International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 3 Issue 3, Ver. 1
S.No. | Research Topic | Paper ID | |
1 | Demonstration of Hybrid Mechanism for NG-GPON Using Boosting Tree Regression and Classification Algorithm
Deepti Punjabi, Dr. Neena Gupta Abstract This paper describes sleep and adaptive link rate (ALR) control functions to reduce the power consumption of Optical Network Units (ONUs) in next generation asymmetric XGPON network systems. A hybrid mechanism that includes both sleep and ALR control functions is proposed with a view to further improving the power-saving performance. The sleep control function switches the ONU mode, i.e., active or sleep, depending on the presence or absence of traffic. The ALR control function switches the downlink rates between an optical line terminal (OLT) and an ONU, i.e., 2.5Gb/s,5Gb/s,7.5Gb/s or 10Gb/s, depending on the quantity of traffic. The proposed hybrid mechanism using boosting tree regression algorithm offers effective power management of ONUs on the basis of the traffic conditions. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-411 |
2 | Design of Cache Controller for Multi-core Systems by Multilevel Scheduling
Vipin S. Bhure, Dr. Dinesh Padole Abstract As multi-core processors are designed to provide major development platform for real-time systems. The multi-core processor having multiple processing unites on a single chip, to provide high processing performance. The researcher are working hard to improve time performance and power consumption of Multi-core systems. Many algorithms are being proposed by researcher for improvement in time and power consumption, still there is a wide scope to propose and implement in the area. Cache handling is such issue to be sited less but having more impact on the performance of Multi-core systems. Cache coherence issue becomes more prominent in case of multi-core processor system. Hence there is a need to be implementing a suitable and efficient method/ design to handle. Here Author is proposing a novel concept of cache controlling by multilevel scheduling method, which utilized the concept of priority scheduling and then round robin scheduling. The proposed system is modeled using hardware descriptive language and simulation results are presented. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-412 |
3 | Security Issues and Countermeasures of Mobile Agents
Dr. Gurjeet Singh, Manish Goyal Abstract In the past few years the computer systems have evolved from monolithic computing device to much complex client-server environment. Now new phase of evaluation allows complete mobility of application code among supporting platforms to form a loosely-coupled distributed system. Mobile-agent paradigm is one such technology. It has numerous application where it can be beneficial, to name a few areas where the mobile-agents have potential deployment are database search, distributed systems and e-commerce. This technology has given a new direction to networking. It can produce very good results in limited resources or in deficient environment where bandwidth, memory are significant constraint. But still it is not widely accepted due to its security issues. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-413 |
4 | Image Subtraction for Facial Expression Recognition Application
Rohit D. Gawade, Dr. S. L. Nalbalwar Abstract The most expressive way humans display emotions is through facial expressions. In the past decade much progress has been made on face recognition, however computational facial expression analysis is still a challenging and attractive research topic in computer vision and intelligent human computer interaction. The automatic recognition of facial expressions has been an active research topic since the early nineties. In this paper, we implemented a new method to recognize facial expressions from images. At first difference image is calculated by subtracting neutral image from expression image. DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) is applied on difference image to extract features for train as well as test images. Expressions are recognized by calculating mean square error between features extracted from test and train images. The performance evaluation is based on Japanese Female Facial Expression database. Experimental results shows that the recognition rates are 100% and 83.51% for training and testing database respectively. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-414 |
5 | Security Attacks & Countermeasures for 802.11 Wireless Networks
Sukhchain Singh Abstract The rapid proliferation of wireless networks has changed the landscape of network security. The recent denial of service attacks on major Internet sites have shown us, no open computer network is immune from intrusions. The wireless ad-hoc network is particularly vulnerable due to its features of open medium, dynamic changing topology, cooperative algorithms, lack of centralized monitoring and management point, and lack of a clear line of defense. In this paper we examine security threats and countermeasures for wireless networks. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-415 |
6 | Speckle Noise Reduction Techniques
