International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 4 Issue 1, Ver. 2
S.No. | Research Topic | Paper ID | |
21 | Compact Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna with Four Slits on Patch and Ground Plane
Dr. L. Lolit Kumar Singh Abstract A compact Circular-Polarized (CP) operation of a pair of corners truncated square microstrip antenna with four slits each along the directions of ± 450 in the patch and ground plane is proposed and investigated. The proposed compact CP design can have an operating frequency reduction of about 42.45% as compared to the conventional corner-truncated square microstrip antenna of same size without any slits in patch and ground plane. Also, the gain and directivity of the proposed CP antenna are 2.53dBi and 3.74dBi respectively. The 3 dB Axial Ratio (AR) centre frequency bandwidth is 2.02%. Details of the antenna design and simulation results are presented and discussed. |
IJECT/41/2/A-596 | |
22 | Performance analysis of different modulation formats in 4-Channel CATV transmission system using OADM
Amandeep Kaur, Taranveer Kaur, Kamaljit Singh, Kulwinder Singh Abstract In this paper, we have analyzed the performance of different modulation formats for a four-channel WDM CATV system using Optical ad drop multiplexers and the impact of frequency and wavelength on Q-value, eye opening is observed for added and dropped channels at different lengths. |
IJECT/41/2/A-597 | |
23 | Design of a Switched Capacitor Low Pass Filter
Amana Yadav Abstract A method described in this paper is to design a Low Pass Filter circuit that incorporate Switched Capacitors using two-stage CMOS OPAMP, which operates at 5V power supply. Experimental results are given from a first-order low pass filter with cutoff frequency of 1.4MHz, using tsmc 0.35 micron CMOS technology. Design has been carried out in Mentor graphics tools. Simulation results are verified using Model Sim Eldo and Design Architect IC. |
IJECT/41/2/A-598 | |
24 | Design & Implementation of a Binary Multiplier using Booth Algorithm
Himani Saini, Akansha Sharma Abstract Low power consumption and smaller area are some of the most important criteria for the fabrication of high performance DSP systems. When we compare the power consumption of all the multipliers we find that serial multipliers consume more power. Multipliers form one of the most important components of many systems. By analyzing the working of different multipliers helps to frame a better system with less power consumption. |
IJECT/41/2/A-599 | |
25 | Optimized Ambulance Rescue System
R. Boobalan, T. Dhakshinamoorthy Abstract Traffic congestion and tidal flow management were recognized as major problems in modern urban areas, which have caused much awkward for the ambulance. Moreover road accidents in the city have been incessant and to bar the loss of life due to the accidents is even more crucial. To implement this we introduce a scheme called OARS (optimized ambulance rescue system). The main theme behind this scheme is to provide a smooth flow for the ambulance to reach the hospitals in time and thus minifying the expiration. The idea behind this scheme is to implement an IT’S which would control mechanically the traffic lights in the path of the ambulance. The ambulance is controlled by the central unit which furnishes the most scant route to the ambulance and also controls the traffic light according to the ambulance location and thus reaching the hospital safely. This scheme is fully automated, controls the traffic lights, helping to reach the hospital in time. |
IJECT/41/2/A-600 | |
26 | Neural Network based Automatic Detection of Lesion Diagnosis in Mammogram
S. Subha, A. Napolean Abstract Breast cancer is the most common and leading cause of cancer death among women. Early detection is an effective way to diagnose and manage breast cancer. A Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for the classification of Micro-Calcification (tumor) lesions in Mammogram images is presented in this work. The process uses tumor characteristics in mammogram images, such as shapes (circle or elliptical), sizes (2mm to 5mm), locations (distance from center) and intensities (pixel values) for the isolation of the tumor which depends on manual tracing by experts. This paper proposes automatic Mammogram tumor detection and isolation of tumor cells from Mammogram images using Gabor Wavelet, Law’s Texture Energy Measures, GLCM (Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix) features and Neural Network. The system classifies the mammogram images as normal or abnormal and classifies the abnormal image as benign or malignant. The performance of the proposed algorithm is also compared to the existing methods. The evaluation of the system is carried on Mammography Image Analysis society (MIAS) database. |
IJECT/41/2/A-601 | |
27 | ANN Model of Waveguide Bandspass Filter Formed by Circular Posts of Magnetized Ferrite Cylinder Inside Rectangular Waveguide
