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International Journal of Electronics & Communication Technology Vol. 3 Issue 3, Ver. 2
S.No. | Research Topic | Paper ID | |
31 | Performance Analysis of Five-Section Hairpin Micorstrip Filter at 2.0 – 3.0GHz Ogherohwo E.P., Adeniran A. O., Ajao O. S. Abstract Analytical and design techniques are presented for microstrip hairpin resonator filters on FR4 laminates. The hairpin filter is one of the most popular low microwave frequency filters because of its compactness andit does not require grounding. Its design on FR4 laminates is very difficult to achieve because of the relatively high performance of the laminate at the microwave region. The laminate properties of the FR4 become non-linear unlike more expensive microwave laminates. The motivation behind theuse FR4 in this research is mainly based on its availability and low cost at microwave frequencies. This paper, thus, presents the design and analysis of five section microstrip hairpin resonator filters using FR4 based laminate. The design process which was done using Aglient2009 starts with the design of rectangular strip using the cavity model analysis in determining the length and the width of the strip. The simulated results of the filter show a high performance on the laminate, the obtained bandwidth, and thecoefficients of reflection as well as the high return loss. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-441 |
32 | Color Image Enhancement Karimella Vikram, Dr. Niraj Upadyaya, Dr. A Goverdhan Abstract The reason for us to opt for this paper is to enhance the vision clarity, to enrich its perceptive view. Direct observation and recorded color images of the same scenes are often strikingly different because human visual perception computes the conscious representation with vivid color and detail in shadows, and with resistance to spectral shifts in the scene illuminant. This paper presents a new technique for color enhancement in the compressed domain. The proposed technique is simple but more effective than some of the existing techniques reported earlier. The novelty lies in this case in its treatment of the chromatic components, while previous techniques treated only the luminance component. This is simplified with the usage luminance component because it adjusts the brightness alone. Thus results of all previous techniques along with that of the proposed one are compared with respect to those obtained by applying a spatial domain color enhancement technique that appears to provide very good enhancement. The proposed technique, computationally more efficient than the spatial domain based method, is found to provide better enhancement compared to other compressed domain based approaches. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-442 |
33 | Optimized Wireless Video Transmission Protocol K Prabhakara Rao, Dr. P V Sridevi, P Kalyan Chakravarthi Abstract 2G wireless communication system supports multiple users, but it does not improve the data capacity so much. It is robust and supports voice and data transport mechanism. Success of cellular networks leads to the development of newer wireless networks. Next generation cellular networks are developed to produce high speed data communication in addition to voice calls. Wireless networks replace fiber optic cables and copper lines used for wired networks. In this paper we presented the performance analysis of an optimized wireless video transmission protocol. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-443 |
34 | A Microwave Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Based Wireless Communication System for L-Band Veerendra Singh Jadaun, Atal Verma, Devesh Kumar Mahor, Pavan Kumar Sharma Abstract This research papers present the design and analysis of a 1.4GHz-1.8GHz L-band voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) based wireless communication system. The oscillator providing a center frequency of 1.722 GHz and is implemented in PCB (printed circuit board). The VCO consumes 3.3V supply voltage. A tuning range of 400MHz (1.4GHz-1.8GHz) with maximum control voltage of 3.3V can be achieved. And the phase noise is -127.84 dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset from the center oscillator frequency. Output power of VCO -26dBm at 1.722 GHz. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-444 |
35 | Design of Microcontroller Based Smart Antenna Testbed System Samriti Kalia Abstract Wireless communication is one of the most rapidly growing and challenging industry. The increasing growth of wireless subscribers means requirement for more bandwidth and increase in interference. Presently, one of the most effective and promising technique for improving the wireless systems is the smart antennas. This paper deals with the working of smart antenna, its types and various advantages that enhances the capabilities of the mobile and cellular system such as faster bit rate, space division multiple access(SDMA), multiuser interference, increase in range and so on. This paper also describes the basic principle of algorithms that are required for detecting direction of arrival and beamforming in the antenna pattern. As of now no testbed system for smart antenna has been developed for the labs in India and smart antenna systems used by service providers are not accessible for development work. Hence a microcontroller based smart antenna testbed system is proposed in this paper that can be used in laboratories for determining direction of arrival of incoming signal and testing of various algorithms. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-445 |