Gagandeep Kaur Abstract Now a days, digital image acquisition and processing pay very important role in current medical diagnosis techniques. Images of living object are taken using different medical imaging methods like MRI, CT scan etc. Ultrasound imaging is one of them, which is known as a non invasive, non destructive and low cost technique for imaging organs and soft tissue structures in human body. The visual evaluation of ultrasound images is degraded due to presence of a multiplicative noise known as speckle noise. Over a period various speckle reduction techniques have been developed. The objective of speckle noise reduction is to provide the noise free image for diagnosis purpose. This paper compiles various techniques which have been used to reduce the speckle noise in the ultrasound images. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-416 |
7 | Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA System in Rayleigh Channel and AWGN Channel
G. Brindha, M. Jeyaprabha Abstract Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) is an attractive choice for high speed wireless communication as it avoids the problem of Inter Symbol Interference (lSI) and also exploits frequency diversity. In order to support multiple users with high speed data communications, the MC-CDMA technique is used to address these challenges. MC-CDMA experiences severe multipath fading which badly affects its performance. When transmission over fading channel multi-cell interference occurs and this degrades the performance of the system. This paper specially analyzes the BER performance under Rayleigh fading channel conditions of MC-CDMA in presence of AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) using BPSK modulation for different number of subcarrier, different number of users using MATLAB program, and finally the paper also presents a comparison between simulated results, which shows the reduction in BER performance. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-417 |
8 | Size Reduction of a Microstrip Antenna by Modifying the Ground Plane Using Cross Slot
S. De, S. Sarkar, P. Samaddar, Dr. S. Biswas, Dr. D. Sarkar, Dr. P. P. Sarkar Abstract This paper presents theoretical and practical investigation on a compact microstrip antenna with a cross slot of unequal slot lengths on the ground plane.The size of the designed slotted antenna is reduced by more than 95% compared to the conventional antenna. Omni-directional good radiation pattern and as well as Return Loss characteristics are also observed. Theoretical investigations are done by Ansoft Designer software. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-418 |
9 | Design of Robust Turbo Code Interleaver by Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithms
V. Jyothsna, V. Glory, CH. Ravi Kumar Abstract Since their appearance in 1993, first approaching the Shannon limit, turbo codes gave a new direction in the channel encoding field, especially since they have been adopted for multiple telecommunication norms. To obtain good performance, it is necessary to design a robust turbo code interleaver and the code rate. Compared to 1/3 Code rate 2/3 coder has less redundancy. So in this project we are using the code rate of 2/3. This paper proposes a differential evolution approach to find above average turbo code interleavers. Performance is compared with the conventional genetic algorithm approach and the empirical results illustrate that DE performs well. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-419 |
10 | Power Quality Distrubances Recognition Using S-Transform
Umesh Gupta, Sandeep Gupta, Vivek Agarwal Abstract Power quality issues have been a source of major concern in recent years due to extensive use of power electronic devices and nonlinear loads in electrical power system and consequently sensitive detection and accurate classification of power disturbances have become very much necessary. To monitor various power quality problems different analysis techniques are available like Fourier transform, short-time Fourier transform, and wavelet transform. Every analysis technique has its own advantage and disadvantage. To overcome disadvantages a new method S-Transform has been proposed in this project work for detection and classification of power quality disturbance signals.S-transform provides frequency dependent resolution that simultaneously localizes the real and imaginary spectra. The S-Transform is similar to wavelet transform but with a phase correction. This property is used to obtain useful features of the non stationary signals that make the pattern recognition much simpler in comparison to the wavelet analysis. According to rule based decision tree, five disturbance and two complex power disturbances are well recognized and classified. Various power quality disturbances are obtained by experimental work and they are analyzed by S-Transform analysis. Degree of sag and swell also calculated by using S-Transform respectively. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-420 |
11 | Introduction to New Watermarking Scheme (DWT and SVD-DCT) with NC and PSNR
Jagdeep Kaur, Rakesh Khanna, Deepali Sandhu Abstract In this paper, we introduce a new watermarking scheme for digital images. The method is based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with singular value decomposition and Discrete Cosine Transform (SVD-DCT). DWT is a wavelet transform for which the wavelets are sampled discretely. Both Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) has been used as mathematical tools for embedding data into an image. This paper also introduces the two factors i.e. Peak –Signal –to-Noise ratio ( PSNR) and Normalized cross-correlation (NC). The value of NC is between 0 and 1, the bigger the value is, the better the watermark robustness is and the concealing of the watermark can be quantitatively analysed by using Peak Signal to Noise (PSNR). |
