enhanced by using the techniques already mentioned in literature. After the required processing an image final reconstructed with contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization that is the final output of the image. The result of proposed method is better as compare to othermethods like Standard HE, RMSHE GC-CHE, Demirel’s methodin terms of image enhancement factor (EME).The proposed workis simulate on matlab R 2012b. The performance of the proposedmethod will be evaluated using visual assessment and quantitativemeasures for contrast, luminance and saturation. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-428 | |
09 | Touch Screen Controlled Robot Chandrashekhar Kalnad Abstract
The project is a Touch Screen controlled robot . It uses an Arduino Duemilanove Development Board especially designed for those having interest in electronics, embedded system, robotics and industrial-automation. The software used for programming is WinAVR. The programming language used is Embedded C. There also is an LCD used for displaying the direction of the Robot. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-429 | |
10 | Evaluation of Costas Loop for BPSK Demodulation Shachi P Abstract
The paper presents the design and implementation of Costas loop in a binary phase-shift-keying (BPSK) demodulation scheme. The signal of interest is a 10KHz carrier BPSK modulated by 4 Kbps data, with a sampling frequency of 10MHz set at the receiver. The Costas loop compensates for frequency and phase errors caused by various sources like clock drifts, Doppler shift and bit-time errors. A novel architecture for NCO (Numerically Controlled Oscillator) has been used in the evaluation of the Costas loop. The simulation has been carried out using MATLAB Simulink and Modelsim PE and each module is verified for its working. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-430 | |
11 | Model for Optimization of Speech Recognition and Performance Analysis Dr .Kadam Vipulsangram K, Zine Jyoti P Abstract
Our research work explore the possibility of the optimization of speech recognition tool. By introduction of BP Digital filter at the input section of LPC section from which we receive slight enhancement in the Mainlobe Width from 1.4025 dB to 1.5016 dB with Sidelobe Attenuation as 1.5 dB. This implies the rise & optimization of 7.06 % power of desired speech signals. Then we have tried for LPC Tuning (varying the parameters of emphasis & de-emphasis digital Filter) For the numerator coefficients as 1, .9999 for emphasis & 1.9000 for de-emphasis filter we observe that there is again increase in the Mainlobe Width as 1.7269 dB. This implies the rise & optimization of 23.13 % power of desired speech signals.Finaly we varying the order of the filter in this we have design the 40 order filter which gives the mainlobe width as 2 dB which gives the more enhancement the Width of Mainlobe. This implies the rise & optimization of 42.60 % power of desired speech signals. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-431 | |
12 | VLSI Architecture of Shared Multiplier Scheduling Scheme for Reconfigurable FFT/IFFT Processor B. Anil Babu, V. Sree Lakshmi Abstract
This paper proposes VLSI Architecture of SMSS (Shared Multiplier Scheduling Scheme) for Reconfigurable FFT/IFFT processor. This architecture provides flexibility of selecting various FFT sizes(2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256) length, so that the hardware complexity of processor is reduced. The multipliers in SMSS based FFT processor are replaced with Vedic multiplier to improve speed of calculation. The proposed FFT/IFFT processors based on SMSS are designed using XILINX ISE Tool and modeled in Verilog HDL. The synthesis results shows that Area is reduced by 17% and speed is increased by 11%.In addition the proposed processor can be extended to any FFT sizes using additional stages. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-432 | |
13 | Study on Improved Efficiency of Photovoltaic Cell using Optimization of Optical Filters using Nano-Fluids Shaik. RasoolSaheb, K. Krishna Murthy Abstract
This paper has presented band pass filters with low ss and high pass filters integrated with operational amplifiers in advance integrated communication circuits over wide range of the affecting parameters. Filter gain, filter bandwidth, and filter resonance frequency are the major interesting parameters in the current study. Filter circuit can be designed over optical transmission spectrum regions. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-433 | |
14 | High Gain Dipole Antenna for Frequency Range of 6 GHz to 7 GHz Pooja, Poonam Beniwal Abstract
The dipole antenna or dipole aerial is one of the most important and commonly used types of RF antenna. It is widely used on its own, and it is also incorporated into many other RF antenna designs where it forms the driven element for the antenna. In this paper we have designed a dipole antenna for 6GHZ-7GHz band. The behavior of Dipole antenna is analyzed through simulation. The operating frequency of the antenna is given as 6.6 GHz. it produces s- parameter with -12.8 dB and gain is more then 20. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-434 | |
15 | A Study on Brain Computer Interface Ravindra Singh Thakur, Trapti Sharma Abstract