36 | “ Power Stage and Controller Design for Synchronous Buck Converter Using P-Spice” Vishal Mehta, Arvind Rajput Abstract Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPSs) are needed to convert electrical energy from one form to another. SMPSs are widely used in DC/DC conversions, where the input is a DC. voltage that can be, for example, a battery or fuel cell voltage. In such power conversions, DC/DC converters operate at relatively high switching frequencies, and this enables the use of small inductive components which improve the dynamic behaviour and reduce the size of the converter. Set of Pspice –Compatible equations for designing Buck converter is described in this paper. In this paper power stage parameters are calculated and we use orcad capture for design and simulation is done in p spice/cadence with the help of Analog behavioral Modeling. With the obtained parameters Transient analysis is done and Frequency response is determined. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-446 |
37 | Message Pulse Rate – Health Alarm C. Kavitha, K. Narendra Swaroop Abstract The primary goal of the Concept ‘Message Pulse Rate (MPR)’ is to raise a health alarm before a critical situation is developed. In human diagnoses, pulse rate is the first parameter which will indicate the condition of health. Based upon the condition, any diagnostic process will be taken up. In a scenario where a person at a remote place needs to be closely monitored or immediate attention needed, this concept of MPR gives the required attention for the needed situation. MPR’s main functional objective is to monitor continuously a person’s pulse rate and when the caution zone is breached, we can message the details to registered GSM/ GPRP number via SMS provision. This Paper describes the design of an embedded system by which the concept of ‘MPR’ can be implemented to achieve ability to raise a health alarm in a critical scenario. Piezo sensor is used as the primary device to implement this concept with regular embedded circuit devices i.e. Microcontroller, ADC, Switches, LED’s, GSM and Memory card readers. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-447 |
38 | The Automated Public Transportation Management Services based on Integration of GPS-GSM Prasanthi Boyina, R. Ramavara Prasad, N. V. G. Prasad Abstract A novel solution for enhancing public transportation management services based on the integration of GPS and GSM has been presented in this paper. The Base Station, In-bus and Bus stop are the three subsystems of public transportation management system. This public transportation management system has the ability to locate a specific bus in real time to know the position and status. The GPS receiver module provides the accurate information of the location of buses. The system provides the user with current location information of desired buses along with time of reach to user’s specified bus stops. This system efficiently provides alarming alerts like ‘Bus Deviated’, ‘Bus is Late’ and ‘Stoppage’. An automatic route guider display can be installed in buses for an alternative route in case of serious road congestions. A perstop statistical analysis is carried out based on the number of passengers .Every bus location information is used for Google map for visualization. The results have shown that the newly developed system is more useful for the people using public transportation management services automation. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-448 |
39 | Design and Development of High Efficiency Acoustic Array Antenna for Doppler Sodar C. N. Tilak, P. V. Madhav, K. T. Rao, M. P. Rao Abstract The two 8 x 8 array antennae was designed and fabricated, one antenna was made with 40 radiators and another was made with 52 radiators. The characteristics of a uniform planar array antenna of 8×8 size are discussed. The elements of the array are highefficient neodymium MA588 tweeters. The three elements at each corner of the planar array are removed as part of the optimization of the sidelobe levels and the beamwidth of the mainlobe. The normalized far-field radiation pattern and conversion efficiency of the array antenna are measured in an anechoic chamber at three discrete frequencies. A maximum intensity of 88.7 dB is observed at zenith angle at 2 KHz with a beamwidth of 13°. The reverse conversion efficiency 36 percent was measured, the directional response of the antenna also measured. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-449 |
40 | Reduction of LUT Size for Memory Based Multiplication using APC & OMS Techniques Devikalyani Rajulapati, P. Sivadurga Rao, N. V. G. Prasad Abstract LUT stands for Look up table and is used in multiplier as memory for its computations. In this paper , we show that the look up table multiplier (LUT) based approach where the memory elements store all the possible values of products of the filter coefficient and could be area efficient. APC and OMS are the two techniques used to design LUT. Anti –symmetric product coding (APC) scheme is proposed to reduce the LUT size by a factor of two, where the LUT output is added with or subtracted from a fixed value.The APC technique combined with the OMS(Odd Multiple Storage) technique, the two’s complement operations could be very much simplified, provides LUT reduction to 1/4th of conventional LUT. The proposed optimized LUT multiplier is found to involve less area and less multiplication time than the existing LUT multipliers. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-450 |