IJECT/33/1/ A-421 |
12 | Performance of Chebyshev Filter for Signal Denoising
Richa Gupta, Onkar Chand Abstract A signal is that part of Communication System which contain some information,but during the processing of signal ,some amount of noise is added in the signal and signal becomes noisy.So it is necessary to eliminate this noise and this is done by using some signal denoising technique.Various signal denoising technique have been proposed for the removal of noises from digital signals. In this paper , Low pass Chebyshev IIR filter is designed for signal analysis.These filters are all pole filters.In the passband these filters show equiripple behavior and they have monotonic characteristics in the stopband. The newly designed filter presents a new concept for better signal analysis and disturbance detection in the communication systems. The limitation of Butterworth low pass filter in signal denoising and other applications can be eliminated by using this Chebyshev filter. We have improved performance in signal filtering by using Chebyshev filter.The implement results show that the proposed technique achieve the better signal denoising performance. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-422 |
13 | Design and Simulation of Microprocessor Controlled DTMF Transceiver System on Real Time Basis
Archana Piple Abstract The microprocessor controlled DTMF transceiver system is a software program design concept which controls the DTMF transceiver chip with the help of microprocessor, in such a way that different operations can be controlled between the microprocessor and transceiver chip with the help of their programming model. This system can then be run on real time atmosphere by using the simulator softwares. In the proposed work, the software program is simulated by the virtual microprocessor kit. This kit is then used to show the control operations between microprocessor and transceiver. Furthermore, for the DTMF operations, the softwares like DTMF dial, Commtekk tone generator and DTMF encoder are used. The proposed design is a software program tool for controlling the different operations between the microprocessor and the DTMF transceiver chip. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-423 |
14 | Compact and Wideband Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna (SMPA) Based on Slot Etched Ground Plane for HiperLAN Application
Anoop C N, Ravishankar S, Yashwanth Sagar K K Abstract In this paper, we propose a design of square microstrip patch antenna (SMPA) with a slot etched ground plane. This ground plane slot improves the bandwidth, impedance matching and the relocation of resonant frequency to make the compact SMPA. The size reduction of about 24.14% compared to the actual area required to resonate at 5.5GHz. The bandwidth 750MHz with respect to center frequency 5.48GHz which covers wireless bands such as HPERLAN/1 and HIPERLAN/2 bands. The percentage bandwidth of 13.68% and the average gain of 3.5dBi are achieved. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-424 |
15 | Despeckling of Ultrasonographic Images using DTCWT
Gagandeep Kaur Abstract For diagnostic purposes, medical ultrasound is widely used beside x-ray, MRI, CT scan. It is a technique that provides noninvasive, non distructive and also low cost for imaging. A dominant problem regarding ultrasound images is in their inherent corruption by speckle noise in a multiplicative fashion. The presence of speckle noise it generally tends to reduce the image resolution and contrast, thereby reducing the diagnostic value of this imaging modality and as a result, speckle noise reduction is an important prerequisite, whenever ultrasound imaging is used for tissue characterization. The paper presents a novel despeckling method based on Dual tree complex wavelet transform. Wavelet transform provides a multi resolution analysis of a signal using a set of analyzing functions that are dilations and translations of a few functions. The wavelet transform lacks the shift-invariance property, and in multiple dimensions it does a poor job of distinguishing orientations, which crucial in image processing. For these reasons, to obtain some application improvements, the Separable DWT is replaced by Dual tree complex wavelet transform. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the application of the proposed method to a set of medical images. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-425 |
16 | Real Time Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Processing on FPGA for Emerging Personal Healthcare Applications
