Vol 4 Spl-2



International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 4 Issue Spl-2
S.No. Research Topic Paper ID
   67 SOI-DTMOS based Novel Structure: Modeling, LNA Implementation and Comparison

Nida-ul-Amin, H. Najeeb-ud-din Shah


A 2.5 GHz Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) intended for use in lowvoltage and low-power applications was designed and simulated using Silicon on Insulator-Dynamic Threshold Voltage MOSFET (SOI-DTMOS) transistor and SOI-DTMOS based Novel structure transistor in 0.25μm CMOS SOI technology for VDD = 0.8 V. A differential cascode topology using inductive source degeneration was used. Complying with the aspects of noise optimization, linear gain and impedance matching the design methodology of LNA was analyzed in detail. Comparison of SOI-DTMOS LNA and SOIDTMOS based Novel structure LNA shows that noise figure and gain of Novel structure based LNA is much better. The DTMOS LNA circuit shows even better performance than 0.25μm CMOS SOI LNA designed for VDD = 2 V.
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68 A Comparative Study of Radiation Levels Emitted by Samsung and Nokia Cell Phones
Tanvir Singh, Prince Verma, Amit Kumar, Yun-fei Liu
   69 Coverage and Capacity Prediction in Cellular Network

Nagendra Sah


Cell breathing technique is commonly used in cellular network such as Wideband code division multiple Accesses (WCDMA) to overcome load congestion by expanding or shrinking the cell coverage. Cell breathing allows the available access point to reconfigure the cell boundaries by changing the transmitted power. In the design of cell in mobile communication systems, path loss prediction models play an important role. Coverage and capacity are sufficient issues in the planning process for cellular mobile network. Here we focus on the calculation of capacity and coverage for a Wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) cell for Universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) network in different propagation environments. In these systems the power is the main shared resources for users. One of the fundamental characteristic of CDMA system is that the coverage range is intrinsically linked to the capacity of the system. The base station cell coverage may expand or shrink depending on the number of mobile station being served. The more traffic being carried by the cell, the smaller the coverage area of the cell becomes. The Cost- 231 Hata and Walfisch-Ikegami Models are used in this study to predict the coverage and comparative result is presented.
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   70 An Efficient VLSI Design Approach to Reduce Static Power using Variable Body Biasing

Abindas P K, Barani Priyanga, M.Jayaprakash


In CMOS integrated circuit design there is a trade-off between static power consumption and technology scaling. Recently, the power density has increased due to combination of higher clock speeds, greater functional integration, and smaller process geometries. As a result static power consumption is becoming more dominant. This is a challenge for the circuit designers. However, the designers do have a few methods which they can use to reduce this static power consumption. But all of these methods have some drawbacks. In order to achieve lower static power consumption, one has to sacrifice design area and circuit performance. In this paper, we propose a new method to reduce static power in the CMOS VLSI circuit using Variable Body Biasing technique without being penalized in area requirement and circuit performance.
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71 A Survey on EM Pollution Caused by Indian Youth in the Age Group of 17 to 22 Years
Prince Verma, Tanvir Singh, Amit Kumar, Yun-fei Liu
   72 The Design of a Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna Rectangular Slot on Ground Plane as DGS (Defected Ground Structure) for HiperLAN/2 Applications

Anoop C N, Dr. M.Ravinandan


In this paper, we propose a design of Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna (CMPA) with a rectangular slot etched ground plane as DGS. The defected ground structure concept is used to improve the bandwidth, impedance matching and the relocation of resonant frequency to make the compact CMPA. The size reduction of about 12% compared to the actual area required to resonate at 5.6GHz. The bandwidth 270MHz with respect to center frequency 5.595GHz which covers wireless bands such as HiperLAN/2 band. The percentage bandwidth of 4.82% and the average gain of 4.5dBi is achieved.
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   73 Circular Microstrip Antennas Design With Slot and Slit Geometry

Salai Thillai Thilagam.J, Dr. P.K.Jawahar


A design and simulation of circular shaped microstrip antennas using slot, slit geometries for wireless communication is proposed. Using this design more than 50% impedance bandwidth is obtained. The antennas are fed by coaxial probe method. This paper presents the simulated results of antennas return loss parameters, gain, directivity and efficiency.
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   74 Performance Analysis of Two-Hop Relayed Transmission in Asymmetric Rayleigh and Nakagami-m Fading Environment