Manidipa Nath Abstract The goal of this research is to discover the most appropriate approach for finding the reflection and transmission coefficients of the dominant mode scattering by a circular dielectric/ferrite cylindrical post in a rectangular waveguide and to generalize this approach so that it can be applied to the case of the layered posts as well.Microwave waveguide post filters are practically useful and the procedure of filter synthesis using dielectric/ferrite posts requires a solution to the inverse scattering problem. Typically, an algorithm for solving the inverse scattering problem requires a lot of computation time, because in each iteration it has to solve a number of forward problems. To speed up a process of a solution of the inverse problem it is required to find an approach that provides the small computation time. The problem can be solved by using some flexible methods, such as finite element method, finite difference method and finite difference method in the time domain [1] or software based on these methods such as HFSS or Ansys. Despite great flexibility of these methods, they, require a great amount of computation time. Using some geometrical properties that reduce computational effort by solving a part of problem by analytical means or at least by converting a problem to its simpler equivalent it is possible to reduce numerical effort considerably. |
IJECT/41/2/A-602 | |
28 | Segmentation of Heart Coronary Arteries Using MATLAB
Pankaj Goyal, Vipin Gupta, Kuldeep Goyal Abstract In this paper, segmentation of coronary arteries of heart is done using Image Processing. The source data is filtered using two dimensional DICOM (Digital imaging & Communications in Medicine) images taken from the 64 Slice Computed tomography Scan Data of the heart using a filter to highlight only the coronary arteries regions. It is implemented on Intel(R) Core (TM) i3 at 2.20GHz using MATLAB version Segmentation of coronary arteries of heart has been done on 2-D CT (Computed Tomography) isolated data. The system has been developed using image processing in MATLAB software. |
IJECT/41/2/A-603 | |
29 | Analysis RSSI and Path Loss of WiMAX Network for Variant Conditions
Yogesh Garg, Nirmal Singh Grewal, Lovekesh Abstract Nowadays the Worldwide Interoperability of Microwave Access (WiMAX) technology becomes Popular and receives growing acceptance as a Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) system. WiMAX has potential success in its line-of-sight (LOS) and non line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions which operates below 11 GHz frequency. There are going to be a surge all over the world for the deployment of WiMAX networks. Estimation of path loss is very important in initial deployment of wireless network and cell planning. Numerous path loss (PL) models (e.g. Okumura Model, Hata Model) are available to predict the propagation loss, but they are inclined to be limited to the lower frequency bands (up to 2 GHz). In this paper, compare and analyze Path Loss for variant conditions (i.e. Mixed urban/buildings, Residential, Water, Forest, and Agriculture) in WiMAX network and also compare Received Signal Strength (RSSI) in different receiver antenna heights in urban environments in NLOS condition. The main concentration in this paper is to find out a suitable region for different environments to provide guidelines for cell planning of WiMAX at cellular frequency of 3.5 GHz. |
IJECT/41/2/A-604 | |
30 | Design and Comparative Study of CMOS Charge Pump for Low Voltage Application using CTS Logic
Sakshi Rajput, Ankit Anand, Pushkar Praveen Abstract Charge pumps are circuits that generate a voltage larger than the supply voltage from which they operate. Charge pump circuits are capable of high efficiencies as high as 90-95% but circuit is simple. In this charge pump MOS transistor are used as charge transfer switches to eliminate the effect of threshold voltage in each pumping stage. The output of the dynamic inverter controllers the MOS switch of each pumping stage for reducing the risk of reverse current and for this we need not extra circuitry. |
IJECT/41/2/A-605 | |
31 | Relevance Feedback with LEBP Feature for Content Based Image Retrieval
P. V. N. Reddy, K. Satya Prasad Abstract In this paper, a Relevance Feedback (RF) algorithm for Line Edge Binary Pattern features extracting from Corel image database is presented. The RF is a powerful technique for bridging the gap between high-level concepts and low-level features in image retrieval systems. This paper attempts to enhance the performance of CBIR system by using RF. In RF, The user performs some sort of evaluation over the results returned in the last iteration and this evaluation is fed back to the system. The user labels the output images as positive (relevant) or negative (irrelevant) examples to a query to modify query image feature vector. The query feature and weights are updated as per the LEBP features of positively and negatively labeled images. Furthermore, a new similarity measurement for matching of database images with query is proposed in this paper. The LEBP feature is local feature of an image, which represents line edges in an image. The retrieval results show that proposed RF method using LEBP features achieves good performance in content-based image retrieval. |