Anil Kumar. Pavani, Praveen. Panthagada Abstract In recent days the cardiovascular diseases has become a threat to human life. The number of major diseases related to heart is increasing year by year. Lot of these diseases can be either subsided or cured completely when they are predicted well in advance. The Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals consists information which can be processed by various techniques. Today there is a great move towards personal healthcare applications. In such applications low cost monitoring devices will be embedded in wearable items (such as watches). The research towards realizing efficient and low cost equipment for these applications is very much useful. The paper introduces that an approach of ECG signal processing module will be implemented in VHDL on FPGA platform. The digital filtering will be carried out with FIR filter architecture. Filters will remove the 50 Hz coupled noise and other high frequency noises. The filtered signal is subjected to short time Fourier transform (STFT), the time domain analysis is carried out for the detection of QRS complexes and each complex was used to find the peaks of individual waves P and T waves and also their deviations. A recorded ECG signal will be used as test input to test the implemented modules on FPGA. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-426 |
17 | Leakage Reduction in 90nm PD SOI MOSFET using Halo Doping
Shiva Agrawal, Parul Trivedi Abstract Performance, area and power consumption is a critical concern in today’s VLSI system design. Therefore, Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) wafers are used in semiconductor device applications. SOI is used for a variety of applications in power switching device, semiconductor memories, high-speed bipolar circuits and microelectro- mechanical system etc. In this paper, device structure and electrical characteristics of 90nm Partially-Depleted (PD) SOI MOSFET with Lightly-Doped-Drain (LDD) implantation and PD SOI MOSFET with LDD and halo implantation has been simulated using Atlas and Athena module of Silvaco tool. For better performance, leakage current in partially depleted SOI with LDD implantation has been reduced by using process technique, called halo implantation. The leakage current in PD SOI MOSFET with LDD and halo implantation has been reduced by about 90% as compared to PD SOI MOSFET with LDD implantation. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-427 |
18 | Detection of Abnormalities in MRI Images of Brain Using Digital Image Processing Techniques Based on MATLAB
Kritika Sharma, Dr. Monisha Sharma, Chandrashekhar Kamargaonkar Abstract Medical imaging technique is most commonly used to visualize the internal structure and function of the body. Magnetic Resonance Imaging provides much greater contrast between the different soft tissues of the body than Computed Tomography (CT) does, making it especially useful in neurological (brain), musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and oncological (cancer) imaging. In recent years the image processing mechanisms are used widely in several medical areas for improving earlier detection and treatment stages, in which the time factor is very important to discover the disease in the patient as possible as fast, especially in various cancer tumours such as the brain cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer. firstly image enhancement stage which we used low preprocessing image techniques: Gabor filter using a Gaussian rule in which produced the best resultant enhanced images. In the image segmentation stage we used thresholding segmentation mechanism by Otsu thresholding algorithm.textures features of MR images have been provided. The analyses of both the types of images are calculated and then the comparison is performed between them. So, to determine the whether the abnormality is there or not in the image, its texture features are compared and the feature lying outside the range finally detects the abnormality in the biomedical image. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-428 |
19 | Transmission Loss Allocation Methods in Deregulated Power System
P. Narendra, K. Sarada Abstract Two facts make the allocation of transmission losses between different loads and generators an uneasy job. The first is that electricity is not a stamped commodity and it is not easy to determine which generator or load is responsible for the flow and loss in a given line. The second is that transmission loss is a non-linear function of line flows. Even, if linearization techniques are used to allocate the flow of a given generator to a certain load, the cross terms associated with the quadratic loss functions do not allow assigning directly losses to generators and consumers. As a result, expost procedures are needed to resolve network congestions and to allocate transmission losses to generators and demands. This thesis work focuses on transmission loss allocation procedures and provides a detailed comparison of five algorithms: 1)PR(Pro Rata)allocation ; 2) proportional sharing; 3) ITL(Incremental Transmission Loss) allocation; 4)Z-bus allocation and 5)Y-bus allocation. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-429 |
20 | The Effect of “Hann” Window Parameters CG-ICG-ENBW-SL on the SNR Improvement of MST RADAR Signals
B. Ramesh Reddy, Dr. A. Subbarami Reddy, Dr. P. Chandrashekar Reddy Abstract In this paper, the effect of Hann window parameters Coherent Gain (CG), Incoherent Power Gain (ICG), Equivalent Noise Band Width (ENBW) and Scalloping Loss (SL) on the SNR values of MST Radar returns has been investigated. Six sets of multibeam observations of the lower atmosphere made by the Indian Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere (MST) RADAR are used for the results analysis. Prior to the Fourier Transform, the in-phase and quadrature components of the Radar echo samples are weighted with Hann Window Function. It is observed that, with the increase in the parameter “α” of Hann Window, increases ENBW and SL but decrease in CG and ICG. This observation can be used to establish in improving the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of MST Radar signals. From this study it is reported that, the window parameter “α=6” can be suggested for optimum results of SNR improvement in MST Radar signals. The optimum window parameter “α” in turn yields optimum Hann window parameters as CG=0.3125, ICG=0.2256, ENBW=2.3101 and SL=0.9313.which correspond to optimum main lobe width and side lobe attenuation to increase the SNR of MST Radar noisy data. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-430 |