Priyanka Mehta, Kapil Gupta, P. K. Ghosh


This paper present the performance analysis of two-hop relayed transmission over asymmetric Rayleigh and Nakagami-m fading environment. Nakagami-m fading is considered because it works as generalized fading model. The model proposed by Nakagami uses m parameter to describe the fading conditions for both Rayleigh and Rician fading. Closed form expression for Outage Probability and Average Bit Error Probability are derived to study the performance of the system and also illustrate the positive impact of the Nakagami-m parameter on the system performance.
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   75 Simulation and Synthesis of Field-Programmable Gate Array

Deepali Sandhu, Sudhir Singh, Satwinder Singh


Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA’s) are now widely used for the implementation of digital systems, and many commercial architectures are available. Although the literature and data books contain detailed descriptions of these archi- tectures, there is very little information on how the high-level architecture was chosen, and no information on the circuit- level or physical design of the devices. This paper describes the high-level architectural design of a static-random-access memory programmable FPGA. A forthcoming Part II will address the circuit design issues through to the physical layout. The logic block and routing architecture of the FPGA was determined through experimentation with benchmark circuits and custom-built computer-aided design tools. The resulting logic block is an asymmetric tree of fourinput lookup tables that are hard-wired together and a segmented routing architecture with a carefully chosen segment length distribution.
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   76 Gyro- Magnetic to True Conversion

Mukadam Raisa, Nair Sreeja, Singh Rashmi


This document describes the conversion of Magnetic Heading to True Heading of a ship according to the norms set by NMEA 0183 Protocol. Small vessels like boats, yachts would be the beneficiaries of this device.
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   77 Design of High Polarized Binary Wires using Minimum Number of Cells & Related Kink Energy Calculations in Quantum dot Cellular automata

Angshuman Khan, Ratna Chakrabarty


Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is one of the most popular nano-technology, with the potential for faster speed, lower power consumption and smaller size than the latest CMOS technology. One of the basic building blocks of QCA circuits is QCA wire. The conventional QCA wires require more cells and it has less polarization. In this paper, we have designed high polarized wires using minimum number of QCA cells. The conventional QCA wires which have large polarization require six or more cells. We have designed the binary wire using three QCA cells whose polarization is same with the conventional six cells wire. So it requires lesser area than conventional one. We make the wire circuit more fault- free by adding extra cells at the output section. In each case, the designed QCA wires have more polarization (i.e. more fault free) than conventional wires. Our finally designed high polarized QCA wire has five cells and its polarization is greater than any type of conventional inverters designed till now. Also, here we have calculated the kink energy of each designed binary wires.
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78 IMT-Advanced Requirements for 4G Technology and its Components
Sudhir Singh
   79 Outage Probability of Cooperative Communication Network with Relay Selection Over Nakagami-m Fading Channel

Suman Rathore, Kapil Gupta, P.K. Ghosh


Cooperative diversity uses relays which assist source destination transmissions to reduce link outage rates in multipath fading environments. In this paper, an Amplify-and-Forward (AAF) cooperative communication system over Nakagami-m fading channel is considered where a source node communicates with a destination node directly and indirectly (through multiple relays). Nakagami-m fading channel works as generalized fading model. The relay selection reduces the amount of required resources. The relay node that can achieve the highest signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) at the destination node is selected so closed form expressions for the symbol error probability and outage probability are obtained from relay selection. Using numerical results, the performances curves are plotted for two values of Nakagami-m parameter which shows the significant advantages of the relay selection in a cooperative communication.
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   80 Antenna: A Review

Gurpinder Singh, Ashish Sharma, Chandra Prakash Upadhayay


In this paper various patterns formed by the antenna, and the different techniques used to measured antenna pattern are discussed. This paper give the overall working of antenna. The different lobes formed by different antenna are also discussed. This paper relates the various factors effecting the antenna pattern. The interference of the antenna pattern with one another are also discussed. This paper is well effective to let you know about the working of antenna and the different pattern formed by the antenna.
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   81 Spread Spectrum