IJECT/41/2/A-606 | |
32 | Face-Recognition Using Fractional Order Singular Value Decomposition Representation at Different Even and Odd Value of Projection Parameter P Using Different Data Base Images
Ravi Kant Dubey, Dr. K.C. Roy, Deepak Sharma, G. R, Meena Abstract Images are most common and commodious mean of conveying or transmitting information. A image have utility of thousands words. Human beings are conscientious at deriving information from such images because of our innate visual and mental abilities. Most of the information received by human is in pictorial form. Although it is tactile work for human being to detect and identity the faces from a picture as compare to auto mated system or computer when facial features are medley in the picture that time detection and identification of faces for computer or automated[1]. System is very difficult. So that face recognition play important role in those application whereas facial features variation take place like as accent control, surveillance, biometric sensing application etc. In this paper we set sample dependent parameter α on different even-odd values and noticed that different face samples subdued by facial variation differently. Our experiment results show that FSVDR can. |
IJECT/41/2/A-607 | |
33 | A Low Power Single Phase Clock Multiband Flexible Divider
G. Priya, V. Anand Kumar Abstract Clock consumes nearly 60% of the total power in an IC since it is the only signal which runs to every part of the design with highest toggling rate so more care should be taken for developing a multiband low power clock. Wireless LAN (WLAN) in the multigigahertz bands, such as Hiper LAN II and IEEE 802.11a/b/g, are recognized as leading standards for high-rate data transmissions and standards like IEEE 802.15.4 are recognized for low-rate data transmissions. The demand for lower cost, lower power and multiband RF circuits increased in conjunction with need of higher level of integration. In this Project IEEE 802.15.4 and 802.11 a/b/g WLAN frequency synthesizers is proposed based on pulse-swallow topology and it is modeled using Verilog HDL, simulated using Model-sim and Synthesized using Xilinx XST synthesis. The multiband divider consists of a proposed wideband multi-modulus 32/33/47/48 prescaler and an improved bit-cell for swallow (S) counter and can divide the frequencies in the three bands of 2.4–2.484 GHz, 5.15–5.35 GHz, and 5.725–5.825 GHz with a resolution selectable from 1 to 25 MHz This design aim for developing a low power single clock for multiband frequency. The design is modeled using Verilog, simulated using Model-sim and implemented using Xilinx. |
IJECT/41/2/A-608 | |
34 | Autonomous Moving Pedestrian Collision Avoidance Using Rule Based Algorithm
R. Raj Kumar, T. Dhakshinamoorthy Abstract Collision avoidance methodology is the major area of research in automotive industry. One of big issue is, on which technology or safety area to concentrate. There are countless possibilities but the best choice would be improved safety. In emergency situation, human drivers are more likely to brake then to steer although optical maneuver would, more frequently, steer alone. The main objective of this paper is to identify the distance and direction of the road crossing man and increase the visibility by using rule based algorithm from both methodological and experimental perspective. Pedestrian detection is critical task. Pedestrian is identified by the camera, processed by MATLAB to calculate distance and direction. Finally we have to find pedestrian is either short or long distance based on distance we have to slow down or stop the vehicle using buck convertor. |
IJECT/41/2/A-609 | |
35 | Design of High Speed and High Accuracy Fixed Width Booth Multipliers
S. Nithya, V.Anand Kumar Abstract Fixed width multipliers are the important components in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) system. And this multipliers can be used in real time application such as CT scan and also find applications in Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT).In general, the multiplication of bit produce 2 bit as the result but using fixed width multiplier it produce only bit as the result it will be carried by truncating the least significant part of the partial product.But the computation errors are generated due to this truncation. To reduce this truncation error, a single compensation formula of Adaptive Conditional-Probability Estimator (ACPE) applied to fixed-width Booth multiplier is proposed. To achieve higher speed, the modified Booth encoding which reduce the number of partial products by a factor of two through performing the multiplier recoding has been used and also to speed up the addition the carry look ahead adder is used as a carry propagate adder. The multiplier circuit is designed using VERILOG and simulated using ModelSim6.5b Simulator and synthesized using Xilinx ISE9.2i simulator. |