41 | Sustainable Energy Efficiency in ICT: Role of PV Cells Amit Kumar, Tanvir Singh, Satnam Singh, Dr. Sawtantar Singh |
IJECT/33/2/ A-451 |
42 | A Review on broadband Microstrip Antennas L. Lolit Kumar Singh Abstract One of the disadvantages of conventional microstrip patches is narrow band in nature in spite of its various advantages. However, there are many present day applications where there is a requirement of broadband. This limitation of bandwidth had been overcome up to some extend by various design of microstrip antenna. In this paper the review on the various design of broadband microstrip antennas are presented which are reported on literatures. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-452 |
43 | Design & Implementation of 32-Bit ECO MIPS Processor with Sharch Architecture Sekhar Babu Kurma, M. S. Madhan Mohan, Dr. N. Murthy Sharma Abstract This paper deals with the implementation of the 32-bit ECO MIPS (Microcomputer without Interlocking Pipelining Stages) processor with SHARC (Super Harvard Architecture) processor. The designed MIPS has approximately 50 instructions and consists of 32-bit ALU, 6 level Pipeline stages, 16-bit X 16-bit parallel multiplier, few addressing modes, 32 auxiliary registers. The VHSIC HDL coded synthesizable RTL code of the DSP core has a complexity of approximately 80,670 in the two input NAND gates. MIPS is load/store architecture. This meaning that all operations are performed on operands held in the processor registers and the main memory can only be accessed through the load and store instructions. Arithmetic instructions or R-type includes ALU Immediate and shift instructions. The J-type instructions are used for jump instructions. Branch instructions are I-type instructions which use the addition of an offset value from the current address in the address/immediate field along with the program counter (PC) to compute the branch target address; this is considered PC-relative addressing. We verified the functions of the MIPS processor by simulating its instruction types i.e., R-type, I-type, J-type. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-453 |
44 | Modeling of Micromachined Piezoelectric Stack Actuation Insulin Micropump K. Ganesan, Dr. V. Palanisamy, Dr. S. N. Sivanandam, Dr. R. M. S. Parvathi Abstract In this research paper, the design and fabrication of a multi- material high-performance micropump is presented. The micropumps are fabricated using MEMS fabrication techniques, comprised of silicon and Pyrex micromachining and bonding. Manufacturing steps such as three small bulk cylindrical piezoelectric material elements that are integrated with micro-fabricated Silicon-On- Insulator (SOI) and glass micromachined substrates using eutectic bonding and anodic bonding processes were successfully realized and provide a robust and scalable production technique for the micro pump. Non-linear stress modeling tools characterizing the structural deformations of the microdroplet ejector pistons and tethers, and fluid-flow modeling tools characterizing the vacuum generation and pumping rates were developed. A systematic design procedure based on these tools enabled the design and prediction of different valve and pump layouts to satisfy the stress limitations, and flow and power consumption requirements. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-454 |
45 | A Review on Design of Multiband Microstrip Antennas L. Lolit Kumar Singh Abstract A multiple band microstrip patch antenna has tremendous application in present wireless communication scenario. Multiband microstrip patch antennas can be realized by defining different structure on the patch. In this paper the review on the various design of multiband microstrip antennas are presented which are reported on literatures. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-455 |
46 | Minimum Power Adaptation Transmission of Images Over Wireless Channels using Binary Phase Shift Keying Modulation M. Padmaja, Dr. P. Satyanarayana, K. Prasuna Abstract In this Paper, Power is controlled by reducing the error in the data while transmission is carried .This transmission takes place by bits. The proposed algorithm was based on updating the amount of power transmitted for each bit according to its importance in the image quality as measured by the mean-square error.The proposed algorithm is used to find the optimum power distribution such that the MSE is minimized subject to the constraints that the power per bit is kept constant considering Eb/No to be constant at each bit. The above optimization is done for RMSE regardless of the average probability of bit error and the PAPR is kept below a certain limit. Minimum Power Adaptation Algorithm shows better performance compared to the case of Conventional power allocation while reducing the peak-to-average ratio. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-456 |
47 | Analysis of Non Return to Zero (NRZ) System in FSO Communication Manjot Singh, Kawal Preet Singh Abstract Free Space Optics (FSO) is a very fast and reliable endorsement to radio links using light to transmit data. Free-space optical offers license free, secure communications over a line-of-sight link. It can be operated in a point-to-point mode to interconnect two locations or also in a point-to-multipoint mode for broadcasting. In this paper, we have analyzed the performance of the non return to zero (NRZ) system in FSO communication. We have analyzed by simulating the system with different parameters like attenuation, power, rain etc. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-457 |