21 | An Efficient Parallel MAC Architecture Based on MBA Technique
R.M.N.M.Varaprasad, K. Saritha Raj, M. Satyanarayana Abstract With the recent rapid advances in multimedia and communication systems, real-time signal processing like audio signal processing, video/image processing, are increasingly being demanded. Most of Digital signal processor use non-linear functions that are basically accomplished by repetitive application of multiplication and addition operations. Therefore multiplier-and-accumulator (MAC) is the essential elements of the digital signal processing.This paper proposes a novel architecture of multiplier and accumulator (MAC) for high speed arithmetic by adopting modified booth algorithm and hybrid carry save adder. The accumulator that has the largest delay in MAC was merged into Carry Save Adder (CSA), the overall performance was elevated. Also, the proposed MAC accumulates the intermediate results in the type of sum and carry bits, which made it possible to optimize the pipeline scheme to improve the efficiency. Final adder output rate is enhanced by reducing number of input bits that are applied to itself. The proposed design was coded in mixed HDL with top module coded in VHDL and simulated using Xilinx ISE tool. FPGA Spartan 3E kit was used for implementation of design. Chipscope VIO tool is used for real implementation of design. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-431 |
22 | Design of Square Microstrip Patch Antenna for Multiband Applications in Wireless Communication Using DGS
Mohit, Krishan Gopal Abstract This paper presents a square microstrip patch antenna with Defected Ground Structure (DGS) for wireless communication. In its most basic form, a multiband microstrip antenna consists of a Defected Ground Structure (DGS) on one side of a dielectric substrate and another side a patch. The patch is generally made of conducting material such as copper and can take any possible shape. This multiband antenna structure which can operate over a band starting from 2.15GHz to 5.77GHz. Which covers the band of WLAN, WI-MAX, WI-FI and BLUETOOTH is reported in this paper. The dimensions of the patch and the ground plane are 22x22mm2 and 33x33mm2. The results obtain that antenna exhibits wideband characteristics with minimum return loss. In this antenna is simulated by the software high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) is employed to analyze the proposed and simulated results on Return Loss, Radiation Pattern and VSWR. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-432 |
23 | Vibration Signal Analysis and Damage Detection using Discrete Wavelet Transform
Arun Kumar, Anup Mishra, Sumit Sar Abstract The machine faults are the root cause of unwanted down time and high maintenance cost in industries .This reason it is required to keep the machinery and plant equipments in good condition to prevent them from failure. The machine fault can be defined as the poverty in machinery part & component which makes it unable to perform satisfactory and smoothly. (The incipient fault, deterioration and damages are the familiar stage of failure. So it is required to detect them at initial stage. Because early fault detection in machine saves millions of dollar required in maintenance or lost in down time. Inherent weakness in material design manufacturing, misuse, excessive stress undesired direction fatigue, corrosion are classified cause of failure. The vibration signal analysis is incipient fault detection technique. It is based on the principle that normal vibration pattern of the machine changes due to fault or some dynamic process changes in machine. The discrete wavelet transform and envelope analysis of the vibration signal can be used to detect the machine fault at initial stages. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-433 |
24 | Vehicle Locations Find-Out Using Arm7
Naresh Kumar Reddy. Beechu, M. Narasimhulu, B.Siva Hari Prasad Abstract Now a day’s vehicle position or locations find out very rare case. That’s why we implemented innovative idea using ARM7. Generally vehicular networks are considered to contain two types of nodes; vehicles and roadside stations. Vehicular communications is usually developed as a part of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) that seeks to achieve safety and productivity through intelligent transportation which integrates communication between mobile and fixed nodes. In this paper we are going to propose a system which shows, how mobile technology can benefit millions of people in India by providing a solution for the vehicle position. A novel concept of paper is who want location of vehicle. Finding is very easy. User can send Message or missed call to GSM. That GSM is connected along GPS& ARM7 in vehicle at that time spontaneously GSM send the location values in the form of longitude and latitude values to user. That Information is exchanged in form of messages or missed calls. The system is based on Arm7 . Each satellite has its individual values (longitude & latitude) which contain the required data to calculate the position of the vehicle. GPS receivers have been miniaturized to just a few integrated circuits and so are becoming very economical. This GPS is connected to the ARM7 board upper part of vehicles. Low-cost Differential GPS (DGPS) receivers, which have a positioning accuracy of approximate 2–3 m, have become available. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-434 |