IJECT/41/2/A-610 | |
36 | Image Segmentation Based on Pixel Threshold: Power Optimized Technique for Real Time Digital Image Processing Applications
M. Sathi Babu, P. Ramesh Kumar, U. Yedukondalu Abstract An advanced digital image acquisition system is present with power optimized clock gating technique for real time Digital image processing applications. Advantages of digital imaging over conventional analogy methods include the prospect to archive and transmit images in digital information systems as well as to digitally process pictures before exhibit, for example, to improve low contrast details. After reviewing two digital systems for the capture of images, we examine the real time acquisition of dynamic image. Object tracking requires image segmentation to make a distinction between the target objects and the rest of the scene in the captured image. This process partitions the captured image into several disjoint object regions based on common uniform feature characteristics this project involves blocks like initial capturing to pixel storing stages. One simple method is to segment the image based on colour by applying thresholds to each pixel. This is ideal for stream processing as thresholding is a point operation which can be implemented every stage is designed with more sophisticated techniques used for mostly for real time applications. |
IJECT/41/2/A-611 | |
37 | Algorithm Performance Analysis of Face-Recognition Using Fractional Order Singular Value Decomposition Representation at Different Even and Odd Value of Projection Parameter P Using Different Data Base Depictions
Ravi Kant Dubey, Dr. K.C. Roy, Deepak Sharma, G.R, Meena Abstract Due to the complexity of the face recognition problem, a modular permutation was taken whereby the system algorithm’s was separated into smaller individual aprons. Each apron in the designed architecture performs a intermediate task before integrating the modules into a complete system algorithm’s. The face recognition system algorithm’s developed performs three major tasks – prepermutationing of given face depiction, extracting the face feature for recognition, and performing classification for the given query sample. The system algorithm’s operates on two phase of operation namely training and testing phase. This paper describes the technique for detection of human faces by the different network system algorithm’s . Face detection is the problems which identify locations with in depictions at which human faces appear. This is only for frontal face detection. In this paper, we are interested, by the design of an algorithm to achieve depiction classification. The task of detecting and locating human faces in arbitrary depictions is complex due to the variability present across human faces, including skin color, pose, expression, position and orientation, and the presence of ‘facial furniture’ such as glasses or facial hair. In the last years, Face Recognition has become one of the most challenging tasks in the pattern recognition field. The recognition of faces is exceedingly important for many applications such as: video surveillance, retrieval of an identity from a data base for criminal investigations and forensic applications. Among various solutions to the problem the most successful seems to be those appearance-based permutation, which generally operate directly on depictions or appearances of face objects and permutation the depiction as two dimensional patterns. An implementation of one of the identified depictionbased permutation to the problem using different networks, has been included, explained and analyzed[1]. The main advantage of face detection and recognition by different network and principal component analysis algorithm is its low computational requirements in terms of both permutation speed and memory utilization. The input test depiction is loaded to software section where software section consist different network based algorithm used to detects faces from the test depiction .Different network algorithm classify the depiction as face & non face pattern. Finally detected faces are comparing from the database with the help of recognition algorithm. Codes are design in MATLAB software with the help of signal permutation tool kit and different network toolkit for face detection from test depiction and recognition from database training a different network for the face detection task is challenging because of the difficulty in characterizing prototypical “non face” depictions. Unlike face recognition, in which the classes to be discriminated are different faces, the two classes to be discriminated in face detection are “depictions containing faces” and “depictions not containing faces”. It is easy to get a representative sample of depictions which contain faces, but much harder to get a representative sample of those which do not [2]. The operation of the face detection system algorithm’s can be broken down into three main areas: 1. Initialization (design and creation of a different network) 2. Training (choice of training data, parameters, and training) 3. Classification (different depictions to locate faces) After this we will move for face recognition, in which we will use principal component analysis based on Eigen values [3]. |