48 | Energy Economics Study in Textile Industry Through Cogeneration Technique M. Gohul, A. Mohamed Syed Ali, T. G. Raju, M. R. Saravanan, Dr. A. Pasupathy Abstract A vast majority of the Asian countries has yet to tap the existing cogeneration potential to the maximum. Considering the rapid industrial growth in many parts of the region, one would expect many more new process industries and commercial buildings to be added to the existing stock within a short span of time[1]. These investments can be even better managed if the concept of cogeneration is well understood by the developers and investors. Owners of existing as well as new industries and commercial buildings will benefit from these schemes by having access to low-cost and more reliable energy supplies. Moreover, it will help them to conserve their capital that would otherwise have been required for on-site energy facilities; the saved resources and capital can be ploughed into their core business for improving their profit margin and competitiveness. This paper deals with an energy economic analysis in textile industry using conventional system and cogeneration system. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-458 |
49 | Design and Analysis of Linearly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna Khushbu Goel Abstract The first choice for telecommun-ication engineers is microstrip patch antenna because of its various important features like low weight , low volume and cheap.A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide-beam antenna. An advantage inherent to patch antennas is the ability to have polarization diversity. Patch antennas can easily be designed to have vertical, horizontal, Right Hand Circular (RHCP) or Left Hand Circular (LHCP) polarizations, using multiple feed points, or a single feedpoint with asymmetric patch structures. [2] This unique property allows patch antennas to be used in many types of communications links that may have varied requirements. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-459 |
50 | PAPR Reduction for OFDM Signal Using PTS and SLM Techniques Parveen Verma, Deepak Kedia Abstract Orthogonal Frequency- Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a popular technique for achieving high-bit-rate wireless data transmission. A major disadvantage of orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (OFDM) is the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmitted signal. Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) and selective mapping (SLM) can improve the PAPR statistics of OFDM signal. In PTS technique, the data block to be transmitted is divided into disjoint subblocks. Each subblock is multiplied by the phase sequence and calculates the combined PAPR for each phase sequence and selects the lowest PAPR sequence for transmission. The minimum In the SLM technique, the data block to be transmitted is converted into parallel sequence and each sequence is multiplied by the different phase sequence and selects the lowest PAPR sequence for transmission. SLM technique is more suitable if the system can tolerate more redundant information and PTS is more suitable if first consideration is complexity. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-460 |
51 | Performance Analysis of Hybrid Technique for Image Compression Savita, Sanjeev Dhull Abstract Performance of the digital systems can be improved by image compression which is reducing time and cost in image storage and transmission without significant reduction of the image quality. Image data comprise a significant portion of the multimedia data and they occupy the lion’s share of the communication bandwidth for multimedia communication. As a result, development of efficient image compression techniques continues to be an important challenge to us, both in academia and in industry. In this paper, image compression algorithm is based on Hybrid of lossy and lossless technique. We use FRFT technique which is a lossy technique of image compression and thereafter use Huffman coding which is a type of lossless technique of image compression. The method applied on different types of images and results show a better performance in terms of peak-signal to noise ratio as compared to individual techniques. A software algorithm is developed and implemented to compress and decompress the image in a MATLAB platform. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-461 |
52 | An Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Wavelet Analysis Manisha Punia Abstract Face recognition task has been in research in recent years. Illumination conditions alter the appearance of the face images and hence, affect the performance of the system. This paper presents a face recognition system which has been developed using neural networks. To normalize the effect of illumination on the images, discrete wavelet transform method has been used. This method describes the image both in time and frequency domain simultaneously. Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) enhances the contrast and edges of the images. Result shows the improvement in the recognition rate with the use of DWT. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-462 |
53 | Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networksand Attacks on Specific Sensor Network Protocols Jayavarapu Karthik, Nagalatha Yannam, Naga Anusha Kotha Abstract we consider routing security in wireless sensor networks. Many sensor network routing protocols have been proposed, but none of them have been designed with security as a goal. We propose security goals for routing in sensor networks, show how attacks against ad-hoc and peer-to-peer networks can be adapted into powerful attacks against sensor networks, introduce two classes of novel attacks against sensor networks sinkholes and HELLO floods, and analyze the security of the entire major sensor network routing protocols. We describe crippling attacks against all of them and suggest countermeasures and design considerations. This is the first such analysis of secure Routing in sensor networks. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-463 |