Aseem Kaushal, Gaurav Kalia, Gursharan Sandhu


The onset of 21st century marked the beginning of a new commercial market place called Spread spectrum. This technique covers the art of secure digital communications that is now being exploited for commercial and industrial purpose. Its wide applications ranges from “wireless” LAN’s (computer to computer local area networks), to integrated bar code scanner/palmtop computer/radio modem devices for warehousing, to digital dispatch, to digital cellular telephone communications, to “information society” city/ area/state or country wide networks for passing faxes, computer data, email, or multimedia data. This technique is preferred for a variety of reasons including secure communications, increasing resistance to natural interference, noise and jamming, to prevent detection, and to limit power flux density. This paper basically deals with the concept of the spread spectrum, its various techniques and its future advancements.
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   82 Smart Control Station Based Advanced Traffic Management

Akriti Handoo, Deepika Anvekar, Manali Deshmukh


This paper presents a simple way to implement an interface between the whole traffic management systems and monitoring devices using Microcontroller based Embedded System. Generally a traffic system does not require any monitoring device. But being an advanced traffic management system, it is connected to a control station through an Embedded System. While the system on the other hand also keeps on counting the number of vehicles passing through a way with the help of sensors.
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   83 Hand Gesture Control Robot Vehicle

Riyaz Mansuri, Sandesh Vakale, Ashish Shinde, Tanveer Patel


In this paper, we introduce a hand-gesture-based Control interface for navigating a car-robot. A 2-axis accelerometer is adopted to record a user’s hand trajectories. The trajectory data is transmitted wirelessly via an RF module. The received trajectories are then classified to one of four commands for navigating a car-robot and two control commands for claw/robotic arm.
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   84 Evaluation of Feature Extraction Techniques in Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) System

Sonit Singh, Aman Saini, Shamneesh Sharma


The term CBIR refers to the process of retrieving similar images from a large collection of image database. The image retrieval is done on the basis of similarity matching between query image and database images. Different feature extraction techniques are being used to extract features of an image. The important image features are Color, Texture, Shape, Spatial location, edges etc. The CBIR (Content Based Image Retrieval) systems have achieved wide growth in past few years but still there are many limitations in CBIR systems yet to overcome. In this paper, we have evaluated feature extraction techniques based on color, texture and shape information and find that not a single feature vector is good for the retrieval parameters like precision and recall. There is the need of combining multiple feature vectors for increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of CBIR Systems.
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   85 Implementation of Enhanced Reliable Distributed Energy Efficient Protocol for WSN using MATLAB

Shamneesh Sharma, Sonit Singh, Dinesh Kumar


This paper is the implementation of our previous paper named ERDEEP (Enhanced Reliable Distributed Energy Efficiency Protocol) using MATLAB. Basically this protocol is for Wireless Sensor Network which solves the problem of unreliability of network. This scheme is based upon the principle that the cluster head will choose at least three backup nodes on the basis of best Nodial distances from each other. In case of failure of the backup node new backup node will perform all the functions of the cluster head. The implemented solution gives the better result to the schemes that previously exists in the field of energy efficiency too.
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   86 Aerodrome RADAR Interface

Karan Handu, Pratimesh Dalvi, Yogesh Mal


This paper presents a simple way to implement an interface between RADAR and monitoring devices using Microcontroller based Embedded System. Generally RADAR alone is not capable of processing the data that it receives after reflection from the target. Hence an Embedded System will receive the data from RADAR at some Baud rate and transmit the processed data at a fixed baud rate to the monitoring device. Monitoring device is a stimulated PPI display made by using a GUI (Visual Studio) which will replace the PPI Display thus improving the efficiency and reducing cost.
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   87 Implementation of Patient Monitoring System by Using Wireless Sensor Node