IJECT/41/2/A-612 | |
38 | Survey on FPGA Based Programmable System on Chip for Medical Applications
Rahul Kumar Baghel, Rajesh Nema, Braj Bihari Soni Abstract Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC) is a chip which provides a microprocessor and programmable analog and digital peripheral functions in a single chip. It is very convenient for mixed-signal electronic system design. An innovative idea was adopted, which involved designing a flexible experimental board with the help of PSoC and FPGA. In this board we will design three experiments of different levels and with different objectives. This board will be very useful in medical field for various test of human body. It will reduce the cost, area, power as well as increases the flexibility for users. It can monitor human nerves , sugar and detect the percentage of serum in various mixtures. |
IJECT/41/2/A-613 | |
39 | High Speed Data Transmission Using Low Power OFDM Transreciver in Wireless Personal Area Network
Allan J Wilson, A.Rajendran, C. Ranu, Jesline Antonio. D Abstract Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted by most wireless and wired communication standards; these include wireless Local Area Networks (LANs) HyperLan2, 802.11a, broadband wireless (802.16) and lately the 802.15.3c for millimeter wave communications. This work introduces the design and performance evaluation of an OFDM transceiver The task group TG3c under IEEE802.15.3c working group, responsible for of standardizing Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) systems, is now working on future WPAN systems, IEEE802.15.3c, which operates in the60GHz millimeterwave band. WPAN systems will support high data rate at least 1 Gbps for applications such as high speed internet access and a streaming content download(video on demand, home theatre, etc.) |
IJECT/41/2/A-614 | |
40 | Implementation of Low-Quiescent Current Two Input/ Output Buffer Amplifier for LCDs Application
Amrita Shukla, Puran Gour, Braj Bihari Soni Abstract A Low-Quiescent Current Two-Input/Output Buffer Amplifier for LCDs is presented in this paper. A Current reuse technique is employed in the output Stage of the buffer amplifier to reduce the quiescent current consumption. No additional bias network is required to fix the quiescent conditions of the class-AB output stage, since the output static current is inherently controlled by the input differential stage itself without auxiliary power dissipation. |
IJECT/41/2/A-615 | |
41 | FPGA-Based Noise Cancellation System Using LMS Filter
Avinesh Yadu, Rajesh Nema, Sachin Murarka Abstract This survey is on noise cancellation in voice signal, from the previous two year paper, that reveals the FPGA based system for noise cancellation in voice signal is very good. Various system and method has been used with the adaptive filter technique. For testing purpose different frequency signal used and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) analyzed. Least Mean Square (LMS), Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) and Modified LMS algorithm based adaptive filter used in reducing noise. Simulation environment woks with Xilinx ISE 9.1i and programming part done with the VHDL, Verilog and MATLAB SIMULINK. This survey helps us to compare the different method and to select the best one to get quality speech signal. |
IJECT/41/2/A-616 | |
42 | Parameterized Analysis of the MUSIC and LMS Algorithms for Adaptive Array Antenna System
D. B. Salunke, R. S. Kawitkar Abstract The efficient utilization of frequency spectrum and the most important factor for the data interchange is only possible to use adaptive antenna system. Adaptive antennas have been considered to be one of the most demanding communication technologies. It adapted as most demanding technology because of high-bit rate or high quality in broadband commercial wireless communication. Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) estimation is based on the MUSIC algorithm for identifying the directions of the source signals incident on the sensor array comprising the adaptive or smart antenna system. Adaptive beam forming is achieved using the LMS algorithm for directing the main beam towards the desired source signals and generating deep nulls in the directions of interfering signals. The smart antenna system designed involves a hardware part which provides real data measurements of the incident signals received by the sensor array. Results obtained by changing the number of antenna elements with keeping the spacing distance constant as well as with constant antenna array element with spacing changing verify the improved performance of the smart antenna system when the practical measurements of the signal environment surrounding the sensor array are used. This paper presents different methodologies of direction-of-arrival estimation and adaptive beam forming. Parameterized analysis of the MUSIC algorithm has been done using MATLAB. The results are useful for the smart antenna system design. |
IJECT/41/2/A-617 | |
43 | Performance Comparison of OLSR & DSR Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Komal Kataria, Sukhjit Singh, Ashwani Kumar Abstract Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) is a collection of mobile nodes forming a temporary network without using an existing fixed infrastructure. Due to this MANETs are very useful in military operations and disaster relief operations. The wireless nodes are free to move around and also responsible for dynamically discovering other nodes to communicate. In this research we have evaluated the performance of OLSR and DSR using NS-2 simulator. The performance of purposed networks is evaluated in terms of traffic sent and received, normalized routing load, packet delivery ratio and available bandwidth under different simulation scenarios. |
IJECT/41/2/A-618 | |
44 | A Mininized Area and Low Power Carry Select Adder
M. Dinesh, R. Dhayabharani Abstract Adders are one of the widely used digital components in digital integrated circuit design. The Carry Select Adder (CSA) provides a good compromise between cost and performance in carry propagation adder design. However, conventional CSA is still area-consuming due to the dual ripple carry adder (RCA) structure. In this paper, modification is done at gate-level to reduce area and power consumption. The Modified Carry Select -Adder (MCSA) is designed for 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit and then compared with conventional CSA respective architectures. MCSA shows reduction in area and power consumption in comparison with conventional CSA with small increase in delay. This design aim for developing a carry select adder with low power. The design is modeled using Verilog, simulated using model sim and implemented using Xilinx. |
IJECT/41/2/A-619 | |
45 | Image De-Noising and Contrast Enhancement Using Wavelets
Abhinav Bansal, Akansha Sharma Abstract Breast Cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases among women, it is important to give patients early diagnose and treatment. Mammography has become the most effective way for detection of breast cancer, and it is sensitive to clustered microcalcifications which are the main characteristic of early breast tumors. Mammography is a specific type of imaging that uses a low-dose X-ray system for examination of the breasts. In this paper main focus area is mammographic image denoising and contrast enhancement on the basis of diagnostic feature information extracted from mammograms. In this proposed paper, we have adopted a mathematical morphology and wavelet based level dependent thresholding algorithm to increase the contrast in mammograms. For evaluation of the performance of the enhancement algorithm, contrast improvement index is used. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm yields significantly superior image quality and better Contrast Improvement Index (CII). Here, to prove the efficiency of this method, we have compared this with various well-known algorithms like Visu Shrink and Normal Shrink. |
IJECT/41/2/A-620 | |
46 | Tuning of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna by Varying the Length of the Slot Loaded in the Ground Plane
S. Sarkar, R. P. Ghosh, Dr. S. Biswas, Dr. D. Sarkar, Dr. P. P. Sarkar Abstract In this paper, the tuning characteristic of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna has been studied theoretically using IE3D software. It has been shown, how the variation of length of the slot embedded in the ground plane results in shifting of resonant frequency. The antenna mentioned in this paper operates at two resonant frequencies. By modifying the length of the embedded slot, the ratio of the higher resonant frequency to the lower frequency can be varied from 2.03 to 1. In actual case it has been found that one of the resonant frequencies remains fixed irrespective of the slot length. If the ratio of this fixed frequency to the tunable resonant frequency is considered, then the ratio can be varied from 2.03 to 0.7 by varying the slot length. Practical investigations have also been made. It has been found that the practical and theoretical results are in good agreement. |
IJECT/41/2/A-621 |