54 | Comparison and Performance Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Protocols LEACH and LEACH-C using NS-2 Tool Vishal P. Tank, Tanmay V. Vyas, Divyang D. Shah, Sandip B. Chotaliya Abstract This paper presents a new version of LEACH protocol called LEACH-C which aims to case studies on micro sensor networks. That study develops LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), an architecture for remote micro sensor networks that combines the ideas of energy efficient cluster-based routing and media access together with application special data aggregation to achieve good performance in terms of system lifetime, latency, and application perceived quality. This approach improves system lifetime by an order of magnitude compared to general-purpose approaches when the node energy is limited. We evaluate both LEACH and LEACH-C through extensive simulations using NS-2 Simulator which shows that LEACH-C performs better than LEACH protocol. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-464 |
55 | Investigations on Size Reduction and Bandwidth Enhancement of Slot Loaded Square Patch Frequency Selective Surfaces Ranjana Ray, Manisha Kahar, Debasree Sarkar, Partha Pratim Sarkar Abstract In this paper, Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) comprising of a two dimensional array of square patches with two types of slots have been designed. In the first design efforts have been given to reduce the size of the FSS. Size reduction achieved here is up to 68%. The latter design reveals a significant improvement in the bandwidth. The bandwidth percentage is approximately 60%. The proposed designs have been investigated theoretically using ANSOFT® software. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-465 |
56 | Segmentation & Parameter Extraction of PCG Signal using envelope GRAM Asit Kumar Mishra, R. M. Potdar, Gyanaprava Mishra Abstract Heart sound auscultation is a fundamental component in cardiac diagnosis and highly depends on the skills and experience of the listener. The method of envelop extraction of cardiac signals and calculation of different parameters well suited for the diagnosis of pathological condition of human heart. This work presents a novel method for automatic detection and identification of heart sounds. It is hoped that the results of this analysis may prove valuable in themselves as a diagnostic aid, and as input to more |
IJECT/33/2/ A-466 |
57 | Speckle Noise Reduction using Wavelet Thresholding from Ultrasound Images Poonam, Nafeesh Ahmed Abstract Many clinicians regard speckle noise as an undesirable difficulty in ultrasound images masking the underlying pathology within a patient. Speckle noise reduction for medical ultrasound images represents a critical pre-processing step, providing clinicians with improved diagnostic ability. Efficient speckle noise removal techniques may also find applications in real time surgical guidance assemblies. In this paper a new method is proposed to reduce speckle noise in ultrasound image. The proposed method is the improver BayesShrink which presents the result of changing the median filter and applying that filter on to the wavelets to observe the change in the PSNR ratio. The BayesShrink method has been attracting attention recently as an algorithm for setting different thresholds for every sub band. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-467 |
58 | Optimization Tool for Speech Recognition using LPC Technic & DSK TMS3206711/13 Kadam V. K, R. C. Thool Abstract Here we implement a speech compression technique known as Linear Prediction Coding (LPC) using DSP System Toolbox from Mat lab functionality available at the MATLAB command line. In this system we uses the Levinson-Durbin and Time-Varying Lattice Filter blocks for low-bandwidth transmission of speech using linear predictive coding. At present, VBEC automatic determination only considers the optimum topology for training data, and does not consider the effects of the decoding condition on the optimality (e.g., mixture and state pruning process and the search parameter dependence in decoding) for the optimum model topology. We need further study on the superiority from a practical point of view. In future work, I would like to extend the model determination taking the decoding process into consideration, for example, by reflecting the effect of the decoding strategy of the mixture or state pruning process in the objective function of our optimized tool for speech recognition. We have further focus on how to optimize the optimum area as shown in following fig1. considering the decoding process. This can be achieved by LPC Technic as shown below. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-468 |