25 | Design and Development of FPGA based Automated Test System
Y. Alekhya, G. Anjaneyulu Abstract Under water systems use processor based embedded systems to provide control and guidance to the underwater vehicles. These systems are complex in nature and have several interfaces such as analog interfaces, digital interfaces, discrete interfaces, discrete inputs, outputs, communication channels etc.The wiring inside such a system is complex and must be done with utmost care. Interface between systems to system is normally done using MIL STD 851 series round shell connectors. After completing wiring with proper tools. The manual verification of the wiring involves tedious job and also requires several man hours. The manual verification cannot guarantee 100% error free. Under this situation an FPGA based automated test system is proposed to design and develop to test the wiring of complex systems. The Automated Test System (ATS) will be connected to the testing system and the software of the ATS will be executed to detect the faults in wiring if any and displaced on the PC. The ATS would reduce the time for testing complex wiring of systems and also require less man power and the test results obtained from ATS would be more accurate than manual testing. Since the ATS is designed around an FPGA, there is a possibility of configuring the hardware and software to meet the testing of different complex systems with the same ATS. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-435 |
26 | “A Modified Non-Linear Image Denoising Filter for Denoising Very High and Low Level Impulse Noise”
Sonia Sharma, Gianetan Singh Sekhon Abstract Denoising is an important task inside the image processing area. Images are contaminated by noise due to several unavoidable reasons. Many different types of filter are used to remove noise from images. Many of these algorithms does not preserve fine details in the image while removing the noise. Noise removal is one of the pre-processing tasks in several images processing technique. Many different type of filter used to remove different type of noise from image. Different noise models are used like additive and multiplicative. They include Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, speckle noise and Brownian noise. It is observed that proposed method is better in removing impulse noise at different level of noise. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-436 |
27 | Study of W-slot Electromagnetic Band Gap Structure and Its Effect on Patch Antenna
Kunal Srivastava Abstract This paper presents the analysis of electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure using fractal geometry and simple mushroom type EBG and its effect on Hexagonal Patch antenna performance. The EBG structure attenuates the surface wave propagation in a specific frequency range. A new W-shape slotted EBG structure is proposed to attenuate the surface wave better than 10 dB in frequency range from 3.35 GHz to 5 GHz. Using this EBG structure, an antenna with center frequency of 4.2 GHz is designed. The bandwidth of this antenna and EBG in same plane is improved by 74.48 % in comparison to antenna without EBG and 151.97% improved when antenna above EBG plane . The simulated of radiation pattern with EBG exhibits reduction in backward radiation in comparison to radiation pattern without EBG. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-437 |
28 | Power Harvesting from Earth Quake: Stealing Fortune from Disaster
Kshitij Bathla Abstract In the present course of study, an innovative and very useful method to harvest power from the earth quake has been presented. This can help in rescue operations immediately after the disaster. The idea is based on the candidature of piezoelectric crystal as it generates electricity by experiencing stress over it. The detailed theory and set up for the system has been discussed. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-438 |
29 | Smart Phones Vs Tablets: A Review Devinder Singh, Tanvir Singh, Amit Kumar |
IJECT/33/1/ A-439 |
30 | Allocating the Reactive Power Support Employing Sensitivity Approach
Ajay Kumar, Indu Maheshwari, Naresh Kumar Yadav Abstract This paper presents a sensitivity approach to allocate the reactive power support of the alternators. Reactive power support is been classified as: The support compensating additional reactive power losses for the real power transportation and the support required to feed reactive power loads. A sensitivity approach has been used to determine the utilization factor for allocation of the net reactive power support. This method increases the transparency in the power system. A comparison with the tracing method is also made to illustrate the features of proposed approach. Application of the proposed approach has been illustrated using the IEEE 30-bus test system. |
IJECT/33/1/ A-440 |