Brain computer interface technology characterizes a highly emergent field of research with application systems. Its influences in medical fields range from avoidance to neuronal rehabilitation from severe damages. Mind interpretation and remote communication have their distinctive finger print in several fields such as educational, self-regulation, production, marketing, security as well as games and entertainment. It produces a related understanding between users and the adjacent systems. This paper demonstrates the application areas that could value from brain waves in assisting orrealizing their aims or objectives. This paper also discusses chief usability and technical challenges that face brain signals consumption in various components of BCI system. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-435 | |
16 | High-Order Finite Difference Modeling and Simulation Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna Gurinder Singh Abstract
In this paper, higher order finite difference scheme namely FDTD (2,4) scheme has been used for analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna. The Uniaxial Perfectly Matched Layer (UPML) has been used as an absorbing boundary condition to terminate the computational domain. To justify higher order computational efficiency achieved by this method, the results have been compared with the conventional FDTD (2,2) method. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-436 | |
17 | Design and Analysis of Novel Digital Pulse Width Modulator Architecture Shubham Gupta, Dr. Vineeta Saxena Nigam Abstract
The keep coming advantages of digital techniques over analog has led to increasing use of digital equipment in modern world. Among such equipment Digital Pulse Width Modulator Architectures has unique place. These are used for controlling magnitude of Voltage/ Current with fine accuracy. The paper describes high resolution digital pulse width modulator architecture with decreased time resolution by using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA). The proposed architecture uses Fine Phase shifting Mechanism of On-Board DCM present in FPGA Devices. Moreover the proposed architecture has reduced time resolution, power and delay as compared with other pulse width modulator architecture. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-437 | |
18 | Performance Analysis of Two-Stage Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks Aparna Singh Kushwah, Rohit Parashar Abstract
Cognitive radio has emerged as a solution to the problem of low spectral occupancy and inefficient utilization of the licensed radio spectrum. Spectrum sensing is most important and basic operation of cognitive radio. In this paper we proposed a Two-stage spectrum sensing algorithm in order to increase the sensing performance of conventional single stage spectrum detection techniques. In the proposed scheme, Energy detection is used in the first stage to detect the existence of PU signal and if it is fail to detect the signal we used Maximum-Minimum Eigenvalue (MME) based detection in the second stage to find the presence of PU signal. The detection parameters are selected in such away to increase the probability of detection of PU signal. Also at the end performance comparison between Energy detection, MME detection and Twostagei.e. combination of ED and MME techniques done for both Sinusoidal signal and Wireless Microphone FM signal over AWGN channel. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-438 | |
19 | Performance Assessment of Digital Modulation Methods for 3G Using Hybrid Fiber Radio Jyoti Aggarwal, Dr. Rahul Malhotra, Kulbhushan Singla Abstract
The growing demand for high-capacity multimedia services in real-time demands wireless broadband access. In order to meet this demand, a fiber based wireless access using Hybrid Fiber Radio (HFR) technology can be used. This Hybrid Fiber Radio technology uses both radio and fiber in amalgamation. Fiber based wireless access schemes effectively combine the high capacity of optical fiber with the flexibility of wireless networks. So WCDMA HFR systems will have an impression not only on several-user interference but also on intermodulation distortion and clippingnoise power. In this paper we suggest and show the relative examination and fitness of 32 PSK digital modulation techniques for communication. The relative results are analyzed for 32 PSK and correctness of the digital modulation technique is based on various performance measures such aseye opening, BER. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-439 | |
20 | Image Filter Using with Gaussian Curvature and Total Variation Model Deepak Kumar Gour, Sanjay Kumar Sharma Abstract
Priors play an essential role in Bayesian theory in image processing. Geometric priors are very popular because of their physical explanation. The neighborhood structure of pixel can be described more accurately by its curvature. In this paper, we deals with the image restoration algorithms based on Gaussian curvature and total variation modal to achieve smooth denoising preserving the details of image. There we show that how priors should be imposed for certain types of surfaces and how they can be imposed efficiently in a variational framework. We first show a novel method that can reconstruct a closed surface from a finite point cloud then by using total variation modal we suppress the noise. We can directly extract prior information from the reconstructed surfaces. We provide parametric model and analyze its properties. The new modal can preserve more details while suppress noise. The experimental results are given to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-440 | |