R Arundas, B T Varghese, C Vishnu, A Soman, P Ramesh


This paper presents design and the developmentof intelligent sensor node for Patient monitoring. The node is equipped with multimodesensors for sensing different parameters;the node can sense three different parameters, heartbeatrate,temperature and Pressure.The parameters measured are sent byusingaZigbee Module to distant.Heart rate(Pulse) measurement is based on the principleof PPG(photoplethysmography) whichuses alight source and a detector. Change in bloodvolume is synchronous to heartbeat;this method can be used to calculate the heart rate.Temperature is measuredbya thermistor;it usesthe Wheatstone’sbridgeprinciple. Using the availabledatasheet of thermistor we can derive arelationship between thetemperature and voltage.ECG measures the electrical activity of heart. Theactivation of theheart starts at Sino-atrial node that producesheart frequency, atabout 70cyclesperminute. This activation propagates to the rightandleft atria muscle tissues. The electrical signal so produced is measured using the electrodes.
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   88 Comparative Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Standards in Wireless Networking

Vandana Jindal, Anil Kumar Verma, Seema Bawa


Communication among devices in a network takes place according to some set of rules and procedures called protocols. Various protocols have been established by IEEE to suit the varied requirements of range, devices in the networks, cost, security and fidelity of data. .All these protocols are covered under various IEEE 802 standards which have evolved over time keeping in view the requirements described above. Among the plethora of standards, 802.11 standards governs the communication between wireless networks.
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   89 Accelerometer And Zigbee Protocol Based Smart Wheel Chair for Physically Disabled People

Shashank Mishra, Puneet Dobhal, Nishant Singh Bisht, Upasna karnatak, Anant Wadhva


Approximately 6 million people in the world face the problem of disability due to paralysis of various degrees. Paralysis is caused by impairment of nervous system disabling the people from performing various common functions. This paper provides a wireless system that can be used by disabled people to control the motion of the wheelchair by elementary motion of their hand or head. The system comprises of a Transmitter mounted on operator’s hand; employing a MEMS Accelerometer which transmits control signals to the Receiver. The receiver is mounted on the wheelchair and controls its motion based on control signals. The control signals are transmitted and received wirelessly using Wireless Radio Frequency Module.
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   90 Various Aspects of Visible Light Communication and Its Applications

Devendra J. Varanva, Kantipudi MVV Prasad


Visible Light Communication is attracting many researchers to work on. There are various schemes we can do it. Depend upon our need and problems regarding environment condition which affects our setup. In this paper we have tried to light on various setups available for researcher to start research on. Setups can be used as per the imagination of individual. And not limited as well.
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   91 Study on Optimization of Different Characteristics of Novel Shaped FSS

Shwetanki Singh, Shuvodip Majumdar, Sourav Nandi, Partha Pratim Sarkar


This paper deals with the simulated as well as measured results of a Frequency selective surface with perfectly conducting novel shaped elements. This frequency selective surface (FSS) acts like a single band-reject filter. The proposed design has been investigated theoretically using Ansoft Designer® software in which the reflection and transmission bands have been predicted by the method known as Method of Moment. Further experimental investigation is performed using standard microwave test bench. In comparison to the reference square patched Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) without slot, this FSS with novel design can provide size reduction up to 84.98%. Efforts have been given to achieve optimized value for different characteristics of FSS.
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   92 Single Layer Monopole Hexagonal Microstrip Patch Antenna for Fixed Service Satellite (FSS) System

Supriya Jana, Bipadtaran Sinhamahapatra, Sudeshna Dey


In recent years, with the continuous growth of communication service and the constant miniaturization of communication equipment, where microstrip patch antennas for their small volumes, low profiles, excellent integration and good performance, is higher demands for the volume of antennas and working band. In this paper a single layer monopole hexagonal patch antenna is thoroughly simulated. Resonant frequency has been reduced drastically by cutting three unequal slots which are the combinations of one circle and two irregular rectangular slots from the conventional microstrip patch antenna. It is shown that the simulated results are in acceptable agreement. More importantly, it is also shown that the differentially-driven microstrip antenna has higher gain of simulated 3.36 dBi at 9.61GHz and -0.43 dBi at 13.57GHz and beam width of simulated 162.080 at 9.61GHz and 53.450at 13.57GHz of the single-ended microstrip antenna. Compared to a conventional microstrip patch antenna, simulated antenna size has been reduced by 50.80% with an increased frequency ratio. It has been performed in Zeland IE3D software.
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