59 | Minimum Power and Reduced Area Carry Select Adder M. Srinivasa Rao, B. Umasankar, C. Ravi Abstract A combinational circuit that performs the addition of two binary numbers is called an adder. Carry Select adder is a logic element that computes (n+1) – bit sum of two n-bit numbers. Carry Select Adder is one of the fastest adders used in many data processing processors to perform fast arithmetic functions. The Carry-Select adder generally consists of two ripple carry adders and a multiplexer. The number of bits in each carry select block can be uniform or variable. From the Structure of CSLA it is clear that there is scope for reducing the area and power consumption in the CSLA. It uses simple and gate level modification to significantly reduce the area and power of the CSLA. Based on this modification 8, 16, 32, 64-bit square root CSLA (SQRTCSLA) architecture has been developed compared with the regular SQRT CSLA architecture. The proposed design has reduced area and power as compared with the regular SQRT CSLA with only a slight increase in the delay. The analysis evaluates the performance of the modified design in terms of the delay, area, power and their products by hand with logical effort and through custom design and layout in 0.18μm CMOS process technology. The result analysis shows that the propped CSLA architecture is better than the regular CSLA. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-469 |
60 | Performance Analysis of MFCC and LPCC Techniques in Automatic Speech Recognition Roma, Sanjeev Dhull Abstract Speech recognition has been an integral part of human life acting as one of the five senses of human body, because of which application developed on the basis of speech recognition, has high degree of acceptance. The computing algorithms of speech features, being the main part of speech recognition system, are analyzed. From this point of view, the determination algorithms of Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients expressing the basic speech features are developed.. The training and recognition processes are realized in both subsystems separately, and recognition system gets the |
IJECT/33/2/ A-470 |
61 | Effects of Mobile Radiation on Humans: A Study Pertaining Cardiovascular Diseases, Skin Problems and Brain Tumor Divya Khurana, Swati Behl, Amit Kumar, Dr. Yunfei Liu Abstract Cell phones firstly became available in U.S. but there use is spread all over the world now. Cell phone radiates all over the day when it is “ON” whether we use it for making call or not. Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation (RFR), a form of energy between 10 KHz-300 GHz in the electromagnetic spectrum, is used in wireless communication and emitted from antennae of mobile telephones (hands) and from cellular masts. RFR can penetrate into organic tissues and be absorbed and converted into heat. In his paper, we have discussed how the radiations used by mobile phones can cause health hazards like cardiovascular diseases, skin problems and brain tumor in humans. Also, we have discussed the possible safety precautions which can be taken to avoid the health problems to occur. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-471 |
62 | Wireless Technologies and their Radiation Hazards: A Practical Observation Amit Kumar, Vasishath Kaushal, Tanvir Singh, Dr. Sawtantar Singh Khurmi |
IJECT/33/2/ A-472 |
63 | Effects of Mobile Radiations on Human DNA and Pregnant Women Divya Khurana, Ikshu Sharma, Amit Kumar, Dr. Yunfei Liu Abstract Continuous exposure to radiations from Cell phone towers can cause serious health problems over the years. Microwave radiation effects are classified as – thermal and non-thermal. The current exposure safety standards are mainly based on the thermal effects, which are inadequate. Measurements have been carried out at various places near the cell towers and it has been found that the radiation levels are very high. This paper reviews various experimental studies, which show significant biological effects of Radiation. The area that has been the main focus is that cell phone EMF can damage DNA which can further lead to cancer. Also, effect of cell phones on pregnant women & her fetus has been studied. Mobile phone radiation exposure in the womb can affect the brain development of offspring and potentially lead to behavioral disorders such as hyperactivity and reduced memory capacity and can even lead to In-Utero Cancer. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-473 |
64 | Effect of Radiations from Mobiles and Base Stations on Human Brain Mohit Kaushal, Amit Kumar, Yunfei Liu Abstract Cell phone technology has revolutionized the telecommunication scenario around the globe, but the seriousness of the health hazards due to radiation from the cell phones and cell towers has not been realized yet. Various studies indicate that the emissions from cell phones and from base stations can be extremely harmful, causing genetic damage, tumours, memory loss, increased blood pressure and weakening of the immune system. In this paper, we have reviewed the effects of radiations from mobile Base stations/ towers and mobile phones on human brain. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-474 |
65 | Effects of Electro Magnetic Radiations (EMRs) from Mobile Phones and Mobile Towers on Animals and Birds Karanpreet Kaur, Amardeep Kaur, Kamalpreet Kaur, Amit Kumar, Dr. Yunfei Liu Abstract Today, India is one of the fastest growing mobile telephony industries in the world. The unprecedented increase in teledensity and sharp decline in tariffs in the Indian telecom sector have contributed significantly to the country’s economic growth. Hence, with the increase in cell towers, the problem of high radiation rate is increasing day by day. These problems are not only limited to humans but they also have adverse affects on wildlife and environment. In this paper, we have tried to enlighten the current knowledge and provide sufficient evidences of serious effects from this telephony to wildlife. |
IJECT/33/2/ A-475 |