21 | Design and Performance Analysis of OFDM-Based 40Gbps TWDM-PON System Renu, Monika Nehra, Deepak Kedia Abstract
Recently, a TWDM-PON system has gained significant attention to support high data rate transmission. To overcome the several dispersion effects occurring in optical transmission, OFDM has been introduced to improve the overall performance of the system. In this paper, OFDM-based 40Gbps TWDM-PON system is designed and its various performance parameters like launched spectrum, received spectrum, eye diagram and electrical spectrum etc. are analyzed. BER and Q factor performance of the downstream signals is also evaluated w.r.t. launched power over 500Km SMF. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-441 | |
22 | Big Data with Opportunities and Challenges Karimella Vikram, Dr K. Soundara Rajan, Dr A.V.Prathap Kumar, Dr V.Goutham Abstract
The promise of data-driven decision-making is now being recognized broadly, and there is growing enthusiasm for the notion of “Big Data.’’ While the promise of Big Data is real — for example, it is estimated that Google alone contributed 54 billion dollars to the US economy in 2009 — there is currently a wide gap between its potential and its realization. Heterogeneity, scale, timeliness, complexity, and privacy problems with Big Data impede progress at all phases of the pipeline that can create value from data. The problems start right away during data acquisition, when the data tsunami requires us to make decisions, currently in an ad hoc manner, about what data to keep and what to discard, and how to store what we keep reliably with the right metadata. Much data today is not natively in structured format; for example, tweets and blogs are weakly structured pieces of text, while images and video are structured for storage and display, but not for semantic content and search: transforming such content into a structured format for later analysis is a major challenge. The value of data explodes when it can be linked with other data, thus data integration is a major creator of value. Since most data is directly generated in digital format today, we have the opportunity and the challenge both to influence the creation to facilitate later linkage and to automatically link previously created data. Data analysis, organization, retrieval, and modeling are other foundational challenges. Data analysis is a clear bottleneck in many applications, both due to lack of scalability of the underlying algorithms and due to the complexity of the data that needs to be analyzed. Finally, presentation of the results and its interpretation by non-technical domain experts is crucial to extracting actionable knowledge. During the last 35 years, data management principles such as physical and logical independence, declarative querying and costbased optimization have led, during the last 35 years, to a multibillion dollar industry. More importantly, these technical advances have enabled the first round of business intelligence applications and laid the foundation for managing and analyzing Big Data today. The many novel challenges and opportunities associated with Big Data necessitate rethinking many aspects of these data management platforms, while retaining other desirable aspects. We believe that appropriate investment in Big Data will lead to a new wave of fundamental technological advances that will be embodied in the next generations of Big Data management and analysis platforms, products, and systems. We believe that these research problems are not only timely, but also have the potential to create huge economic value in the US economy for years to come. However, they are also hard, requiring us to rethink data analysis systems in fundamental ways. A major investment in Big Data, properly directed, can result not only in major scientific advances, but also lay the foundation for the next generation of advances in science, medicine, and business. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-442 | |
23 | The Properties of Mn-Zn Forrester Synthesis Using Nano Crystalline Dr.A.V.Prathap Kumar, Jamuna Reddy, V. Lavanya, K.Vikram Abstract
Magnetic nano-materials are extensively studied because of their wide range of applications. The Mn-Znferrite is amongst the most important magnetic materials and has attracted a great interest in technology because f its use in memory or data storage devices, magnetic recordingheads, switches and other electromagnetic gadgets. Low temperature single phase nano crystalline Mnx Zn(1-x) Fe2O4(x = 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6) were prepared by decomposition of precursor by sunlight. Stoichiometric amounts of manganese oxide, zinc oxide and ferric oxide are taken as starting materials. Mixture of these oxides were homogenized by using ball-mill and then treated with a ligand to produce a precursor. The samples obtained after the decomposition of precursor were characterized by frared spectral analysis (IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The lattice parameters increase with increase inMn content (8.4386-8.4552 A0). The particle size, determined by Scherer formula, is found to be in nano range between 17nm to 26nm. The saturation magnetization values are in the range 22.47emu /g – 41.63emu /g and hysteresis loss is found to be lowfor all the samples. TheCurie temperature (Tc) is in the range 473K –558. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-443 | |
24 | Design and analysis of Reed Solomon Codes for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Parminder Kaur, Amandeep Kaur Abstract
In this paper, Reversible data hiding is proposed by using Reed Solomon codes for increasing embedding capacity of message in encrypted image. Reversible Data hiding is a type of data hiding techniques in which the host image can be recovered exactly. Message is encode into codewords by using RS codes and then these codewords can be embedded into encrypted image by using encryption key. After embedding data the received encrypted image is firstly decrypted by using encryption key and then, receiver uses data-hiding key in order to extract the codewords of RS codes containing messages. Simulation results of two images show that the embedding capacity of the proposed method is better than reference method. The PSNR of the proposed method is 44db. The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the performanceand efficiency of Reed-Solomon (RS) Codes in Reversible data hiding. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-444 | |
25 | Lossy Image Compression Using Block Truncation Coding With Region Based Segmentation Algorithm Arjun Bariya, Dr Anubhuti Khare Abstract
In the present era of communication system, the requirement of image storage and transmission for image processing are increasing exponentially. This is why; the need for better compression technology is in extremely demands. In this paper, a gray image & color image compression method using region based segmentation is proposed. This method having the advantages of BTC and quantization both. The BTC algorithm with quantization has some controlling parameters through which we can control the quality and compression of the image. The performance of the proposed method has been evaluated in terms of PSNR, MSE, Entropy & SSIM. The result of the proposed work is evaluated by comparing the performance with that of the existing methods. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-445 | |
26 | Mathematical Model of PV Cell Module in Matlab K.Sivamahalaxmi, K.Lavanya, Karimella Vikram Abstract
The physical modeling of the system is not that much efficient so the analysis is done through the mathematical modeling approach. In this paper mathematical analysis is done for the single diode model. Single diode model is employed to investigate the I-V and P-V characteristics of 46 W module . The effect of irradiation and temperature is also considered. The analysis is done in MATLAB/ SIMULINK environment. This mathematical analysis approach is a very flexible to change the Parameters of the system. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-446 | |
27 | Automated Traffic Violation Detection and Challan Generation System Harwinder Singh, Vikas Goel Abstract
Road traffic emerged as one of the major problems across the globe, results increasing road accidents. Road accidents result in human injury/loss of life and monetary. Traffic accidents can be controlled largely if traffic norms followed strictly. The presented system is embedded inside the vehicle to provide surveillance of traffic violation. Driver is penalized for his offences at nearest checkpoint, so system enforces people to obey traffic regulations. The designed system mainly focuses two parameters of four wheelers i.e. seat belt and over speed. Firstly, the detection of over speed, and location of vehicle has been determined via GPS, and the measured speed is then compared to the set speed limit. In seat belt detection, seat occupancy is detected first. If seat is occupied only then fastening of seat belt is detected. The system monitors both the conditions continually, if the driver violates either or both norms, a short warning will flash inside the vehicle. After prescribed warning, if the driver continues the offence, a challan for that offence is generated; details of the vehicle and type of offence is uploaded to police database. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-447 | |
28 | Carbon Nanotubes for Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Clocking Dr A.V.Prathap Kumar, J.Lavanya, B. Nirisha, K.Vikram Abstract
The antenna used in these communication systems should possess multi frequency capabilities but should be compact and less bulky. The most common antenna used for this purpose is the microstrip patch antenna because of their less bulkiness, low cost and easy to fabricate. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-448 | |
29 | Comparison of Rectangular, Circular and Triangular Patch Antenna with CPW Fed and DGS Kangan Saxena Abstract
This paper presents design of antenna for dual band frequencies. (2.3 GHz and 5.2 GHz). Comparative analysis is presented on the basis of geometry of patch of antenna. Rectangular, Circular and Triangular Patch is used to compare the results. Inset feed is used due to which proposed CPW antenna achieves size reduction, compactness, good impedance matching and wide bandwidth at the fundamental operating frequency. Vias can be eliminated in case of CPW technology because it offers ground at the same layer. Antenna is designed for 2.6 GHz. For enhancing the bandwidth and performance DGS is introduced. Defected Ground Structure (DGS) can be used as an unique approach to improvethe performance of the microstrip patch antennas specially the resonating frequency. High Frequency Structure simulator is used to analyse the design. Full Paper |
IJECT/73/1/A-449 |